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405 · Aug 2018
Philosopher's love
Avishkar Aug 2018
I started reading the letter

It read: I always loved the magics, miracles of the universe. But I never found a small piece of love from the universe for me. So there's no point being a part of the universe. I quit. I love you ...

I wished I could have made you realize that the universe loved you more than I did.

After all,
I would have been a fool not noticing

the way the sunshine played with your hair

the way the raindrops slipped slowly from your lips

the way the wind flew only to feel your body

the way the stars twinkled praising your beauty

the way the rainbow silently dissolved the colour of your eyes with himselfs'

the way the lightning appeared to frighten u and feel your breaths

the way different beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, lovely stars in the universe gave up their life to contribute their  'starstuff ' to prepare a gorgeous living thing

But you never realized the thing because

You were an astrophile
I was a philosopher..
Love makes life live
357 · Aug 2018
The accident
Avishkar Aug 2018
My eyes just opened..

The ceiling fan was turning round and round ..

Small breeze was making its noises

I looked towards the window
It was not the breeze but you .. Crying

I was able to see your face in the moonlight..
The tears over your cheeks were visible..

I remembered of the accident..
Oh!  as my eyes are opened I have survived the accident

I wanted to come near you
Hug you..  Kiss you..

And for all that I needed to get your attention
I took a deep breath ..

Closed my eyes for gaining some energy to call your name

My eyes remained closed.....
Love makes life live
292 · Aug 2018
Tha last evening
Avishkar Aug 2018
Everything seemed to be still
There was a slight pain
Darkness was capturing my eyes

I was feeling the whole universe in my breaths

I was in the past , rewinding things

My past reminded me of you

You always said that we are alive only to create a few memories that will create a smile on lips at the last evening of our life

You always found your moments in the magics of universe
I always found them in you

I was able to relive those moments this time
because the flow of breeze touching my soul always reminded me of you

I was not able to differentiate my heartbeats and the ticking clock


For a moment , there was Nothing but darkness

I was feeling some more senses other than the five senses which always helped me creating me

I was feeling blind, light and suddenly my eyes opened

I was able to see myself resting on a bed

There was a smile on my lips....
Love makes life live
291 · Aug 2018
Parallel loves
Avishkar Aug 2018
The moment your eyes depicted the rejection
I realized I was in the wrong world

Because I don't belong to the world where
We don't end up together

The world where your heart beated for someone else
Was never going to be my world

There are parallel worlds out there,
Where I am with you and you are with me

Where the sun,  shines only to cast our togetherness
by the means of shadow

Where the comet falls only to fulfil our wish

Where the rainbow appears to witness our love

Where the ocean, the silent breeze makes
every scene a Moment of Love

Somewhere in time, I have lost all these worlds,
Which certainly cannot be found again

I lost my way in this world and didn't realized
that this world was not for me,

Because here, in this world, The nature will never witness us together

But somewhere out there, there are parallel worlds
Where you love me the same I do

And wherever those parallel worlds might be


........  Lost somewhere in time
Love is the foundation of human emotions and emotions are at the base of every creation
268 · Aug 2018
The rain
Avishkar Aug 2018
The dark room promoted
some dark thoughts in my mind...

I was thinking..Just thinking.. laying on my bed

The whole city outside was dark

It was totally filled with large, mellifluous noises of wind

And suddenly there was a lightning which brightened the whole room

It just feeled as a 'Deja Vu'
Only the part missing was 'You'

In no time, I was in my epoch

Everytime there was lightning
There was a 'you' hugging me tightly

That night we were on the bed with the same lightning in the dark skies...

Your hug just felt as a chrysalis....
The warm breath was melting my iced heart
That moment was a total oblivion but a clone of heaven for me..

In no time I was back in the present

The petrichor was filling my heart

I was observing your photo beside my bed

The lightning was no more

The rain had already started....
The rain makes everything wet

Our hearts too...

— The End —