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bluevelvet Jul 2017
You're off having fun

And I'm watching you enjoy

Every new sun and it feels like

I maybe never even existed to you
And I could go have fun too but im weighed down with my lifes burdens and my familys too and I don't have any clue what to do because I've never felt so alone and all I have is just...this and it's just a phantom feeling because you're gone and you're living life and im down here, frozen like i never crossed your mind and maybe that's fair and i just want to dig deep so i can not only remember how you wiped my face with your thumb but the way your skin felt on my face because that's what i need right now and it's never gonna be what i feel again
bluevelvet Jul 2017
In the corner,

                                     Out of view

           Don't let me see

                      What you choose

       That's far better than me

           And everything I can never

                        Pretend to be
bluevelvet May 2017
up                       to      
me                      watch      
built                   me    


bluevelvet Jun 2017
My fingers are numb
**** on my chewed raw thumb
Let it take over my tongue
Breath it into your hollow lungs

Rub it into my eyes
Scream out from blurred lines
And it's a repeat of times
Just to cover up lifeless lies

No longer search for a name
It's a bittersweet taste of fame
And there's demons to be tamed
But too busy dreaming of sane

Every new wall yells of old desire
I used to be made of fire
Every new soul reeks of liar
I used to be a fire
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Orange you glad to see me
Isn't the start

It goes back to school buses
And unbreakable trust

It's how you lost the one
That hugged strangers,
Told them you cared about them

The church camp and
Mean people with nothing
Better to do

It's a dwindled fire,
But it's still inside of you

He drove past me
Like I was nothing

Couldn't even be yourself
But here I am.

I am messy,
A burden too everyone
But I am kind
Too much sassy
With a touch of tenderness

A liar
But a dreamer

I used to be mine
And you could have loved me,
Could have cared

But I'll get drunk and womder
Where you are
And your friend that's strictly friends
Can judge me

But you lied too
bluevelvet May 2017
What does it
feel like to be
the perfect shape
to have set,
cradled in your
Head on shoulder,
hand on lower
Would the
colorful lights
hung up high
be the thing
to glisten in
your eyes?
Or would it
have been me
and all the
endless possibilities?
Like summer's
playing in the sun,
me calling
after your favorite
Like holding hands,
stroling in the sand?
Like sitting on
the tops of flat-roofed
would you have been
the one I counted
stars with?
Laying there
on that blanket,
life would be
\vel·ve·teen\ n. an imitation
bluevelvet May 2017
you're good at
what you do
you sit and
listen for weaknesses
you're a judgmental
user who likes
to form their
very own lies
you act like
you are better
than everyone but
in all reality
you're the lowest
of all lows
but dont worry
who you are
has nothing on
my past so
you can try
and bring me
down but yet
i will always

stop being paranoid.
bluevelvet May 2017
Under constant grey,
imagine laughter and running free.
Curly hair, vanilla twilight.
He was always there,
even the worst of nights.

Big bug eyed,
he could see through the
'it's okay' lies.

Soft hands, smooth face.
The crook of his neck,
tranquility and blissful peace.

He's a constant reminder,
learn to love life and its flow,
take everything in slow.

He's a remedy,
the kind for even the most broken of souls.

He's the wind, he's the rain.
He's the snow on all of my bones,
he's the place known as an old home.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
I will take these bones

   And make them something new

I will take this wild mind

                     And learn a new view

I will take this soul

           And cleans it to white gold

I will take this heart

           And teach it to be bold

I will take this hurt

         And learn from my mistakes

I will take these sunken eyes

      And find beauty in everything

Burn my skin and torch my hair,

My kind of love was never fair

I met a maker of the purist kind,

He taught me compassion in time

The lessons were forgotten,

The holy was unbegotten

In this forcing and changing line

So I take this life as mine,

It's never felt so bright in the shine

And things change,

People do too

I wish I could have stayed true

But this feeling is the deepest blue

In the way we were two of the few

He is far away enjoying life too much,

Wish I could've given him that rush

But there's only thin air to touch

And he doesn't read what I write

To see if what I feel is right

But every day and every night

I find a way to remember his light

Take these moments to live a life bright
Learn a new way to be true,

I will wait for you

No matter what you do,

I will always wait for you
bluevelvet May 2017
I remember the first guy
that I had ever wanted
to make me into art
with his finger tips

He was annoying and loud
nasty and grungy
He was somewhat disrespectful
to my dad
and that fuiled a fire of desire
so roaring and blue
that even one touch
would have consumed every inch
of every city and meadow inside him

He was a skater
with a mohawk to boat
A hot gothic style
HeHe'd lift his shirt to wipe
sweat off his forehead
Revealing his happy trail and
that special v
Sitting on the concrete floor
even the coolness from it
couldn't even calm my heat
at that moment

He was a few years older
smoking cigarettes in the back
He'd only pay me mind
when I tried acting offended
by his rude behavior
He'd laugh when I got flustered
and go back to his cool friends

And I went back to
the good godly girl
I would've ditched to partake
in his afterglow
I haven't seen him in some years. I don't even remember his name. I just seen a car that reminded me of his stepmoms.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
It was time to go,

                  She's impatient but

      I'm obligated to love her for

This life that allowed me to once

             Know of who you w e r e

  I'm not one for physical contact,

             I'm sure s o m e o n e ( s ) ,

           s o m e w h e r e

               could easily confirm this

As still relevant for  t o d a y

        But you are  h e r e , but

                you really are not

     Because you are g o n e

           And I have moisture on my

L e s s. t h a n  p e r f e c t  f a c e

           But I'm in a hurry this time

              To wipe it off without the

   Urgency to not make her mad

Because she is wild and she is

        ******* i n g  c r a z y  but

She is beautiful in the way

          When s he finds something,

    When s he finds some o n e

                 That made her feel a

Fraction of what she wanted

        Them to feel,

             She will love them until

    Her breathing stops

                  And all t h e s e

   Dreams are turned to stars

        That will help the few that

            Will  m a g i c a l l y  meet

     Keep hope and never, e v e r

                Let them slip through

     Their fingers

        And so you're  g o i n g  but

         There is no one rushing you

          I  d o n ' t  have the strength

   To do what you

o n c e  u p o n  a  t i m e  did

            But I will stand h e r e

If you decide to come back

   Ignoring my c r i e s this time to

         P l e a s e

                  D o n ' t

                           G o . . .

But you're g o n e

             And still,

I  h o l d  o n
You were a sneaky *** for doing it that quick but I love you for doing that. Thanks for whoever reminded me. Whoever you are now. Or whoever has what i wrote down to not forget. I was sometimes bitter then too but this time im just bitter at myself because i hurt you and ruined everything and slightly bitter at you because if the tables were turned i'd still be the one crying every day because i remember how special it was supposed to have been. But not everyone forgives and I've never hated myself this much for my words and actions ruining everything, it's never been this painful.

My face was shocked and blushing, mouth wide and eyes nearly popping out and she yelled my name as i yelled yours while you jogged away and you turned around and asked 'what?' and i can't remember what i said but now i wish i had said something else instead and i got in the car and i wore the biggest freaking smile on my face
bluevelvet May 2017
Are you not
gonna stick around?
Come back.
Sit down.
Let's chat.
that you like
to accuse me of
everything that was
Now you can
sing me one of those
made up songs.
You know,
the one's about me
doing you so wrong.
they know your
side of the story
do they know the
whole thing in all it's
It's okay,
You can take your time.
You don't have
to ask any questions.
And I won't explain why
your eye for an eye
is to be looked at and treated
any differently to mine.
bluevelvet May 2017
Now that it's passed
tell me,
how did it feel to hear those words?
Would I have been broken and turned ugly from heartbreak still? Where would we be? Who would you be?
bluevelvet Jul 2017
You filled me with
All of this emotion and wonder
And I let it all slip away
To the back of my mind
Where my regrets love to play
And then you brought them back
And they're here to stay
You filled me with wonder,
You filled me with innocence
And now it's something
I'll put into my every day
I'm writing this because
These are the words you no longer
Wish to hear me say
bluevelvet May 2017
It is about choice.
You have the
ability to choose
how life shapes you.
I am not the same anymore.
I change,
I rebuild,
There is coincidence.
Going somewhere instead
of another place and
somehow meeting
someone that
changes your life forever.
There is decisions.
You decide to
find him,
you decide to finally see him.
You decide you both
deserve something up close.
But there is no fate.
There is no magical hand
somewhere in the sky,
moving us around and playing
a nice game of chess.
I hope you learn that one day.
I hope you are the one
to control your heart.
I hope you understand
everything you deserve.
Life doesn't wait,
it's not fate.
It's your choices,
your actions,
your decisions.
It's your heart and
it's everything that will
always matter.
You deserve to know your life is wonderful the way it is.
You deserve everything that I will never have the chance to give you.
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Have you ever felt alone?
The bare minimum isn't enough?
Like you're breathing for no special reason?
Do you take what you can get?
Do you shut up with the fear of losing it all?
Have you lied to pretend that it truly is whatever?
Like you aren't surprised by the outcome?
I have.
I feel like this everyday.
I am tired,
I am exhausted.
That's why I'm a ****.
Today isn't yesterday,
Or four years ago,
Six years ago,
Eight, nine, ten,
Eleven years ago.
Today is today and you may think I don't deserve respect
Which is why I'm a ****.
Confuse who I am today for a dumb *******,
I'll be the biggest **** you have ever met.
But there is someone out there,
Watching and keeping tabs.
Someone that sees I'm drowning,
Dying because I can't handle this on my own.
Where are you?
Who are you?
If you notice someone dying do you watch?
Do you walk away?
Or do you show yourself?
Do you let resentment go and find the good in people?
I am washed ashore,
Dying for air but missing the water that surrounded me.
I am a fish that wants to be loved,
Admired in a tank filled with your love.
Whoever you are,
I need you.
I've needed people and things before,
Most of my life I have depended on these things
To make it through,
To make it matter in anyway.
Now I need it to live,
To make it seem worthwhile.
bluevelvet May 2017
Times like this
is when I question if
you would have been there,
if you would have held me,
rocked me and dried my tears.
I search for tough
with a gentle soul,
but I get nothing to what I
need or want.
Does this make me selfish?
Being the person who tries
so hard and never gives up?
Years later and I can't help
but to wonder with tears I refuse
to spill,
would you have given up on me?
Would you have thought
that I was enough?
With my head a mess,
soul a thousand years old,
body a complete wreck.
Would you have already left?
bluevelvet Jun 2017

I'm not much for goodbye's
And given the physical difference
I'd never dare look you in the eye
It may not be much,
Down right stupid
But here's a little something
To remember me by

Because I'm pretty sure I will never see you again.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
You like to play illiterate
But really
You're just inconsiderate.

You like to mistake time
Like the way
You like to mistake fine

What hurt you the most
The world you loved
Or everything you lost
E. Grant
bluevelvet Oct 2017
I remember that picture so clearly.
So why does it matter?
Why does anything matter?
Wouldn't it be great if you could just...
Cut your flesh and dig around to see what you're made of?
To feel the muscles and blood and tendons between your finger tips?
Or to take a bottle of pills and see the light before tasting the depressing feel of a stomach pumped?
Or to lay halfway out of an upside down, burning car? Near death and wishing for a sweet relief.

When do I get that sweet relief?

Without being a coward.

When do I find the one to let me touch the slivering of scales against my skin without being afraid?
To let my body be enough?
When do I get to laugh and carry on without caring about anyone else in the world?
I want to taste the freedom.
To feel it pull me in and cradle me like a soft child.
To tell me that I haven't been enough for others until this moment.
Where I am more than enough and so much more to look forward to.
When is it my turn to be enough for someone
that is so much more than enough
For me?
bluevelvet May 2017
life is fun
until you're on the run

from the demons that make guns
out of the words

that once made you feel as light as a feather

on the birds
that he prefers

over you.
bluevelvet Jul 2017
She'd build flowers and paint pictures
To remind you that she's still there,
Deep inside where you both reside now
She'd punch through all your walls
Until her skin was gone and the meat
Was tethered to show the blinding white
Of her still trying bones
She'd take her eyes out so you could see
Just how far you've made her go to remember how to breathe
And how important and the center you've become
And when she'd sweat and curse,
Feel like she isn't worth your love,
You'd dab the sweat off her forehead
And hold her tight to soak up the pain
That would shake into your vertebrate
That's made out of armor and would end their life
Because you'd never want her to spend another sleepless night
bluevelvet Nov 2017
Does that only apply to me


Do you not understand

Everything has repercussions?

Give me what you think,

You'll get yours.
bluevelvet Jun 2017

And just like that
Wreckage laid in flat
Fate and coincidence align
And now it's just a pastime
Until the final line
bluevelvet Jun 2017
Burnt orange sparks
Dance in the dead of dark
They're twirling and they turn
They will all slowly die from
Their eternal damning burn
And no matter what will come
Their deathly kiss
Will be ultimately met with
Your shaking finger tips
A fast moving fist
To your numbing lips

You get lost in the radio abyss
Your feet beat without a miss
You realize you haven't ate today
Don't listen to the constant pain
Your empty stomach will say
You've made your bed to be lain
You can go so much longer
You want to pull your hair
But you don't need a finger
Hunger is only fair

You'll be beautiful enough someday
The price is a tortured paid
You've come such a long way
The past creeps back in blinding haze

Now you've made a new mess
But you can always put on a new white dress
Everyone gets new pairs of white shoes
You do too if you so choose
bluevelvet Nov 2017
A drawn out decapitation
Of a psychopaths mindset
Brought to life by everyone
They done wrong
It's a beautiful thing
Like he is and that other him
And obviously him and
Whoever you are.
I know you found better,
That's great because everyone has
But if I could take back what I did
I would in a heartbeat.
bluevelvet May 2017

I'm grinding teeth
to feel pain,
like the lies
this pretty mouth
once had made.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I'd come get my things
But my hands are covered
In the smeared black ash
Of my unholy decayed past

These little things,
They bring new sounds
Fill my ungrateful head
With sounds of the dead

And I hope on a stage
My memory no longer fades
And you let it bloom
No longer wilt with doom

Because in every room
I have cleaned them out
Filled them with flowers of you
I hope you have no doubt

No matter where you go,
No matter what you do
There will always be a part of you
And I hope I make you proud too
Lorde is a great inspiration.
No spell check needed,
No pun intended.

Even if you don't miss me, I'll always miss you.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I carry the burden
of always caring
for the ones that wouldn't dare
for the ones that have passed
for the ones not yet
brought to life

My heart has the capacity
to sustain time and decay
And regardless of what people say
my heart is bigger than
my body in every way

I am a survivalist
I make it through every list
and every room has
different views

Packed to the maximum
I still find the knowledge
to out last the best of 'em

I am an old soul
that has survived
even the harshest of cold
in a body that is
made of solid gold

Certain bumps in the night
things stop collecting
over periodic time
No longer feeling of fright

And my guide is built
for endless fights


Just how true have you been
With every word your head spins?
bluevelvet Jul 2017
But this isn't a poem.
It's just the things I wish I could say to you.
A list that I add onto everyday now it seems.
You may not read these,
You may not even believe a single word if you did.
I'm not scared of things anymore.
I honestly don't know what's ahead, all the things the future holds.
I do have fear though.
I think it's only human to fear the unknown.
I hyperventilate when I think about you not being there for it.
I don't know where I'll be in another year or in another 10 years for that matter.
All I do know without a single doubt is that you will stay a part of me then and even after that.
It's a joke to some people that I can love something that I never had.
I just don't know what else to call the feeling of remembering your hands on my face
Or when you kissed my cheek.
I never felt this warm and buzzing sensation with anything else.
I fear the future but I am ready for it because you're in my heart and my head and my soul.
And I hope you know, I hope you feel it that no matter where you go or the person you hold,
Every single thing, every choice, every action, every life event will always come back to that youth camp.
I hope your life is beautiful and with every doubt and every hardship you face,
Just know that there will always be an extra person always, always rooting and cheering you on.
bluevelvet May 2017

I like to go to the back,
point out boys with long hair.
(Reminds me, I need to feed my cat.)
Close to way out of my league,
that ain't gonna stop me.
Cracking a joke about
being ready on my knees,
making it obvious you want me to see.
Third table in the room,
watcha tryin' to do?
Make a joke for the world to read?
But that's fine,
I won't hold onto that rope.
Waste more of your time
and I'll continue to pretend that I'm blind.

— The End —