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When did we all start walking backwards
When did we stop listening for the truth
Was it before or was it afterwards
Crazy was set on cruise

It wasn't like this in the beginning
Does this mean we're nearing the end
Is this how Satan makes his living
Throwing blinders over the minds of men

Have we been played for a song off key
To the tune of hold on tight
I remember when wrong used to be so lonely
Now lonely has a hold of right

Crazy now comes in different flavors
One for each day of the week
Twice on Saturdays to share with the neighbors
Cartoon crazy at it's peak

Yet to some this all seems normal
Where right is wrong and wrong is right
Which makes me think we're headed for trouble
All loose change without any dimes

Humming along to a song off key
To the tune of hold on tight
I remember when wrong used to be so lonely
Now lonely has a hold of right
Not to take away from the point of the poem but the last part about the dimes is interesting. Google: Why do I keep finding dimes everywhere.
I find dimes so often I looked it up...very strange.
 Jan 2017 brandon nagley
Carved from rock and water
we learned to dance
like the stars we shine
flamed footsteps into the Earth
every bush is burning
each breath a furnace
every love a flame.

Carved from rock and water
we dance across the sky
and like stars we shine
flamed footsteps into the night
every bush is burning
each breath a furnace
every love a flame.
 Jan 2017 brandon nagley
Sometimes at night

asleep by the firelight

I dream about them

how they died

some are singing

and others saying what

they no longer see

walking fencelines

limping as if in pain

some of them handsome

and some mysterious

silent but not

for long they tell you

men scarcely know

how beautiful fire is

and old stories

they can't remember

unless you can

still look them in the eye.
I watch the water
beam from the sun
and that is what you call
making love
The Earth is the greatest poet I know.
I pluck at her expression
every so often
merely attempting
to translate her lyrics
into something,
just something
we can all feel and understand
My salutes to you, Earth.
"I think therefore I am"
not this man who I see
whilst having my tea,

the bathroom mirror mimics me
and yet if I don't look
I won't cross the lines that meet
in crows feet.

Head's full of cotton wool today
and as if to say, I told you so,
cotton buds blossom
between each toe.

This cannot be real.

I watch as the faces
congeal and
set into one,
if I am
then it goes on too

Saturday mirrors me blue.

The wake up call
bells ring

It'll clear
and as I peer again
it has.

I still look the same
but different.
 Jan 2017 brandon nagley
blank space, open sky
or dotted with tiny flames, far lights  
millions of miles away.

the grass a soft, sturdy cradle
beneath your tender joints.
the sea sighs, breathing gentle
drawn warmth, dancing
across your skin.
the lullaby she sings so sweet,
a mild hum and crash,
never missing a beat.
rhythm bringing sand
to your heavy eyes,

so, rest my dear

in paradise
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