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It's interesting to think about how we make people
who used to be everything into nothing again.
How we learn to forget. How we force forgetting.
The path that was started so innocently has taken us to here,
strangers again.

However, yeah like most we started as a strangers.
I never wished that we would end up where we are today.
To be honest, with the way our story began,
I never thought it could possibly end like this. .

But, every sentiments
become empty thoughts
when I look back now.
Recalling that love is not
what it generally appears.
It's just so simple to forget.

From so long ago my question is
if it really happened.
The person used to be my best friend,
the person who was the number one priority,
the girl I thought could never exist,
she was everything that I thought
could be perfect in any girl.

Still after all these,
we lost the fight with this society
and all that of left is
a mind with random memories
from our faded period of time
when this stranger was most
important person in my life.

Now, our life will continue
on in different directions
 May 2017 Bethanybelove
 May 2017 Bethanybelove
i wrote a lot of great poetry when i was in love
i wrote even better poetry when i was in pain
i wrote the best poetry when i realized that the two emotions were actually the same.
 May 2017 Bethanybelove
We're in the sun and I'm moving from your mouth
to your jeans, we're watching the stars and we're moving
We're going down the green boulevard and we're cruising
you speak Romanian, I speak you, we're going to far
and moving to the beat as one and the wind blows the hair
in my face and I got news for you, I can see you just clearly
as I could before, carefully, barely hanging on and catching movies

I can't keep away from your kiss, back and forth want to feel
the rest of you and all of you can't wait to catch you all alone
we're in the sun and I'm moving from your mouth
to the hole in your heart, tell me how you feel and who you are
you speak barely, your rhythmic breaths tell me all I need to know
waste the day and spend all the time in your pockets, all alone
floating around your head and hanging midair in your palms like
a red balloon
 Apr 2017 Bethanybelove
Jean Lin
You bought an one way ticket
        when you were young
You thought it'd be a good trip
You thought you'd never be homesick

Everything out there is fresh
Everything out there is sparkling
Even the moon looks bigger

All is fine
Until one day

You find the food back home was made for your stomach
the water back home tasted sweeter
the air back home suited your lung perfectly
And you starts to realize
       the moon back home were actually brighter

So you buy an one way ticket again
       to come home
There is a saying that goes: "The foreign moon looks rounder than the one does at home," in Taiwan. It''s a perfect demonstration of some kind of complex that lots of our people have, that we are,as a whole country, lack of confidence of ourselves. What caused this complex is actually complex so I won't explain it here. Sorry for the repetition.XD
Be a lady, young luck!
You're to me so dear.
Light be in the dark!
Don't let pain go near.

Set us all, pretty, free.
Help our honest fight.
Never ever  let us be.
Wield my sword tight.
I finally came up with the homage poem.
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