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1.1k · Jan 2014
this hell we've built
Becca Brown Jan 2014
I am no longer searching for the end of the rainbow.
I'm not looking for a treasure chest, no Prince Charming, not some perfect fairy tale ending.
I am looking for
a war.
I want to see the world up in flames,
brothers fighting with bloodthirsty vengeance,
mothers who no longer care how many children they lose.
I am looking for an end
to this
toxic love affair.
Because you reek of tragedy and I of sin
and who is to say that love won't win?
I want full blown destruction,
large-scale nuclear fallout,
death by the billions.
I want to see the pain of this thing
in your eyes,
in my smile,
plastered to our hearts.
Because isn't that how we started?
Isn't that how this was born?
A bond conceived through peril and limitations,
too-high expectations and poor communication.
We can move on.
We can start again.
But, by the desolate sky and His backstabbing God,
we know to taste the sweetness of peace on the ever-blowing wind,
we must march through battlefields we have yet only dreamed of.
So, no.
I am not looking for Picture Perfect.
I'm not striving for marriage-babies-happy ending.
I'm looking forward to visiting Hell,
to building a city of misfortune and terror,
to dooming myself to live out most of my days in agony.
It is the only way to you.
i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i write too much about the same person ugh
1.0k · Jan 2014
attention whore
Becca Brown Jan 2014
i hate myself because i go out of my way to get attention and pity
sometimes it's hard for me to understand why
but then i walk into a house
where the people who are guaranteed to love me forever
unconditionally and without restraint
ignore me,
taunt me,
would rather me disappear than exist in their explosive prison
and i know i'm better off on the outside,
when i can get out of here, things will be okay,
but to be cast off every day,
to be ignored and shut off and secluded
from the only family i'm supposed to be guaranteed?
well that ******* hurts
and so i guess i'm not looking for attention
so much as proof
that someone out there really does care
someone in the world can see me.
i look for it in ****** ways, i know
but **** if i don't have a reason to be an attention *****
879 · Mar 2012
Best Friends
Becca Brown Mar 2012
I thought I had a best friend once.
She was smart and
blonde and
ethical and

We don't talk anymore.
Because she is
vain and
rude and
better than me.

I don't miss her.

I have a new best friend now.

She plays video games,
and likes to read,
and is nice to everyone.

She doesn't start rumors
or tell me she's better at everything
or use me to drag herself out of her sister's shadow.

And even though I'm not myself,
and even though things hurt right now,
I don't worry that she's going to leave me.

Maybe it is unfair to compare them.
Maybe I should leave Was and Is alone.
Maybe I shouldn't
I definitely shouldn't
let it get to me.

But do they ask you, too?
"Do you still talk to her?"
"Have you heard from her lately?"
"What happened to you two?"

She wasn't a good match for me.

I hope you're happy.
(No, I don't.)
I'm sorry that things aren't going well.
(No, I'm not.)
I know that it will get better.
(I hope it doesn't.)

She and I dance in our pajamas
at three in the morning.

She and I danced in a deadly Tango
that never seemed to stop.

We see each other whenever we can,
and kickandscreamandwhine when we can't.

We didn't see each other often,
and it rarely bothered us.

I'm terrified that it will happen again.

Maybe I should leave Was and Is alone.
Very alone.
Maybe I should knock on wood
and pray that Was and Is
does not become Was and Was and Isn't.

I'll keep dancing.
We'll keep playing.
You'll keep keeping.

I hope you're happy.
(I really do.)
I'm sorry that things aren't going well.
(I really am.)
I know that it will get better.
(Everything will be okay.)
824 · Jan 2014
Love I've Known
Becca Brown Jan 2014
I have known love in intense volumes, but never have I known love with the same sickness which shrouded mine for you. Never have I looked at someone with such simultaneous loathing and adoration. Never have I wanted so much to be near someone, just as I find myself wishing I will never see them again.

And I have known love for an army of men. I have known love for the chilling sea, for the delicate beauties of life and love for the light of human souls. But never have I known a love like this and forever you will be my strongest weakness, my only weakness. You are like the lamp of a genie that traps me, holds me to this earth. To you I must always return, but to me your arms will always be barred.

And we sit across this room from one another, pretending to be friends, but we both know that we will never feel, never see, never breathe with such raw, burning clarity of passion as we did with one another and I catch your eye and lay my hand on your knee out of habit and your breath catches in confusion and I remember my place. I am not sitting on your lap and playing with your hair and cooing sweet things at you. I'm sitting across a room from you, and your ocean eyes wash waves of thought onto the muddy banks of mine and I feel your thoughts in my heart and I miss having the right to hold onto them. I miss the weight of them on my shoulder and the rip rip ripping of them into my soul and the way I sank further into the ground with each one I held.

I watch you leave when it's time to go and remember that just the other day you held me and played with my hair and how I long to be in that moment again and I use the memory to anchor me to my spot on the ground and try to seem weightless as I struggle against every raging fiber in my being to run after you and kiss you and tell you I want you. Only you. For the rest of my life.

When I'm alone in the dark I will try and remember that you don't, will never care about me as much as I care about you and you will always try to make me jealous and with you I will always feel second best, fourth best, twenty-sixth best, first worst.

And they say it'll take a year to get over you because a year we were together but if the year felt like eternity, then will I be doomed to walk this line blindly for eternity and long for you evermore?

Everyone wants to know why I don't try harder to get over you, but I always thought it was obvious that in love with you is the best place in the world and I will never care how close you are, so long as my love for you is the heaviest burden I carry.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that

I still smile when I hear your name.

I still get butterflies in my tummy when I know I'm going to see you.

My heart still breaks when I hear that song, when I think of the times you seemed to really truly love me, when I dare to believe that you might still hold me close to your heart.

And, if you should ask, I would dive back into us without reservations and against my better judgment, for I have never known a love so worth enduring.
i will forever be writing about the same boy, but as long as he keeps inspiring me i guess i'll take it.
745 · Feb 2012
Boom-ba Boom-ba Bang
Becca Brown Feb 2012
Somewhere inside me
is a heart beating drums together
boom-ba, boom-ba, bang
it goes.

Anyone can hear it if they
listen close.
Anyone can hear how
broken I am

But I'll keep
looking for that heart
that beats in tune with mine

Baboom-boom, shatter,
it might say.
Click clack clang,
it may go.

But to mine I'll hold your heart close
because for mine it was meant.
Two halves of a lost puzzle.
We'll patch each other up
with our matching hears.
702 · Mar 2012
I Went to Prison Today
Becca Brown Mar 2012
I do not feel sad or ashamed.
I do not feel anything.
I just am,
here in this pea green box.

The windows and the clock
are placed together strategically--
window, clock, window--
to mock the inmates

The windows stand at attention to our right,
twin soldiers with everything to hide.
They are useless in their
colorless uniform.
I think sometimes
they giggle at their own stupid jokes.
I can hear them when no one else is talking.

Between them floats the clock,
a prim and proper gatekeeper with everything to hide
small and round, untouchable.
I watch him move his hands
round and round they go.
I think sometimes,
he gets nervous and slows them down
because everyone is watching him.

It does not matter why I am here
why any of us are here.
When the bell rings,
we are free of guards and silence.
We become part of One again.
It is impossible to tell
the difference between us
and the rest of them.

The only proof will be the paper warriors
that dragged us in by our hair.
Tomorrow they will disappear.
They won't exist for a while.

I can feel in my gut
that release is close.
My insides shake
and I am ready to be outside again.

I can almost taste the sunshine.
699 · Feb 2012
Our Kingdom
Becca Brown Feb 2012
Gone from you
is the charm and the humor
and the sparkle in your eyes

Gone is the Happy, the True

She took hold of you,
and left nothing for me to cling to.

And Gone is our kingdom!
that place we shared,
all those stones we carried
to build what would be the prettiest palace
in all of the cosmos.

It's in ruins now.
I visit it every day.
Have you seen it lately?
It'll be written away in the history books
as some heroic king's lost land.

There are no people dancing in the square
and no princesses swooning over handsome paupers
and no kind dragons to save damsels from peril
and no evil wizards casting archaic spells.
All of it is Gone.

We were going to rule the world!
take away the hurt
bit by bit
sit upon our thrones and make
life, a better place.

But gone are the things I _ about you.
Gone is the ability to speak the word aloud.
I loved You before Them.
I loved You before That Girl.

All I have left of it
is a whisper of something I cannot name;
deep down in an underwater cave.
I've been searching for a year now.
Come, now, help me find it.
683 · Jan 2014
What A Girl Wants
Becca Brown Jan 2014
I want you. I want your hand in mine. I want your smile to be my fault. I want to hear you say my name again without reservation, knowing that there's a string tied to the end of it that begins in my heart and I want. I want to look into those eyes again for as long as I want without someone getting suspicious. Without you getting suspicious. And I want to call you up in the middle of the night, bawling because I had a dream that we broke up and feel your arms around me even though you're not there. I want to call you Baby and know that I'm the only one. I want. I want. I want

You will never look at me the same way. You will never love me like I want you to love me. And I fear, I fear, I fear that these things are truer than the air I breathe but God, I have enough hope in me to slaughter and Japanese army, and we both know that hope kills and her only enemy is emptiness but God, who would want that?

So I hope. I hope, I hope, I hope you might feel even a microscopic but of what I do for you. I hope you love me still so I can stop praying to a God I know deep down I will never really believe in. I hope you say yes. I hope you never tell me no again. I hope. I hope I don't cry over you again, but for you. With you, even. But I hope you never need to cry again. I hope you stop seeing me as a child. I hope you learn that I am not innately independent, never was, never will be. I hope you take my weaknesses in stride and stop being repelled by them. I hope you let me learn to expect less from you, because I can do that if it means that I get to see

You are my best friend. I see you, holding my hand and telling me about your day and telling me that you miss me instead of just thinking it. I see you shutting me out and apologizing later and I see your apology from several weeks ago and know it was sincere. I see, I see, I see a future because I know you think the world of me. Always have. I know

You wear your heart on your sleeve. You make your emotions readily available to the public because you don't have time for games, and so I know. I know you think more highly of me than I could ever ask. I know you think I'm annoying, but you only tell me so because you like to comfort me and sometimes you have to injure me first because no one else will ever hurt me the way you can, and I know a lot of what I know is *******. I know you would correct me if you could read this and I know you just tolerate me but I believe. God, I believe in you and I believe

You do it because you still hold me tightly against your heart, but not in. Never in. I believe that in this state that is just too much for you and I get it. I get it. I'm sorry.

I get chills when you touch my hand, and I get shocks when you catch my eye and I get a fire in my belly when we hug and a fuzzy feeling when you play with my hair. I get butterflies in my tummy when you look down at me and I at you and we almost go in for a kiss and the whole room catches its breath and stops to stare because they can feel it too, and I feel it in my heart when someone says,

"You guys just looked like you were made for each other. Like. Physically."

When someone says, "What? What happened to my babies?"

When someone cries when you tell them we broke up because we were their picture perfect love.

When they listen at the edge of their seat to the story of our last couple of years and keep asking, "Okay, but when did you guys get back together?"

When you call me up because our old song played on the radio and it reminded you of me.

When you say...

Well, when you say anything at all.

That's when I feel it. I love you. I love you in a way incomprehensible to even me and I love you in a way that, to try to put it into words would be ten thousand times a disservice, and I love you the way I love that time of day when the sun touches her Earthen kingdom with warm, golden light and makes the world seem whole again. I love you the way I love the feeling of freedom in dreaming. I love you with the intensity with which a small, broken child loves to wish on the stars.

And I want, I want, I want, to know you love me too.
644 · Mar 2012
Becca Brown Mar 2012
Skinny girl,
why don't you feed yourself?

Aren't you disgusted with your body?

Look how your clothes are baggy.

Look how your bones stick out.

I would hate to be you.

I am happy fat.

"I'm not happy."

Of course you are!
You have to be!
Everyone knows that
when you're skinny, you're happy.

The lighter you are,
the freer you are.
You can fly away if you want to.
You are happy.
You're a liar.

*I will never be happy.
641 · Mar 2012
This Game
Becca Brown Mar 2012
I shoulda wore a beard
to be (not) myself.
I stand out,
looking dead to the neck,
sitting in the dugout and scanning the dusty field.

I keep my eye on the pitcher.
My heart is going tight;
tighter . . . too stiff to move. (Weakening.)
I let it get a butchering.

I shoulda got myself outta this.
I never saw such a disgusting joke as myself.

I ask to be a fisher, but He exclaims,
"Oh, old geezer, skinny and bearded,
calm down, ease up, and be quiet.
You've worn yourself to threads."

I belong in an old man's home.
I'm a helluva mess.
I'll ask if he found a **** good joke in me
when I head into The Tunnel.

I was broke in the head and paralyzed,
had rolled "unlucky", with an epidemic of "frightening and hair."
But he laughed,
"Quiet, fisher. You'll pay for your sobbing.
I'm only asking you to give the best you have in you."

I know; think of the future.
I will be in this a long time.
I came for more than the ride
and headed screaming into it.

I won't end this lying in a pool of my own blood.
This is a found poem from Bernard Malamud's novel "The Natural".
598 · May 2012
Lullaby Love Song
Becca Brown May 2012
Every look
and every sound
everything I get from you
is so valuable.

Time is ticking
and she isn't going anywhere.
I think that I've willed
you to love me so hard
that I'm starting to imagine
that you really do.

"I miss him so much."
"God, he's so cute."
I've thought either one at least ten times today.
No doubt
it'll double by tomorrow.
Triple in a week.
And soon I'll be singing to myself.

I love you.
I love you.
Love me back!
Please oh please oh please, love me back.

Wasting all my wishes,
all my money, all my time
for you to open up your eyes, m'boy
and see who we could be.

I s'pose 'til you come 'round
I'll have to
sing myself to sleep.
595 · Jan 2013
Becca Brown Jan 2013
Eager hands reach out,
brush the starlight
with the tips on their fingers.
They are young,
these hands,
and have only just begun to experience the world.

They have touched slick grass,
plush carpet,
the grimy windows of a city bus.
In their time, these hands
will touch many things.

They will touch beautiful, extraordinary things
just as they will touch evil, corrupt things.
They will touch smiles and they will touch tears.
They will grasp at vanishing smoke,
sink into gooey dough,
and scrape against unforgiving asphalt.

These hands will be taught to love.
They will be taught to learn, to laugh,
to carry, and to mend.
They will be taught to break, to hurt,
to insult and to ****.

And one day
someone will take a grisly, rotting rope
and try to bind them
when they see what I can do.
When they realize where
these hands can take me.

I swear to fight for them
And break the knot
because no matter what I use them for,
they are mine and mine alone.

I know that they can start wars
or smother conflict.
I know that they can find beauty
and turn it into art,
or find struggle and turn it into hate.

These hands are infinite
in their power
and I will never get another set
so whatever I choose to do with them
I hope that it will be
I hope that they will change something
and I hope that they
will do it well.

Eager hands reach out,
Close around the wisps of dreams
With worried fists.
They are old,
These hands,
And have already begun to shape the world.
581 · Jul 2012
everything is Okay
Becca Brown Jul 2012
All day long,
there are explosions all around me.

Some times they're blue
or yellow or green,
orange or purple,
and even some new colors that I never knew before.

Mostly they are red,
and always they stain my clothes
and mark my skin

And at the end of every day I take the debris
and pile it around me.
On my desk, on my bed.
On the floor and stacked on shelves.
Neatly put away,
or strewn about chaotically.

I hold on really hard,
and struggle to keep my door closed
to keep it from spilling out
to keep it all contained.

The explosions make me think.

What's left afterward makes me think.

I think about why this and why that and why them and why me
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

The more I ask, the less sense it makes.

And so when it's too early in the morning
and the sun hasn't yet risen
I use all my pent-up energy to clean my room.
I don't pay attention to what I throw away
I just want it all gone.

And after, when I've let everything go,
I lay back on my bed
and let out a Deep Breath

There are a few hours left until my family wakes up
and the explosions start again,
so for now I will stare at the ceiling
of my debris-free room.
and think
that everything is Okay.
571 · May 2012
The Lost Battle
Becca Brown May 2012
You broke open my ribs,
and pulled out my heart,
flattened it out,
and sold it for cheap.

Now, like a slave,
it marches in time
with all the other broken hearts,
who lost their own fights.

Why does she deserve you more than I do?
Why is she so much better than me?
Why does she get to call you hers?

It makes me so sad
and so angry
and I feel pathetic
and stupid
all at one time.

My emotions are in a bottle
and I want to throw them away.
I want to open it up
and let them float free.
I want to yell at you
that she's not right,
that she can't make you smile like I do.

But I keep it inside
because I'm scared that you won't see it.
I'm scared that it's all been a lie.

Is that what's been going on?
Have I been lying to myself?
Maybe I'm just holding on too hard.

I don't know what to think anymore.
I'm not sure what to do.
I just want to hold your hand,
and I want to be with you.

Do you miss me? I can't tell.
Give me a hint.
Please. Give me anything.
A secret smile,
a sweet gesture.
just to keep me going for a while.

I don't want to get off this ride,
but I'm hanging onto the framework.
She belongs here.
Not me.

It's time to give up, I think.
It's time to walk away.
I've lost this fight.
You won't be mine; not today.
Becca Brown Mar 2012
My thoughts have been
closer to you lately.

My tongue, my mouth
beg to help me speak of you.

My arms, they want to reach out
and ask you to help them hold us together.

But I keep thinking
I'm being ridiculous.

I talk about anything and everything else,
to keep the swelling down.

I glued my arms to my side
to stay still like good little children.

Living like this is a cold existence.
I want to scream, I want to dance, I want to fly to a made-up world.
I want to climb mountains and lift cars and breathe fire.
Sometimes I think I can.
Mostly, I know I can never.

For a second yesterday,
we had fallen into our old pattern.
Become our old selves again.
It was warm, familiar, sweet.
It brought me up and I soared like an eagle.

But it didn't last long.
One, two, three messages and you were gone again.
I fell harder than I ever have before.
I'll have to face you again tomorrow,
and I'll know that you will pretend it didn't happen.

Sometimes I wonder if you're not pretending.
Maybe you have multi-personality disorder.
Because the You that I see with Her
and the You that I talked to yesterday
do not exist parallel to one another like they should.

I hope you fill up her whole brain,
and drive her insane because there never seems to be an end.

I hope you fill up her mouth,
with ten thousand secrets she will never tell.

I hope she aches to be
next to you for any amount of time at all.

I know that she will never have to wonder,
"What could have,
what should have,
what would have,
Together been like?"

If I could reverse time,
if I would have known that she was going to show up
I would have welcomed my thoughts about you.
I would have told you everything I knew and then some.
I would have hugged you one million times over.
And then,
then she would be the one wondering.
If I keep writing about the same person, I'm going to check myself into a hospital.
509 · Sep 2017
the goddess heartbreak
Becca Brown Sep 2017
The familiarity with which your new lover spoke to me had me desperate for air as the two of you, seemingly unaware of the atmosphere, convened before me on my own bed with such affection that I felt physically nauseous. Maybe, you’ll say, it was just the tequila but no. I know the difference between a feeling in my stomach and the extreme discomfort that is heartbreak, only this is different from the heartbreak I used to know.

The last time I met her, this foul beauty sat atop my chest like an elephant and kept me from my life. She whispered sweet “not good enoughs” in my ear all day long and laughed at how pathetic I was all through the night. She was heavy and dark, then, but today she comes to me hand in hand with something altogether new. I don’t quite know yet how to put my finger on it. The best I can do for you is describe this panicky feeling that they give me.

It starts in the pit of my churning stomach, a tingly sensation like how you feel when you’re minutes away from receiving a reward you’ve waited months for, only warped by a second force like thick, sticky fire. I am scared of losing what we had, though I know that it’s already gone. I know you’re already gone. But I’m still holding onto this thing that I poured my time, energy, and soul into because why wouldn’t I? Artists all have one project that they slave over for years with no true reward or outcome. One that haunts them in their dreams at night and invalidates every other success in their career. It is their personal Portrait of Dorian Gray. I’m lucky, though, because I’m a writer not an artist so my Portrait just so happens to be you, Heartbreaker. My cruel mistress sends you to be in many forms but this time you managed to take a part of me home to her.

It’s not that I loved you more than the others. It’s that I believed in you the most. I trusted you the most. I gave you more second chances than I gave myself when I still thought that a victim was all I would ever be and still you hurt me. Every time you proved that you didn’t truly care about me, I saw it as a challenge to prove that maybe over time you could. The feeling grows in my stomach for several minutes before abruptly exploding to fill every part of me with ash, smoke, and rubble. I am a shadow of who I once was and can no longer make sense of the parts. I make wild, unpredictable movements in an attempt to tidy the space but the faster you move through smoke and ash the further it gets away from you.

These are all of the things I think about as your new lover slips on the end of her sentence and looks to you, cheeks flushed, to be reassured. A whole new set of demons come out to play as you reach for her hand and lay your hot lips on her forehead. I realize with a start that she sees you for the new person that you want to be the way I never can because I spent too much energy on someone else. You are for her what I’ve begged of you for years but that is another pain for another day.

Oh, heartbreak! I know your friend. How silly of me to forget a face. Oh, please, tell jealousy…

Tell him nothing. I will pretend he is a stranger so we may get to know each other all over again. He will be my lover, comforting me over my small mistakes, while you watch on and feel nothing. I will rest here in familiar arms for as long as they might have me.
This is a stream of consciousness style piece that I wrote right after a particularly rough night. It's not edited. These are my thoughts and feelings in their most genuinely raw form. Another version may come later
467 · Feb 2012
Becca Brown Feb 2012
I remember everything you tell me.
Every conversation, every joke, every compliment;
stuck there in my head with a staple gun
replaying forever.

It started the day we met.
I liked you then, too.
That was more than a year ago.
Time with you goes by so fast.

You are just a box of stupid cliches.
I scream and I scream
"Get out! Get out! Leave me alone!"
I kick and thrash and throw things.

Why don't you come sit with me?
Feel the pain that you
put me through.
Swallow your pride and look what you've done;
how you've broken me.

I wonder how much you know.
It hurts really bad.
Sometimes you bring me to tears.
Such a strong fearless little girl.

Nothing makes me cry.
I am the greatest war hero to ever live.
I've been through Hell,
and came back without a mark
But this thing is worse than that.

The worst of it all
is when you tell me pretty things
Meaningless, insignificant things
that drop on my head and flatten me to the ground.
It's wearing me out like nothing else.

I only hate to imagine
what it would be like without you.

Even though it hurts,
I'm glad you're still here.
442 · Jul 2012
Becca Brown Jul 2012
i've always written best when my emotions run high
when tears spring from my eyes
when my cheeks flush
when my fingers tingle
when my stomach drops
when my heart skips a beat
when my muscles lock up and my breathing stalls and my head feels too light and the room starts to spin

and when i'm done writing
and i drop my pencil on the ground
and the ringing in my ears is gone,
then i have to go back
and reread
because i have no idea what has been written.
i have no idea what words my brain has spat out

That is when I am most proud of what I have done.
308 · Sep 2014
Becca Brown Sep 2014
i thought once that Hell was a pain i could
face for you
for you

For you, I will leave it behind.

to step out of the fire and into the black nothing

Nothing is all that is left of

left of it

— The End —