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Ashley Rae May 2014
I'd like to think,
that the best feelings are;
Grass under bare feet,
Spring tides,
Rain droplets lightly skimming your eyelashes,
A favorite blouse,
The burn of alcohol,
And the sensation of another humans skin
  May 2014 Ashley Rae
i am not who I think i am
but for a moment i was who i wish i could be

i was in class when it began
a clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning shook the sky

i walked out with my head held high
and smiled when the first droplets met my face

i laughed when a puddle soaked my shoes through and through
the feeling of clear, cold water settling on my *****, warm skin

i was by myself but i was not alone
the journey became my friend, my co-conspirator

i don’t know why i did it
but i hope that i never stop feeling it
so the story behind this was that it started raining during school and I dreaded having to walk back to my car in the rain but it turned out to be very a fun and nostalgic experience
Ashley Rae May 2014
These bewildering trees,
cold winters,
heavy snow,
and anxiety filled eyes
have taken a piece of me.
Who I was,
or who I thought I was.
I am a shell, in a
vast and open sea.
Waiting for a wave,
to cast me out
into a new current.
I am a hollow being,
waiting for my new soul.

— The End —