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One's own solidarity is the familiar repose of lost love.
Parallel, aligned and set
Together, in vivo, they met
In shadows, spines slumped
One bemused, one dumped
Apart, in this company, til death.
Inspiration from a painting by Edgar Degas. (The poem was written in November 2013)
Born into a world of innocence
Sifting through colors of bright.
The hazy mirage of a yellow beam
Beating softly down upon new-born skin.
Peer over the picket fence at nearby strangers
Sharing lives of baby blue paradise wrapped in freedom.
Commune with those of shared land and ideas and interests
Bearing similar corporeal, external forms of lightened complexion.
But inside, holds an unspecified, weighted form of soul
To burden and contort the body with potent strength
Pulling convulsed limbs to the polluted soil
Red tormenting glare of familiarity
Stripping with each lash of fire
Weathered skin on the sunset
Charred, buried as the night
Falls upon every measure
Every idea, every fantasy
Every revelation of love
As bones are tugged
Towards the white
Core of the Earth
And you wake up.
Inspired by Don Hertzfeldt's 'It's Such a Beautiful Day'
Cast an indifferent overcast
upon the coarse gray sands
around my sunken feet imprinted
on the earth grounded by gravity
tortured to look above towards
shrouding skies of hoary scale
with earthly sounds of depths
crashing without compromise
sprinkling comets of aftermath
over my pale bristled skin
shuddering convulsing trembling
in fear of this darkened oblivion.
Dawn cracks through mud
Bullets splintered through wood
Bombs crater the ground
Planes drown the sound
Shrapnel digs into bone
Grenades blast into stone
Blizzards induces the cold
Morale reduces the soul
Medals decorate the call
Blood decorates the halls
Marshall's lost their grind
Solider's lost their minds.
We've come together
To reach our Mecca
At 10 Mathew Rd.
Blessed by the Beat Les Musique,
Beneath this winding road.
(Son les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble).

Mersey Beat shook the world,
In the beginning,
In the end,
Then across the universe.

I get a feeling
Beneath this burning neon sign,
The Cavern.
I imagine
I hear:
I am he
And you are he...

I'm peaking here
Above holy ground.

Don't ask me why
We said the things
We said today.
We've carried that weight,
Said hello and goodbye,
Good morning, good morning,
Good night.
And when I'm down,
And I'm so tired,
And when you needed someone,
We could work it out.
Why worry over yesterday,
Let yesterday

Hold my hand
As we descend
Thirty-three steps,
And stand again
Like we're seventeen
Before the altar of song.
In this crypt
I'm a child
Buying tickets
For a ride.

Now hold me tight
As the two of us
Twist and twirl and shout.
I'm happy
Just to dance with you.

From this cellar,
Rose sons of man,
To sing and teach
Of love and peace,
And the brotherhood
Of man.

Let's ascend the stairs,
Oh darling,
It's getting better
All the time.
Here comes the sun,
I'll follow.
Edit and repost.
The Beatles played The Cavern 292 times. Best held the beat about 190 of those gigs. I've liberally used many titles and lines from their catalogue.
Shh baby girl, it'll be okay

On the cold wooden floor she lies,
Her small body trembling with fear,
Three nights before Christmas.

Her eyes clenched in terror,
As a rough hand moves down her body.
Her silent sobs cannot be heard.

With her mother in the next room,
A  4 year old girl's innocence is taken,
Just in time for Christmas.

Shh baby girl, it'll be okay

A 6 year old girl alone with a friend,
Locked in an old dark shed.
Unfamiliar touches cross her body again.

A friend whose touch in no longer kind,
One little girl who is trapped inside her mind.
Another set of sobs that are forever silenced.

A little girl who was discarded,
A broken toy.
This little girl was nothing but used.

Shh baby girl, it'll be okay

A young teen speaks the truth,
She sits in a chair
Before judgmental eyes.

She speaks of a man
From many years ago,
And of the friend she used to know.

The eyes just narrow tightly and scold,
It's the little girl's fault,
She should have yelled out.

These eyes don't care that the man was armed.
These eyes don't care that the girl was strong.

These eyes defend their son,
The one who is in jail for molesting his sister,
But as his cousin, *I don't count

These eyes defend their daughter,
The one who was violated herself.
They said I was overreacting,
It is I who was the bad judge of character.

To this day, there is a little girl,
Trapped and trembling,
Scarred and scared.
Trapped forever inside her adult body.

*Shh baby girl, it'll be okay
This is my story. I'm sorry if its hard to read but don't comment rude things. I don't deserve it, nor does anyone else.
Thank you.
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