these days breathe through words, molecules of vowels, stem cells of consonants, the fabric, the tissues of life, veins are a dictionary of corpuscles, red …
Lagos, Algarve, Portugal
Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. …
Boulder, CO
I started writing poetry my junior year of high school while we were studying the Beat Generation. My teacher had us do an exercise called …
Los Angeles , CA
I enjoy music(Metal,Rock,Grunge,Alt. of anykind) in fact I mastered the guitar and I want to learn Piano and Violin.I mostly do rhyme type of poems …
Maine, USA
My muse will fly again, is beginning to dance, and I will return as writer/reader/responder. I still love the generous HP community. Giving and receiving …
Here and There
Existing In Reality.Living in Dreams.Trying to make the best of Both. all material copyrighted here and @http://maxchelur.wordpress.com/ A practicing Architect,A nonpracticing Poet...