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 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
you never know how much i cared
you never even cared how much i did
it hurts, though i never asked for more
i still loved you anyway

but the countless nights end
when all sweet legendary tales closed
a hymn to wave sweet farewell then
i closed my eyes in breeze of pain

you are free; you are now
go and fly
be happy, and promise me
to never come back
ever again
just a lil favor on my side.
you gave up, you just did. what else can i do? you're not holding anymore.
Reverberation hit's the auditorium
Wailing notes and key's, guitar, piano
Chord's splash sound to the crowd
Leaving traces of burnt trails
Like the neighborhood crematorium.

Girdle, gurgled amplified effect's
Some do it for the love, other's for a check,
Fifty musician's. One stage to be the attention
Microphone's and xylophone tones rock out
To jam overtaking, to rock and blues ripping.
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
 Sep 2015 Ashley Rodden
I hate you for destroying everything I had
I hate you for always holding me back
I hate you for the times when you'd mess with my head
I hate you for all the damage that you did
I hate how you watched as I wasted away my life
I hate how everything you ever said was a lie
I hate how even today, the affect of you still remains
I hate how for all my problems, you're the one to blame
I hate the stolen hours, days, weeks
I hate how you turned me into a freak
I will never forgive you for what you did
Not just to me but even to little kids
I hate you
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