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 Feb 3 Ari
Do you ever feel
Like you're a bug?

I mean
Think about it
They get punished
For just existing
And in the world we live in
We are born in to this madness
With the only escape
Being death

Bugs come in all different shapes and sizes
Still bugs nonetheless
But when we see an ant just minding it's business
We step on it
And when we see a butterfly
we take a picture

Bugs get squashed
By people

People get squashed
By people

Do you see what I mean?
Maybe not the most poetic thing, but a thought I had.

(This note was written by a light that could not turn on, but you thought you could turn it on when you wanted to. Is that enough?)
 Feb 1 Ari
Khadi Alza
Smiling wide,
Talking polite.
Standing tall,
In the ball.

Eyes sparkling,
Oh, what a darling.
Yet a mystery,
With such a history.
 Jan 31 Ari
Vishal Pant
Yes I want to talk to you

When, everytime of my day

Can we have our own place

Where it's just us two

You say something stupid

I'll laugh, you'll laugh

I don't want it to end

Could it be like this, always

I know it'll end soon

Till then yes I want to talk to you

— The End —