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  Jul 2016 Apachi Ram Fatal
Slur pee
Desolation devours my heart,
Dripping and covered in rot
Blood clots, these stains won't wash
I'm lost, creeping through fog
Smog clogs black lungs
I'm high strung
From my spine column.
Surrounded by all,
Surrounded by one.
No one's really there,
Company is an illusion
Friends are a delusion,
Imaginary and elusive.
Things that don't exist,
Poke, pick, and twist
The human condition
Stoking a flame
But the heat's amiss.

It's so cold in loneliness.

anonymous winds
bend tall Timothy grasses,
wake rabbits napping
in the brush

they ripple the surface
of the stock tanks, tickle the haunches
of the beasts who wade there
to slurp the tepid waters

they birth red dust devils
for my eyes to follow, as they scud
through mesquite, and hopscotch over canyons
older than time

one day, soon, they will blow
over a shallow earth bed; I will not hear
their sibilant song, but my sleep will be deep,
unperturbed by their mystic music
Apachi Ram Fatal Jul 2016
Mourning life when faith is sacrificed leaving insecurities to call upon the holy spirit

Invoke unconscious supernatural divine being within self to inspire delusions cleverly

Out smart preservation leaving soul naked inside embodied wise eyes

Journey soul embarks on the Astral plane to find **Spirit
Energy Sparks of the Heart
You told me you
              Couldn't find your way
                                     In your darkest nights
So I left you a star
               A star in every poem
                               To find your way home
//On her//
Thank you all for loving this poem so much! It's such an honor to have a daily poem.
I wrote this for a special someone in my life.
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