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 Aug 2016 Bailey
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Touch her
as the snow falls
and watch who first melts,
Her or the snow flakes,
That land in your palm

Kiss her
while the storm rages on
And see what gets undone first
Her or, the looming destruction

Lay next to her,
While the darkness sweeps over
And watch what lights your heart better
Her smile or, the million scattered stars.
Whatever the **** this is
 Aug 2016 Bailey
 Aug 2016 Bailey
and if the time could stop for one moment,
i would hope i was looking at you.
i love you
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Star Gazer
They say words can blow a thunderstorm into oblivion;
But sadly one thing I've learnt, it can't be done twice.
You are a bright soul, both as the sender and recipient;
And I'm saddened that your light has been dimmed.

In the time I have come to learn about you, tragedy
became your bread and butter but you stood strong;
Yet you drew last breath as societal war's casualty;
And I had hoped I'd help you find your inner light.

You taught me, that the inner me and the enemy
Are synonymous with one another, and though
people brandished darkness and negative energy
You taught me, to stay strong and shine brighter.

I just wish I could have been there to cut the ties
That bonded your soul to your late grandmother's,
I just wish I could have been there to cut the ties
That bonded your last breath with your last light.

I do not flick a light switch on this day to guide you;
For today, I will light a candle to memorialise;
The day that you have finally left the flames of blue,
And found your peace.

I hope that wherever you are, you are watching the stars;
And I hope that this dedication reaches you at the gates
Of heaven.

- Your friend.
RIP Mana.
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Star Gazer
Last night something died,
It crawled with its bleeding heart,
Upon my doorstep.

I thought I could help,
I thought I could save a life
But hope is fickle.

Buried in the dark
Where stars try to penetrate
The soil with its light.

I weeped at your side
And I'm sorry I couldn't
Have saved you dear friend.

I watched you fade, gone,
But in my heart you live on,
And I'm sorry dear.
Last night I watched my faith in humanity die.

I'm hoping that my darling, you could save me.
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Star Gazer
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Star Gazer
It had watched
her grow in a way
that a horticulturist
watched its own
creation sprout
and blossomed.
She had grown
like a rose; filled
with her own
thorns upon herself
that only came
to hurt others that
got too close but
in her own way,

Before every sunrise
It had opened its eyes
with a clank, like a coin
rattling inside a coin-
filled purse.
It was there to provide
the ambience of peak-
hour traffic; "Get off the
******* road you
******* lunatic. Where'd
you learn to ******* drive?"
would be the sound
that she woke up to every
morning. She has had
guests comment on its
vulgarity; but she defended
that it soothed her every
morning, and though
it was a recording
projected from speakers;
guests and visitors,
would denounce 'it'
as well as refute their
acceptance of 'it'.
She would gently tell it;
you're the best alarm,
and if she did not get up;
it would pull on her arm,
so she was always
moving in accordance to
her schedule.

She had been an orphan;
She still exists and lives,
as an orphan with her
orphan blood running
through her bloodstream;
and those who never
could understand what
it was like to be an orphan
would mutter "so you don't-
have a mum or dad, so what
it's not a big ******* deal;
it ain't like you're going to
be successful even if you did".
So came every night, though
the moon glowed upon her
pretty little face, she had
tears stream down her cheeks
that would reflect the moon's
gentle glow against her.
In a hollow home, nay!
In a hollow house, she
felt as though her sanity
was only stored by the whirring,
the buzzing, the sound that
mimicked a refrigerator from a
time before refrigerators were
considered 'in need of perfecting'.
On every night, it would read to her,
'as a mommy and daddy would'; she'd
use to say. Though it never had
an exciting tone and only ever
spoke in a monotonous way, she said
it had the mechanisms of being
the perfect parent a parent should
pursue to be.
It would read, every night 'Goldilocks
and the three bears' and though she had
grown up and grown old, it would
continue to read the same book and edition
as she had wanted. To her, listening to a
story was less to do with the story but
more to do with the comfort and reminder
that there is normalcy in her life that
mimics those of the child she had envied
at school. It would always after the
monotonous reading of 'Goldilocks
and the three bears', would include
a joke; "Do you wonder why the bears
had beds? I bet they bearly slept on them",
and though the joke was told a couple
thousand times, she had always giggled
at it's little joke. In the night, It would
close it's eyes, clank.

On one evening, she had invited a
male friend over for the night, it
would stand steadily still, inoperable
until commanded by her. It never
understood her connection to the
male friend, but it wasn't built to
understand. It watched as her mouth
connected to the male friend, it was
built with a action deciphering sequence,
so it determined that she was giving
him Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a
standing position due to her lack of training.
It continued to let off its whirring sound,
an ordinary day ambient to her ears, but not
so much for her male friend. Her male friend,
in a quick procession of pushing her lips away to
saying "YOU'RE A FREAK. why do you have a
killing machine in your house?" He stormed out
before she even had a chance to explain its role
in her life.

In a stern and loud voice she screamed
'I want you to die!' and it responded in a gentle
voice, "what colour did you want to dye it?",
"******* and die!" she shouted with a flaring red face.
It did what it always does, responded to every command;
"There is no king here. That is an impossible request. Do
you have any other queries?" it had said in the most gentle
and softest voice that seemed almost like a whisper had it
not been monotonous. She shouted once again,
"DIE!" and as routine, it responded "A die is a cube
fitted with numbers to arrange a probability situation.
The sample space of a die is one to six".

She, tired of hearing it, muttered the words that
her late billionaire parents and maids regarded
I have a cell phone, it does all that you do."

'My job is done'
Said the android
As it closed its eyes
One final time.
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Star Gazer
I'm in the arms of a stranger
Pretending that it's enough,
I'm in the arms of a stranger
Knowing that it's not love,
I'm in the arms of a stranger
Pretending things will get better,
I'm in the arms of a stranger
that use to be enough,
But I'm in the arms of a stranger
And I no longer believe in stranger danger.
Inspired by a song.
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Star Gazer
I hold a smile
Cause maybe the memories
Might just fade awhile
I hold my shoulders high
Hoping that I'll soar
One last time to finally
Understand what it's really like
To be able to lift myself up
And not get scared of falling.

They say,'the strong falls
Three times but gets up
Four times' and I just hope
That I can pull the pieces
Of what remains of this corpse
Back together, so that it could
See the light of day to stand
One last time.

A house that used to be a home
A heart that roams alone
And what I've come to learn:
I'm rather forgetful, and
Though I carry memories
For eternity; I'm easily
Forgotten, just like a speck of dust
In a thunderstorm or like a
Drop of water in an ocean
Like me.
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Little Bear
1)  get a canvas

2)  get some unicorn paint

3)  paint a unicorn

4)  realize you can't paint a unicorn

5)  cry

6)  paint the moon

7)  put glitter and a horn on the moon

8)  pretend it's a fat unicorn

9)  be happy

10) show your dog

11) call the dog back into the room

12) show your dog again

13) get a new dog

14) show that dog

15) tell that dog it's being too critical

16) ask that dog to leave

17) put the picture in the bin

18) decide never to paint unicorns again

19) eat chocolate

20) decide to paint a dragon
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