24/Cisgender Female/United Kingdom
Just a poetess wanting to share my words and change lives. I also love cats, fantasy books and acting. Just for those curious souls I'm …
21/M/there over there
Stories told taking old directions owed to my philosophies bold basis on my personal etiologies... As such my poetry is my life's parenthesis
F/east coast australia
(*please note all of the work i post here is the intellectual property of betterdays and affilliated names and is covered by copywright law.)
13/F/NJ/silently screaming
I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …
Passionate , Artistic , Witchy and Spiritual ...poetry is my passion its where, I find me..I ❤️ invigorating the sense's with nature & music. Norwegian …