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I wonder
how our great creator
built a vessel
strong enough
to contain my soul?

Each day my spirit fights
against my skin with violent
jolts as a young bird
seeking exit from a cage.

Unfettered psyche
free from me
bounces among clouds
rolls through deserts,
climbs volcanic ridges
migrates with birds in flight.

Curious instincts guide
my vital force inside and out
like honey bees
scour zinnias in full bloom.

Dare I release my spirit today?
Free spirit, soul,
Ignorance has a certain luxury
Sometimes it is comfort over growth
But humans are amazing creatures, dangerous at the same time, we can grow accustom or comfortable to any situation the adjustment period is what terrifies most
What do we sacrifice living being led by fear?
Everything works until it doesn't
That's why it is important to become acquainted with your heart it tells you everything you need to know.
Brain is not intended to over rule your pure heartfelt desires but to create a path for them
Words! Words! Words!
What are they

Unlived dreams
Unrequited love

Worn desires
that fail to die


The very fruit of sorrow
fermented in twine and woven onto
innocent eyes

Does any word hold value
In a world made of steel and rust

Where ******* dreams thrive
And love is brewed with angel dust

Where actions are spit polished
Derived from conveyor belts

Where plastic is iced stiff
All the rest is good enough to forget  

A kind word blossoms with potential greater than the destruction of man

Yet, words what are they

Do we even know

Or use them selfishly
To ease our own pain
To create our own peace of minds

Words like a million pennies
All have value but waste away
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Your eyes are a hazel terrain
A land foreign like mars
With valleys and peaks
Of yellows, browns and greens
And hints of frozen oceans

Your eyes are the geography
Of somewhere hidden and forgotten
A place I am supposed to navigate
But love, I'm so bad with directions

So give me more time
I plead
You know I have a handicap
And I will keep on trying
To orient the map
Success is when the worst parts of your life become your greatest blessing
To sides


And swelling
Fire eyes

A feeling
Of pride

As forever
Flew by
Dead right
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Don't forget about me.
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