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  Dec 2014 Astral Alien Babe
Jon Martin
Time crumbles over the years, eroding
under the weight of "I should have been
theres", and "backwhens", and "I miss
yous". And, as it erodes, it leaves the
bittersweet smell of what was, complete
with a little taste of memory on the back
of your tongue that will never quite go away...
Apparently, I wrote this in my sleep. I hate it when I do that.
My name is Aura
My classification is **** Sapien
But what am I?
I have reddish-blondish-brownish hair
I have green eyes and precious skin
But what am I?
I like to read
I like to create art
I like to waste time on the internet
But what am I?
I live on planet Earth
at least, that's what I'm told...
But what am I?
I feel a strange serenity when I am in the forest,
listening to the calls of the wild
I can understand them
the trees
the birds
the other creatures living
I am not from here.
I do not belong on such a planet of destruction and chaos
this planet also has much beauty
Beauty that I thrive in
I originate from somewhere beautiful
somewhere pure
somewhere untouched by mass technology and war and famine and pain
I originate from somewhere built on Love
There are others here, that come from the same place i do,
and I think I have found them.
Dis is ma original poem. Not plagirised.

I walk through the fields of the cow grazing pasture,
I feel the north winds brush gently across my scalp,
The warmth of the evening sunset hugs my sensitive skin,
As I hear the faint swish of grandpa's windmill,
I begin to escape into my head,
A land of happiness and freedom,
Where I can be alone and forget the stresses of life,
I slowly take a drag of the *****,
And the feeling sinks deeper into the back of my head,
I am locked into a trance and the reggae spirit guides me.

Jah feel it
Red Lipstick

What I never leave the house without

Because it ***** out all the pigment in my skin

It drowns out all my ugly features

Red Lipstick

but today

I'm going to try

not wearing it

Because if she is brave enough

to face the demons in her head

this time of year

I can face mine

I should be able to be strong too

No Lipstick

I think everyone in the station is staring at you

No Lipstick

They are all thinking you're hideous. You should be ashamed. Those poor people who are forced to look at you. Go put on lipstick

No Lipstick

Look. Can you see your reflection in the glass? See how ugly you are?

No Lipstick. But beauty is not the most important thing.

Look, it's a girl from your elementary school. She just looked at you. The prettiest girl in the class. The one the boys liked, including the one you liked for so long.

No Lipstick. It doesn't matter. I don't care what she thinks.

Yes, you do. Now you have confirmed what her friends always said. What she has always thought. You. Are. Ugly.

No Lipstick. I don't care if I am ugly.

Yes, you do.

No Lipstick. Stop! Get out of my head!

No one has ever looked as repulsive as you.

No Lipstick. I'm fine.

No you're not. You're crumbling.

No lipstick. I am not. I can do this.

No you can’t. You’re too pathetic. You are not as strong as her. You are not brave. You are fighting a losing battle.

No Lipstick. Stop hurting me!

You are not allowed to stand up for yourself. You can't talk back to me. You are too ugly to deserve to be allowed to.

No Lipstick. I hate you!

Then that means you hate yourself.

I know. And I do. But I have to do this. It’s time to prove I care more about living my life than being pretty. So No. Lipstick.
Not every battle is as obvious. Something like leaving the house without lipstick can seem so simple and almost stupid to make a fuss over, but it is really, really hard for me to do today. I have to prove to myself there is no way that I have dysmorphia.
To all of you who are fighting quiet battles with yourselves, I send love and courage out to you. <3
Do you see that flower?

It has no beauty compared to your presence.

Do you see that lake?

It could never replenish my thirst the way your eyes do.

Do you see those trees?

They could never provide the amount oxygen that I lose when you kiss me

Do you see that house?

It could never give me the safety that I feel wrapped in your embrace

Do you see Me?

I can never love myself as much as you do.
How wonderful it would be
to be a cat

just lay in the sun
on your comfy pedestal
looking down at your caretakers
not having to worry

about college






world hunger


government policies



sounds like perfection

unless you're a stray
*that **** would ****
The summer sunshine
lights up imagination.

Friendship is endless,
without natural deceit.

Share my endless acceptance.
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