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Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Tasting Sound
Axiomighty Nov 2014
I hear taste. It yells flavor at me
I see smells, they tell me secrets
I don't comprehend what I know
I know what I don't
My apathy is active
I swim in air, fly in water
Rain dances in me
When I am tall, I am short
I write heroic poems that never save

When I try to rewrite poems, they never hear the same
The sky pulls me with great force, towards outer-space that is inner-space
This inner-space whirls in a bubble that doesn't pop
In this dimension, pop stars don't pop
They super nova
And become new heroes
I see behind my eyes
With my pen
This tool can dig deeper than depth
Can reach further than space exists
Nothingness is something
But only in the way that it is the only thing that is not
Thus it
Is not present anywhere
If nothing exists, than this poem doesn't
And if this poem doesn't exist
Than a lot of teddy bears died for no reason


And just sense, and then make

And then
Start all over again
Because when you lay in ruins, it is simply an opportunity
To do things differently this time
And create a new poem
Out of the old ones ashes
Feel the tunes of the moment, and absorb them
Let intuition take control

I gulp these vibrations, these airwaves
And let their music
Accompany my drum
Together they prepare me
For the battles to come.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Axiomighty Dec 2013
Grimly smiling
At this leg of the race how'd you think I got it made
Done had me some power but never got paid
I volunteered my hours while being mentally slayed
Brain slashed so I lashed out by never sleeping though life always layed me out
Knocked down, ears ringing
Is this my calling?
To stand up taller, am I meant to be a crawler?
I'm not a zombie, I'm just hurt
That you'd think I can't escape the fate set on me, I don't live in hell but I feel burnt
I don't watch burnt movies on the disc though, wouldn't fit in at the disco
I stream em online, I want to get fit but I'm too busy waiting for the video to load
Then the **** thing lags, maybe it's a sign
To use my legs and get buffer
But I didn't brace myself to be cast in this role
Done capped my knees durability and out came my knee cap
Then people finally noticed that I was hurt, but it wasn't my limb they should've been concerned about
But I'm not here to pout, hell I'm getting help
I'm just here to say
When you're ready to give up
Life hits you even harder
To remind you that you're tougher than any doubt you've ever had
You can handle more than even a hurt body, brain, or mind
You ain't dead till you die
You ain't high till you fly
You ain't ahead until you try
It's a lot like rugby, even when the magic rug be out of reach
You can still be a-lad-in joy
There's something about dodging and taking hits that's enthralling
Chaos is beauty
If you don't just let it be but let yourself succeed
A little sweat and blood to get the lead
In the rain wet and loud, passions what I bleed
And obstacles are what my slightly enlarged heart pumps, what it beats
But sometimes I'm choking on led
My lungs are the weapon that gave me a shot, and onlookers say "You're rhymes have no pattern B, so the way you write things is awk, see?
How's this for an ox-c *****!
I'm suffocating on oxygen
Asthma attack at nine months old didn't stop me, a close call they said
But more like a call received
Because looking back now I know my purpose
Is to breathe
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Night Terrors
Axiomighty Nov 2013
Seen something move out the corner of my eye
Can’t tell the difference between dreams and real life
Maybe that’s why I got such unrealistic visions
They tell me to create a real list of things I could be
But I ainte a realist, because life’s too silly to sit around waiting for the reel to end
They don’t see what I see
These pupils are blood shot with conformity stuck up their rear ends
They just live a broken hope smothered in icing, while I sit on the ledge
My brains got no drive these days, see it flies eh, I’m livin’ on a flaming jet
They keep asking me to flash my knowledge
Maybe that’s why they call it a mind-set
But hell, I only know ledge, never seen over the hedge
Is the grass greener?
I don’t know, I haven’t smoked it yet
I felt high above but then life got plain and crashed into the edge
Of the Earth
And I rose again like smoke does when things get heated
And I know the Earth isn’t flat, it’s got a nice set of behemoths
Ones Mount Everest
And then there’s me mounting every verse until I’ve fulfilled my thirst
Eating creativity alive and only leaving behind the skeletons
So when they pile up you can identify their behinds and come find me in my cabin
Would you like to see my trophies mounted?
Dates below from when they were founded?
They weren’t found, they were downed
And only a fool would mount’em
I’d rather stack’em and climb’em like a mountain
And prove I’m the chest of the world
Look inside and find golden albums

… What the ****, that was a weird dream
REM sleep sure knows how to deceive
And it left me with such a cliff-hanger too
Or should I say aircraft hangar
To store my fly art in ‘er
Feels like I was at a witch-craft banger
I’m feelin cursed as I spell
Feels like the devils got my voodoo doll
Maybe that’s why I’m on fire
I’m so tired my words tie together in red
The line between my dreams and reality is ceasing to exist
My two worlds dance, my thoughts prance and draw blood, in a beautiful dissonance
It’s only when I’m half asleep that I’m truly awake to my passionate presence
Insomnia is a curse and a blessing
Nov 2013 · 1.5k
Bloody Lines
Axiomighty Nov 2013
I'm a poet full time
I serve these sentences; they're my bloodlines
These killer rhymes got me behind iron bars
It's ironic because these bars save me from myself, rub' em together and get a spark
My self-expression serves as an anecdote to it's opposite act
Harm can't touch me when I don't react
I'm not playing, when I'm on fire like this you better take a picture, and frame
Because my ingenuity could snap, and fall short of fame
This prison jumpsuit is plane
And I'm about to jump out, in fact
I feel like I'm fallin', with no aim
But, I'm really flying, posing for headshots; I can’t be shot down because they’ll always underestimate their window of time as I escalate to higher panes
It's all perspective; everything ends up dyeing somehow
But why describe a story by its finish with the multi-personality mayhem
When you could define it by the ******, elevating like hemp, laughin, but they’ll know I’m not kidding at the end
'Sept I'm just sprouting up like its may
ahem listen up because this is just the beginning, elementary, first day
And I'm already spittin like I should be exspelled,
Kicked out, never schooled, hell
Just take over the game like I got a monopoly held hostage
Got Scotian Power, I'm overcharged and tired of these sellouts ******* the page
This ainte a hoes stage
By *** I mean any tool who never dag
Never worked and got their hands ***** for little pay
So step aside, or a circle, surround me like sharks
Try and tare me apart, and I'll just write about it
That’s art, you'll self destruct in your jealous rage
You're baked if you think you're stopping me, when you were born they said, "this pie sees"
*****, I'm a Pisces, this is my age
Too late to stop, already took out the cleaver and pulled up my sleeves
******' getting my peace
And don't be shocked by my curse words please
There's a reason my poetic heart monitor goes beep, beep, beep
Because to peak, I have to express these things
It's called my life line for a reason, I use it when I need the audience to know
That I'm going to deep
To the microscopic level
So you can see the demons that keep this ***** beating
And you'll know I flat lined
When I leave something unsaid
Because I don't shoot blanks until I've done my time
That is why I never make the last sentence rhyme
Because I won't stop writing until I die
So, as long my poem ends like this, you'll know I haven't yet served my life sentence.
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
Picture Perfect
Axiomighty Oct 2013
A picture captures a moment, a moment captures an emotion, and an emotion captures a thought.
This thought is released below*

   Listen to your heart and live to the beat, for its rifts can make paths through red oceans.

Feel your blood pump, as it fuels your brain, thus provoking your thoughts to recall the words of a poem written in the purest and most vulnerable state of mind
The mindset that lets your emotions surface from their sea bottom structures, because once upon a time you sank and could see bottom structures to hide away feelings in
So you did
Now your passion is in reeling them in to feel real
It feels ironic that you are now breaking those iron bars surrounding the things you once rounded up and surrendered to the depths
In fact, you still render them into the abyss so at times you can act, leaving your thoughts in the mist
It's beautiful, in its completely illogical sense that somehow after a full cycle you can see it's ingenious
Your muse is a renewable resource, and for every poisonous barrel that sinks, there is a little inspirational magic that floats back up and drives you to write tirelessly until your mind is again at peace
These words, like blood, are seen in all their power, at the surface
This art, like the vanes of a windmill going up and down, shall not die in vain, these arteries and veins run deep and drive me sane
Wherefore art thou, Axiomighty
I often ponder as I travel yonder
But I've grown fonder of the idea that I may never know
So long as for when it's complete
I have put on a show.
Aug 2013 · 840
I Hope You Fall
Axiomighty Aug 2013
I hope you dare
To lean over a cliffs edge
Just to imagine what it might feel like to float through air
Until meeting what is inevitable
Some day
I hope someone deserving finds you
In your shell
And opens it up to find the pearl within
And doesn't steal it
But just stares
I hope you know
That i'll miss you
Like a leaf misses it's branch when it sways to the ground gently
Only realizing how much it needed the support of a branch to hold it
Rather than facing the true gravity of the situation that is your absence
It fades away
I know you
But I don't know you
I need you
But I won't die without you
Well maybe just a little
And sure new presences will soften the blow
Like how the first poem I heard you read blew me away
Now it feels like I'm being taken
By force
The force of wanting to escape all I've ever known
I just wish you were soon to be known instead of soon to be roaming yonder
So all I can do is hope you fall
Just so you can call
And remind me that even the strongest women
Have bad days
And true best friends can never really separate
If comforts me to know that in some alternate dimension
In some other place
We might be sharing poetry
For an infinite amount of days
Because if there was a place with no time
What would be our excuse not to chill and vibe off highs from listening to eachothers metaphors and rhymes
For like
A good solid day
Every week
And I had to sneak a kiss
After your peck on the cheek
Just to know if the instrument that formed so many beautiful sentences
Was real
And now I know
You're the most genuine person I may ever meet
And now I know I can't ever let go of your hands
As we balance on this tight rope
So long as my heart still beats
My best friend and fellow poet asked if anyone knew where to find the poem "I Hope You Fall" on the internet. I said "I will find it!". After a few beer, I wrote it. I read it to her a few weeks later. And now it is here in case she misses me and wants to hear my voice through my words to her :)
Jul 2013 · 450
A Story of Butterflies
Axiomighty Jul 2013
**** Butterflies
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
The Quiet Town
Axiomighty Apr 2013
There is a candle burning in the dead of night
Shining brighter than any other light
The smell of wild fills the air
Leaving the towns people without a care
A starry night fills the woods around
Leaving nothing but quiet for this town
A cabin of wood sits on a hill
Leaving everything and everyone standing still
The town peaceful, but full of secrets
That only the residents could truly see it
The visitors that came by, could never believe
How such a small town can be so full of grief
What's there to cry about in a peaceful town?
A place with no laws or rules that bound
When voyagers enter, they feel at home
They do not know what is a stake in modern Rome
The people so stagnant stare on with blank faces
Waiting for the visitors to feel their silent graces
The people of this town have seen so many bleed
So many vanished to the works of creed
And in every citizen is a little guilt
For the evil motives on which the town was built
For when a group of tourists stay in the cabin on the hill to sleep
They do not know that tourists is that on which the towns people
Written in my creative expression club by myself, and two other poets during a writing activity.
Apr 2013 · 1.5k
Time catches up
Axiomighty Apr 2013
What do I write now
After everything before and before everything ahead
All the places I'd rather be than bed
All the lives I'd rather have lived instead
Most people don't admit regret
But everyone has some regrets
Looking back
I regret every minute since I've left childhood
I wish I held on a little bit longer
Just a few more years of fear being the monsters in the basement
Just a few more months of saving the world from aliens and zombies on a daily basis from my backyard
Just a few more weeks of  being brave enough to confront someone threatening to stab me, without hesitation
Just a few more days of knocking on doors and running away
Just a few more hours of feeling absolutely badass for staying up all night
Just a few more minutes of being able to have a girlfriend and not talking to her at all, mostly because you're too nervous
One more moment of feeling invincible
Feeling okay
Going to bed with a smile on my face
Instead of a frown under my mask
But time, time catches up
The clock goes on, and at some point
I wook up, to a much smaller world
A depressing world
Where crying everynight became pointless
Where the pencil pressed so heavily on the paper it became pointless
As I tried to write my way back into adolescence
Where the only kid I knew that flied to never ever land was Peter Pan
Not my friend on LSD who never wanted to grow up
Who could blame him
The closest I come to back when friends were forever and crush referred the cute girl in class and not crushing up grass
The closest I come
Is now...
As I open thy boundaries of my mind to limitless displays
With this wordplay, an aresenal of dictionary words, ****, **** n' all
I may not be bliss with all I've seen
But atleast these sentences have no hierarchy
Through these lines
I            am           free
Apr 2013 · 706
So what do I know?
Axiomighty Apr 2013
I know happiness is the ultimate goal
I know our potential to matter is limitless
I know the universe is infinite
I know that we're never the person we were a fraction of time ago
The fact is the only thing that is what we are, is our memories
Our memories help us choose a future
Our memories help us to reminisce
Our memories remind us of what we planned to do and didn't
They remind us if what we planned to do and did, and did so thoroughly we're proud like ants who take down scorpions
We may work better together but hey
Look at what I just did alone
Because its alone that we find out what were made of
It's as an individual we find out
we will make it
Sometimes I wonder how far I'll make it
But my past is always there to remind me, that everything I stack falls down
Everything I lack, might never come around
But thats okay, I'm not going in circles anymore
Sometimes I hear the wind say owe
As it hits the window
And I open up to see what's wrong
I soon find out it's trying to find out how to runaway from the sun
And I say, if you can't take the heat get out of the sky
And then it swoops back to me and whispers
I try
My past is always here to remind me
Everytime I slack, I get more down
And everytime my hope is hit by apathy's flak, my persona continues to crack, and revealed is a bigger frown
Tonight I lay on my *******
Wondering if my life will ever be on track
And if I even want it to
My past is always here to remind me
That my battles bring hope back around
That my good knights bring doubt to the ground
That these vessels of words forge royal sounds
That hard ships sculpt crowns
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Dismantling Ego
Axiomighty Apr 2013
You are like the itch in my throat
You are a nuisance I could do without
So I swallow some lyrical pills and kick you out
But you are doubt
And it doesnt matter that I'm the illest
I am so sick no anecdote could **** this
No sugar coating can hide bad business
I'm feelin like a train derailment, my lives so off track
Might as will hit the cupboards and pack
Leave tonight and leave for better or for dead
Is life worth living, just to pay off debt?

But if I leave I will still be trapped in my head
Funny how all these epiphanies are tapped into in bed
Where if I was sleep instead
Maybe I'd have a future not encompassing a floor that's wet and red
If my compass was working I'd already be found
Yet now I lay in the void of avoidance
Wishing not a thing in the world could exploit the simplicity of being thoughtless
Then I remember I am in the wilderness
And I may be found as a skeleton
So I make a fake parachute over the next three months
I climb a tall tree
And spread the fabric out on top
Hook myself up
And then lean over a branch into the air
And when the rope meets its full length
I loose all strength
But noone will ever have to know that I never flew
And felt the high skies breeze
That I was always so low
Noone but me
And what hangs is a dismantled ego
But not my body! Not my mind
For I stand at the bottom of the tree looking up
And you would think you won the battle
But I've come to realize there is no up and down in the Universe
Theres just a line, either bouncy, or straight or curved
And since forward is the only place to go, I unfold these verses out of the crevices of my brain
So I have something more than my negativity to leave behind
And thus lays a trail of bones from the creativity I caught and ate alive
And now I can be at another level of life, because I can travel through time
And go back, pick up old poems and make them dance to new vibes
Then be so **** glad I decided not to cut my rope short, so glad I stopped drowning sorrow with a quart
So glad I didn't give up on love
And then realize how great it feels to realize theres no such thing as above
All that ever really mattered was just now
Just us
I've always deserved freedom
And now
I've found justice
Some people reside in conformed buildings
Birds fly south
Bears hibernate
But when the cold comes
I let my poems slip out my mouth
For these sentences are wild
But these syllables are my warmth
These words are my home
And so, I will never be alone
Jan 2013 · 821
A Sad Excuse for A Poem
Axiomighty Jan 2013
Deranged words
Will never make my heart sing
If never heard
By those who make life worth living

I split my confidence in to thirds
Then decide I better dispose of everything

My ego might bring me higher than expected
Yet inevitable failure keeps me from spreading my wings

For I have to act like I don't catch "your drift"
To stay away from lethal heights

Though through my memories I do sift
Seeking for a large enough weight

To keep me from taking lift
Thus in the beat to my life, there will always be a rift

I have no justification for prolonging the process of accepting my fate
Though who would want to see themselves alone

So instead, I rant through my souls gate
Leaving in my footsteps
A sad excuse for a poem

The only thing left unknown
Will those tracks lead to a body,
Or abruptly, disappear?
Jan 2013 · 671
Axiomighty Jan 2013
Silly, silly tree they say.
Tree grow, tree tall, branches flow, branches fall, wind blows, wind sprawls.
Tree cries, tree bawls, branches fly, wind enthralled, tree leans, tree sways, waiting to snap, atmosphere hectic, chaotic, structure and order eroding.
Soon the tree will cease to reach beyond the horizon.
Yet onlookers look on, all they see is a stubborn tree that can never be broken.
But they can't see wind.
Jan 2013 · 621
Thinking of a metaphor
Axiomighty Jan 2013
Thinking of a metaphor
to explain everything that is happening to me is closer to impossible than anything I've ever tried before
But I have to try
Before my sanity leaks out a little more
My ears strain themselves as if bothered by a bizarrely loud screech
Yet all I can hear is the rain hitting the back padio
Reminding me of the rain begging to pour out of my core
It must be the cries of my heart causing my ears pain, as it pounds ribs waiting for the door of my mouth to open for a chance to speak
About the things that once acted their way through my souls opening
And in the meantime I must dig deeper than magma to find a temperature I can feel
With so much to say, but so little time
I will get the rest out in these next few lines
I hate that I hate every hateful breath I inhale
But I solemnly love that I am willing to live for the dieing in which I can overwhelming satisfied exhale
Jan 2013 · 820
Just a Pretty Face
Axiomighty Jan 2013
Sometimes, I curl up into my own arms
But what I don't know is that's where I'll find the most harm
The ghosts tell me I am their favourite charm
But when I speak back and they lock my mouth, it sets off an alarm
It rings in my head, but so low I cannot hear the sound
Of my subconscious clawing and screaming at the door
It takes months to realize whats so long been in town
Theres been a creature creeping closer to my core
For now is when I realize this frown
Is nothing more than the reality of this haunting tour
My heart is being crushed by the bones of my doubts and stretched by its own pounding
My physical identity is trying to point to something sharp on the floor
But there's a mirror on the ceiling
and I just look up at the illusion of feeling found
Head in the clouds
Walking aimlessly
With no sign of moving around what could be my last feeling
For it could slice my toe off setting off alarms like a ping ball machine in my head and I grin shamelessly
The layers of skin punctured and the layers of my heart peeled
Cupid does not shoot arrows at me
She launches missiles
Dismemberming my limbs, spreading a mess of arms, legs, fingers and toes, maybe thats why they call it a mistletoe
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
The Search
Axiomighty Jan 2013
We send out waves into the deepest reaches of space, and deeper
We send mechanical eyes to the edges of the solar system
We are not looking for answers, we never were
Like a lonely sail boat sinking at sea, launching a flare so bright in the cusp of the darkest hours
Or when a dictator looses all their power from the burden of rebellion
Torn of all the comforts of formalities
They cower in the dampest corner, in that unbearable discomfort, when your thighs have went numb and you need to, you proceed to move but you just can't
So you toss fragments of rock in to the hall outside your prison cell, hoping for an answer
Because everyone is against you
For you are a person, and are thus the dictator of every mistake you have made
And this haunts you while you hide in the shade
Humanity does not seek truth or conclusions,
we seek help

— The End —