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 Feb 2015 Anon
I used to bang on fretted strings
frilled out chords and pretty things
I closed my eyes and let it flow
no boundaries did imagination know

I still can feel the rising rush
of blood electric through my veins
reminisce of all the chains
I've busted through
me and my crew
we did the do and so much more....
out of this world we did explore

through the sound, through the music, through the sound, into the mystic, so profound, to feel the music...

in our blood, hearts of lust
a musician's kind of kindred trust

i miss those days...

I sometimes weep inside
I hear a verse and groove the vibe
but something inside me knows it died

A life once lived, so true...
so true
That life I lived is through...
so through

But still I keep an acoustic propped against my wall
in case that the muse of music does call...
*please call
I feel like I've lived so many different lives...please tell me someone feels the same...
Your horoscope reads very well
But your life does not.
 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
there is silence.
i allow it to consume me,
feed on my soundless noise
clutch onto my paper skin,
allow it to cease the crumpling
of a flammable coat, paper-thin,
let go of the clumsily loud thoughts,
let them flow into the air,
speak for themselves silently,
outside the screaming of my head.
 Feb 2015 Anon
one. you can't. everytime their name is mentioned, your heart can't help but beat a little too fast, your stomach can't help but sink a little too deep, and your mind reminds you of every time the words i'll never leave left their mouth, without hesitation. without uncertainity. without doubt. how could you feed my hollow self with your assurance when you were never sure yourself?
two. this is how it starts and this is how it will never end. with questions that'll always be left unanswered. with one piece of the puzzle always missing. with all the what if's and could have's, and why, and how can they?
three. the first thing you should realise is that they are capable of everything. stop the how can they, and the how come. if there's one thing i've learned is people can. they can hurt your fragile little self and shatter every bit of self worth they might've helped you build up, themselves. stop the questioning. you might not want to hear the answers as much as you think you do. they won't tell you what you want to hear. we, people, are self contradictory. we claim to want the truth, but that's not what we want. we create versions of truths in our ever lasting thoughts and make believe. we make believe to survive.
four.  survive. breathe, breathe, breathe. take a look around you, take a look at the people you are surrounded with. we live in an astonishingly beautiful environment. try to look at the world as whole, and look at how insignificant that person that you're "in love" with is. look at how insignificant you are. take it in, take it in. you'll be able to get through this. your heart will mend, nature will take care of that.
five. you should stop blaming them. you should stop blaming yourself. and you should stop blaming the world. another thing i've learned is that, you will not always end up with the person you're in love with. and just because someone's in love with you, does not mean that they won't hurt you. and just because they've hurt you does not mean that they don't care for you. that's life. it's bias. it does not make sense but there's no use to try and make sense of it. you'll end up empty.
six. hatred is not forgetting. indifference is not forgetting. missing is not forgetting. longing is not forgetting. there's no forgetting. don't beat yourself up for still caring. it's humane. time. it'll take time. that person will fade away to the ((danger, danger. do not touch)) pile in your brain to rarely be thought of. yes, there will come a time in which you'll not think of them. take my lead, will you?
seven. this will be a long road. but you need to know that hurt does not last. hurt is not eternal. not one feeling is eternal, you'll get through this. some time soon, you'll meet this someone that'll make you feel things you've never thought you're capable of feeling. they were good to you, but you'll find someone who's good to you and appreciates you just as much. someone who will show you what to love about yourself, which is you whole. because ******* it, you're holy. you're lovely. you're wonderful. someone that'll make misery a foreign word to you. you'll find that someone soon, princess. i promise you.
 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
Don't look at my face.
I'm a disgrace.


Don't look at my face.
I'm always out of place.


Don't look at my face.
I'm a song without bass.


Don't look at my face.
I have no grace.


Don't look at my face.
Disappear without trace.


Don't look at my face.

 Feb 2015 Anon
V S Ramstack
i feel angry
simply plainly
contempt for
assumptive people
a lack of empathy
i, too,
but this is
fist against the pillow
swallowing brick-shaped tears
eyes burning
i forgot to
contorted face
a lemon of
a realization
i am trapped
wholly really
unless i choose
to remove myself
the equation
i can't
i can't do that
i have so many
more lives to lead
words to cherish
esteems to encompass
and so
i cry
because remaining
willfully ensnared
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