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  Aug 2014 Invocation
It is not easy
To express
The way I see

A property of matter
And its absence
Can make things easily shatter

Waves and reflections
Without it
Dark is to be mentioned

Through my veins
Rotting and rusting
My wonderful brain

And the lack thereof
Turns my head
To smile at the sun
  Aug 2014 Invocation
Acknowledge fractals.
Infinity can be found,
In all small places.
  Aug 2014 Invocation
The word to describe
The beauty behind your eyes
Has to be stunning
  Aug 2014 Invocation
How easily
Creativity flows

How slowly
Work goes

What are these shoes
Covering my toes
I'm a hippy
Invocation Aug 2014
Fall to your knees
Let me overtake you
The feeling grows
The bitterness flows
Let it overtake you

You don't bring me peace
I'll find it on my own
You're out of luck
Out of time
I grow weary of this
I'm out of patience
You're out of time
Let me overtake you

Astral body, a different plane
It doesn't matter, you'll remember my pain
Scream, ****** and broken, and nobody will care
A taste of your own medicine is what you deserve

I will overtake you
I will learn to break you
A god no longer
Not-so-heavenly father
Trapped in your shell
You will know my hell
A scar to remember me by
A line drawn between your eyes
With my knife

You will never forget this
We will break you
Let the masses
Overtake you
So help me
A prayer for the one who ******* me over
Invocation Aug 2014
two statements,
whose correlations become useless as I sit in my fox den of rainbow fabric and cat shirts and fuzzy blankets and exotic plants

my lava lamp blobs around like my stomach and I crave your mouth more than peanut butter

If concrete you may be, I'd decorate your stone visage with prismatic sidewalk chalk art and many cracks, fauna between

muted may you be, i hum you in my head like a favourite tune I can't deny echoing through my empty skull
I'll keep you, I think. Always in the corner of my brain (same corner i hold the memory of lights on the river, the taste of turkish delight, and my first moment of blinding love.)
Edited: 0248.12.2.2015
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