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Jacob Christopher
Buffalo, NY    All works ©Jacob Christopher unless noted otherwise. Honestly, if you have to steal my words be my fucking guest; I'll just create more and you …
Edward Coles
26/M/Hat Yai, Thailand    some guy
Bob B
I hadn't really written much poetry before 2014. It quite suddenly became a vehicle for me--and an exciting challenge--to reflect on life and to comment …
phil roberts
M/north-west england    My motto is: I hope to die laughing.......but not today :) Phil Roberts
UnReality    Much Love and Beauty to anyone who looks
J Robert Fallon III
32/M/Texas    "I hope to revive and evoke people's memories, the emotions held closest, in order to speak directly into their ears and connect my words to …
Austin Bauer
Bay City, MI    Follower of Jesus. Married to Brittny. Poet. Songwriter. Twitter: @FreeHaikus & @Abauer1994
Infamous one
Hello friend! My name is infamous1! I've been writing for years, its my voice. I'm being more creative no longer self destructive. I started writing …
The Calm
24/M/Baltimore    "Into the deep I will go with you, subermse my feet , to my head with all of you"
brian odongo
26/M/lives in Nairobi ,kenya.    Christian ,Poet ,Historian ,Medic.
F/Egypt    Scribbles of a dreamy teenager. :)
Mary Winslow
Oregon    "Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light..." Dylan Thomas I have put up a …
🇸🇬    Wield them proud for they are your own. Words are yours to cast in stone. Unsheathe them with reason and rhyme. Reveal them so they …
JR Rhine
24/M/Lexington Park, MD    "13 Poems" available 2/14/19

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