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David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
Thomas W Case
56/M/Clear Lake My book, Seedy Town Blues is on Amazon
Shubhankar Mathur
25/M/India    You just gotta keep livin’ man, L-I-V-I-N.
Richard Smith
47/M    Married with 5 children and 3 grandchildren British Army veteran of 24 years
Seranaea Jones
Michael W Noland
Seattle    It is all true
Trevor Stuart
Michigan    I like to rap and do spoken word poetry.
Peyton Walker
the heart carries unnecessary weight
Megha Chakraborty
Mumbai    Love. Passion. Expression. Music. Creation. Contemplation. ... Words I live by.
Ashley Rodden
32/F/Missouri    Writing is my way of expressing the clutter in my mind. © Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
Ilona Inezita
Running back and forth between expectations of reality, and fantasies of the impossible.
Speak fondly.
Adam Carraway
Don’t ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.
Beryl Starkovic
Sam WG
England    Hello
Guwahati,India    Married, with wife and a daughter. Tribal study, nature and environment, livelihood security of tribal are the preferred area of activity.
Philippines    rainy days, haiku, poems about love
Manda Clement
I am new to poetry and am trying my hand at various types. I hope you like what I have done so far. Pictured: Me …
England    Cover photo taken in Cambridge.
Nanna Harrow Haley Y
NoplacewhereIbelong    What's it like inside your mind? What's your story? :) Sorry I haven't written for a while. ^-^
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