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Avery Greensmith Jun 2014
your lips are coated in poison
(full of death)
but mine are coated in lipgloss
(full of death).
He'd rather choose the poison
then fall prey to a girl
with cherry lipstick
and a pretty face
pulling him in and never
letting him
Avery Greensmith May 2014
you treated her like she was worthless
so she began to believe that she was.
her body was priced and put on the
and she always fell prey to bargain hunters,
she was on sale
two for the price of one
(when they got her, they got her best friend.
neither of them believed they meant anything,
because of you.)
how does it feel to know that you were the merchant,
that handled the selling and put them on the market,
so they would be almost worthless.
you left her lying there,
in the clearance aisle,
and she didn't think she was worth it
to move from that aisle.
it's because of you that girls bodies
are sold off like nothing more than a
new pair of shoes,
to to trash that thought nothing
more than her curves and her
winking eyes
(you always taught her how
to wink, it would make her seem
more worth a fight for that.
but you and me both know
that's not what it did.)
you are the enemy that kills hopes and dreams,
and you've put the idea in her mind
that she is nothing.
You will never be forgiven for that
awful act.
(not by me, or her,
or anything else)
Avery Greensmith May 2014
i.** I need you to survive,  I tried to breathe air in the sky, but my lungs only receive it when your eyes fill them up with air. Then, I can breathe again. The functions of my body begin to work, like gears in the clock I used to love (before you told me you hated it, then I forgot all about it). My eyes don’t fill up with water unless you pour buckets from the ocean into them. (my eyes sting but I’ve forgotten the pain, if that is the only way to survive with you by my side). And I cannot eat until your fingernails have broken, by the way you dig into the sand with a beach shovel, because that is the only way you know how to feed me.

ii.I cannot live with you by my side (it is impossible to have you anywhere near). When you help me breathe, my heart stops (but not in a good way, the kind that signals a bomb going off). It’s hard to walk alongside you while my heart wants to beat to the beat of a clock that you despise. That clock used to be the thing keeping me living, but now it is you. You are also the reason I am slowly dying. My mind is starting to fade, so I only remember you and the way you dig in the sand (and even though I hate the beach, I’ve forgotten that too). My fingernails are chipping as I scrape the paint of the wall of my bedroom, to make it beautiful for you to enjoy. I am slowly dying because you, because of the reason that I am surviving. (I’d try to get out, but either way I die, and I’d rather die with you holding my hand then you taking the air away from my lungs).

iii. I do not matter to you at all. I am not the air in your lungs or the force that is slowly killing you. To you, I am just another summer day to enjoy, but forget the next day. You wouldn’t even let me breathe if my best friend did not call everyday to remind you (even fake people care about me more than you ever will.) I cannot live without you though, and you have made sure of that. You have taken away my clock, that beautiful clock that helped me move without pain. You have pushed away all my friends, and my enemies (I shall miss my enemies more though, they were beautiful wars we fought each other at). Perhaps it does not even matter that I mean nothing to you, because I will easily slip out of bed one day to hide in the cracks on the wall, and I doubt that you will even notice.

iv. You told me you didn’t care, so why did you lie? why did you lie through your skin and bones to the edges of my heart, until I had no choice but to climb to the top of the clock. That clock that you took away from me, but I still carried with me even in the ocean (it was the only thing I had besides the memories of you that pushed away even the thought of breathing). “tick tock” you have made this sound a million times, yet you have lied through your teeth that you hated this clock. it’s kind of odd, but I have no time to do anything because your enemies have confronted you, and you are pushed up against the wall. (you told me your enemies were fake, but I know they are real, because they have skin, and a beating heart. they even remember how to breathe sometimes).

v. oh. it all makes sense now. You are the clock. I am the air surrounding you, giving you mystery, and that is why I am still here. That is why you even care enough to listen when they tell you I need to breathe, or to scrap yourself trying to feed me. That is why you have told me you despise the clock, because you are the clock, and you despise yourself most of all. “Tick tock” it’s almost night, and you are afraid of the shadows. Your enemies lurk in the shadows, and you cry in the shadows. You're the clock and you will feed me, but will forget to help me breathe unless you are reminded, because you are busy hiding from the shadows that scare you, and you are busy showing the world when the shadows will appear. I wish I could mean more to you (I wish I could be the hand that strikes every hour) but that will never be, so I will settle with holding your head as you cry in the shadows and tell me how much you despise that clock (we all have our demons and perhaps yours were never visible until I confronted mine).
Avery Greensmith May 2014
you were named after a poet,
and she was named after a godless.
so when your perfectly crafted
words broke her heart,
the world exploded
into flames and you had
no water to drown them out
(so you drowned in flames,
and she drowned in her tears
as you burned quicker than souls
burn in hell.)
Avery Greensmith May 2014
well if you can't handle me at my best
(with my hair ******* around me and my eyes filling up the sky)
than I know for sure you won't be able to
hold me at my worst
(with my hair untied and loose, falling as snakes, and my eyes burning up your soul)
and perhaps the clouds and the fog are not the same thing at all.
earthworms are not caterpillars,
no matter how hard they try.
and perhaps that is our relationship.
it will never be Ariel and prince Eric,
but instead it is Ursula and prince Eric,
and I am Ursula.
I have the power to destroy you but
all I want to do is hold your heart in my hand
and feel your lips against mine.
but we both know how that ends,
with you falling into the arms of the perfect girl
when I'm just a monster floating to the deep.
and when I see you next,
you had better run away from me
because I'll be at my worst with my hair falling like
snakes and my eyes burning your soul
(with the pain fueling the fire and my eyes
aching with tears that I've discarded.)
Avery Greensmith May 2014
today I learned
that you are named after a poetry
(one of my favorite poets to be honest)
but it's a beautiful irony
we have here.
you are named after a poet,
who's words flow into beautiful stanzas,
and even though he is long gone,
his words mean more than yours ever will.
your words are sharp and cruel,
and I'm unable to read them out loud.
(I tried to sing them once,
but my mouth burned your words
and my tongue couldn't stand it)
and all they do is push people to bridges
and swallow the poison that
you've wrote into your "poetry".
(they do not inspire anyone except for me
when I actually believed the kind ones you wrote)
You do not deserve to bear my favorite poets name when
the only words you craft are the
lies you will never stop spinning.
(you should've been named after a spider,
not after this poet)
but perhaps one day I'll meet a poet
(a real poet with beautiful words
that can heal anyone's scars)
they'll write me beautiful words that will reach me
(just like you wrote me beautiful lies)
and the beautiful irony will always be there,
in the lie that is your name
Avery Greensmith May 2014
I felt the stars
but all they felt like your skin.
lol what
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