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 Aug 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Strangers are just new chapters
You've haven't chosen to write yet
They could become friends
Or family
Or loves
They could be filled with promise
And hope
And happiness
They are adventures with souls
And heartwarming--
Sometimes heartbreaking--
Stories and lives
So why not risk it
There's no reason
To be afraid
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Why are you so hateful
Of something you are to them
I don't care that they are different
Why do you?
One person is just that
A person
You cannot judge them
And persecute them
For an entire stereotype
Not everyone epitomizes
What the world has shaped them
To be thought of
 Aug 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
To love her big fat piggy heart
It's almost impossible not to actually
She's so filled with life
And no regret
I sure love her
With my little igloo penguin heart
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Altruistic soul filled to the
Brim with bravery and
Courage that never halts and a
Drive that never dies
Elaborate and elegant in everything I do
Feeling every emotion to its strongest
Grade of real
Healing my once misshapen soul
Into a whole, not needing to
Justify my ways, be they
Kind or crazy because I
Love, it's what I'm good at
Mirroring the footsteps of great writers and
Never following the path then
Owning my fate and my faith
Pleasing myself above others
Questioning when necessary
Remembering where I am from then
Stepping into new and different
Thresholds that are
Unable to faze me, especially as I
Violently throw out my vicious cycle
Without wavering back to my old ways, using some sort of
Xylene to immortalize my past as a
Yellow reminder and stain, pushing me in
Zigs zags to be who I aim to be

This is the dream
That creates me
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Agnostic girl full of
Belief in the mirror I
Create behind closed
Doors that open wide when I
Emerge into the terrifying world
Faking so much, so often
Grieving the fear that consumes me
Holistically I am an actress
In a world full of pretenders
Jestering my pride and arrogance
Keeping an ounce of who I really am with
Love from my closest friend
Most nights I can't go to sleep without
Nodding along to the music with tears in my eyes
Opening and closing, so close to losing every
Particle of my true self who hides behind the façade of
Real tough girl, but really I'm just a
Scared little girl, seeking approval
Through abusive relationships that get me nowhere
Underestimating my worth
Vicariously living through those I help
Wondering when I'll stop pretending and wanting
Xanax to ease my mind and cure the never
Yielding ball of AGGH in my stomach reaching the
Zenith called my mouth for awful bile filled days

This is the reality
That creates me
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Astonishingly crass and
Brave in all situations
Comfortable in all quandaries
Daring beyond belief
Elegant and poised
Furious and feisty, fueled by anger
Grand individuality with a
Heart of ice and hate
Irreverent and haughty
Jester of pride, sarcasm, and sass
King of bluntness
Lively, rambunctious spirit
Mastermind of
Neuroticism, never in
Oblivion because
Pressure cannot persuade me
Quick to speak out against the wrong for the
Right reasons but truly
Selfish motives
Tainting the
Ubiquitous notion that every altruistic attitude springs from
Very bubbly and confident people
Wandering through life with the Greek concept
Xenia exhibited on the sleeve
Yelling boisterous excitements that could a game
Zoning in on all the end goals

These are the misperceptions
That create me
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Crazily, I fell heels over head for your
Unique state of mind, without knowing I'd
Never be able to cease loving you
T*o the ends of this hate filled world
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
Pain is a temporary way
Your heart lets you know
You are slowly, surely healing
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
 Jul 2016 Bailey
Samm Marie
You put on your best face
Because you are unprepared
To bear any flaws
That appear in your
Self, where you are sewn together
With a thin loosing thread
That once it breaks
Will reveal things
Because you've gained
Some form of confidence
Through compassion
And you know you shouldn't
But you expect it to
So the final goodbye hurts
Far more than it would've
Had you not gotten involved
To begin with
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