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Knarled fingers, time etched between the creases
Of broken flesh that with grace, unfurls a yellowing heart
Down upon the ash covered wood.
Through the curling haze contented countenance
Crows with rasping indulgence, knowing once again
Victory will be won with a *****.

In the grass of Lunan Bay the weathered eye
Sketches absently, a distraction from realization-
To care too much is not nearly enough.
Lustrous tones emblazon the fruitless complexion,
Black and blue, beaten with malevolence down
Onto paper that trembles amidst the tempest.

When shall we three meet again?
Dour silence conflicts proclamations,
To do right is to be wronged and the wrong is never put right.
Till the battle is both lost and won,
The lasting spell of time is thine enemy-
Helpless to those who were once freely chained to you.

Only in death does one preserve existence,
Reflections alter with age but the truth is never forgotten.
As I look out to the tranquil sea; life now cold
With unknown depths, endless to optimistic minds-
Through the delicate hands of a child does your
Ashes dance down to their watery grave.
Defending against the neglect of a name do I grasp the torment,
Of never being able to bid you goodbye.

Anna Elizabeth Rose ©
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Lost Love
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Let her nights be occupied with
dreams so sweet it could
leave a cavity.
Let her mornings be smothered
with warm coffee that
makes her insides happy.
Let her day be filled
with someone that holds her dear.
Let her days be filled with the one who she loves most.
Even if it isn't the person
who truly loves her the most.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Gaurav K
O! Queen, my dear enchantress,
Never allure, with  your ethereal eyes,
The joy in my heart will crash
and sink down with all my lies.

You walk! and the earth does shy,
Your eyes glitter with a charming gaze,
With flowers of nectar, the child drops by
So falls the wind in its on haze.

You are infectious and i was so frivolous
Despair surrounds me; as i am reckless
O! Queen, your love is so pious,
O! Queen, you are my only enchantress.

How fantasy dawns in me!
A man so old, but young in his heart,
Those who are stealing, cannot they see
it is only I who envies this earth?

O! Queen, my dear enchantress
Flatter not me, as i seek solace.
I will keep singing even in distress,
If you be in me, I will forever be fearless.

O! love; so the fruitful time comes
Awaken me; my dear Queen,
If this had be the truth that awaits me,
I then live as i die with this dream..
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Gaurav K
O! Queen, my dear enchantress
Come, dwell in me
Beautiful within her, a mighty mistress
So divine a rose in this sea.

The wild kiss, a kiss in the air
All the while it sang a song,
The roses smiled as though, so dear
O! my Queen, i would last all along.

I see my moon, as so bright
Painting so the star-studded sky;
As though, dawned a beauteous sight,
As though, set a beauteous night.

O! Queen, my dear enchantress
Beguile me all the while
I am feeble and in distress,
So i could sway for yet a mile.

So a prophet with harmless euphony ,
Hymns a chord all afternoon,
My Queen! never be so *****,
I envy my soul, like the bruised moon.

Passion is all, but is with me
With no less love, with no less charm,
Come my Queen, I would glide down free,
Forever and ever into your golden arms.

I breathe! I breathe! a love so true,
Myself I fancy to be your worthy king,
And so with songs i flew, with songs i flew;
With the sweetest melody that all i could sing...

*the poem is too long and so i thought of posting it in my next post
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Your eyes
are my favorite color
dark and sultry -
a magnetic force,
that pulls me in.
My favorite scent
is your skin
against mine
in the early mornings -
before the sun,
kisses the sky.
My favorite sound
is your heartbeat
when it's racing,
when it slows down -
quite often
I like to believe,
that our pulses
are in sync.
Your hands
are my favorite
pieces of art -
the way they intertwine perfectly
with mine.
I could trace my fingers
against yours
for a lifetime,
and never become dissatisfied.
Your lips
are my favorite taste -
I love the way
they become chapped
from placing
too many kisses,
on my skin.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Emily Ayres
What a love this was.
He pulled me out,
Out of that deep dark place.
Of demons and darkness.
Of nightmares of horrors.
My greatest fear was to lose him.

I loved him,
I still sometimes do.

Why must you go?
Receding into your mind.
Where no one can reach.
With hands outstretched,
Waving like the wind.
What a love is this?

To push me back
Into the dark place.
As we go back and fourth
Fighting and bickering.
Forever lost in the down pour.
What a love is this?

And then
With a single note.
It all slipped from our fingers.
Like ash in the wind.
For what a love is this?
When no one is happy
But one. But us.
Because, what a love is this?
Answer me that.
This is a sad month.
The chance of another perfect Summers day
Falls away.

September channels melancholy.
Summer crazy turns to calm.
Excitement dies,
We start to pack away the years' memories,
Growth slows,
We ponder.

I have learned nothing.
Autumn's inevitability
Echoes my own, unchanging nature.

Perhaps I can learn from the season's changes,
There are things that I, too, should try to put to bed.
I will try to say goodbye
Not just to sun, and warmth,
But to my mistakes.

It's not a time for sadness
But for welcoming the chance to start again.
 Sep 2013 Atrayee
Bruised Orange
Sometimes, I feel I will implode!
I want to make myself so small.


I want to tick tock my way into oblivion,
thinking small thoughts.

But words explode from my lips,
Little bombs, they lick their way through the air.

And I think, "These words will

— The End —