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 May 2015 Ashley Rodden
I wish I knew what you were thinking
Wish I could crawl inside of your head
Dissect your thoughts, decipher your fears
Know what all of this means
Know the reason behind every text message
I spend hours searching for a prophetic sign in your words and I am aching to take it back to when it was simple
I didn’t have to use a magnifying glass to see the love
It was not hidden
I often find myself picking up my phone just to know what it feels like to put it down
I tell myself this
I have been trying to claw the rested drop of lonely from my throat
But it is sewn in like a patch on a pair of blue jeans
It is hiding my skin for fear if I fall I will hurt myself
I am homesick for a heartbeat and green eyes
I wish I knew what you were thinking
If there is still something there
If you still love me, don’t just assume I don't
so easy to believe
so easy to write it all off as illusion
so easy to bury head in the sand
and wish it all away
but that's the tragic tale

i was a young man
so full of strife and never wondered why
knowing the hammer strike would solve
never looked to see beyond what my fists could do
after all i would live forever
and i knew all the answers had all the secrets
all the summer bright day
the world was mine
and i breathed easy never considering
but time changes everything

knowin' is the key
seeing is believing
and you cant deny what is in your hand
fistful of angers or the open heart of wanting
wanting a better life
wanting a better world
now i'm an old man
and my hand isn't a fist anymore
cause the hard lesson learned
cause the hard road traveled
 May 2015 Ashley Rodden
The perfect man for me will not mind that I sometimes snort when I laugh. He will love the way I sneeze in threes and think I am beautiful when I cry into my shirtsleeve. He will love me for the naive way I think all people are good and he will pick me up when I realize they aren't. He will laugh at my stupid jokes, watch terrible movies with me, and always kiss me like it is the last time we'll touch. In the middle of the night, when only the pale yellow moon can see us, he will hold me close to his chest like I am going to disappear in his arms. When we make love, I will be able to feel the passion on his skin and the world will slow to a near stop. The perfect man for me will tell me when I am wrong and admit when I am right, he will love how I wear my heart on my sleeve and will not be intimidated by the passion I live my life with. He will look beyond my past and embrace a future with me. He will kiss the bruises others have left and admire the way I refuse to accept defeat. Most of all, he will love me in the same way I have been willing to love my whole life.
There are nights
When I just want to give in
Let the world swallow me
And erase everything
I've fought to become

There are nights
When I'm lonlier than others
I drift along my bare conciousness
I see your eyes drawn out in stars
And hear you calling my name in the breeze

There are nights
When hope is nonexistant
A long forgotten memory of a dream
When I can't hold inside
Everything that threatens to spill out

There are the nights
Spent with you
And those are the kind of sleepless hours
I live for
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