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  Apr 2015 Anne-L
Laura Withers
Can it be
I'm the only one left?
The rest of humanity seems to have gone to shame.

I'm not even sure they are human,
I don't even think they are sane.

The rest of the Humans are gone.
I am only left.
Yet to be replaced by a race,
of hate and greed.
Where everyone covets and wants what others have.

So now I wait,
to be replaced.
By one of these
The world representation. Just remember this and return a simple act of kindness today. You could be saving the Human Race.
  Apr 2015 Anne-L
Every day, these walks get longer.
Every hour, these hands, they tremble.
Every minute, these eyes get weary.
Every second, this existence is fading.

As light approaches this darkened room,
We are shrouded in to the fog of melancholy.
Devoured by misery, consumed by life,
Slowly and slowly we burn into nothingness.

These gaps exist with the soul of our hearts.
The void of joylessness approaches.
All these *** that emotions can’t afford,
Our tears are kept in a jar.

What sick, ****** contagious lives we have.
We are fools to the repetitious cycle of despair.
We continue to gaze at the fields of the condemned.

How about a cigarette for us to breathe?
But let us quench into the foolishness of life.
  Mar 2015 Anne-L
Callum Davies
When she sees you for the first time, don't look away gaze straight into her eyes, smile very happily and pull her closer, maybe she'll also smile and scoot a little closer, grab her hand until she feels weird, then get very close to her and peer near, keep holding her hand very softly, dont grip or tug, move you're lips a little closer to where she goes a little pug, she'll blush a very rosey red, smile for a bit then go in for the kiss nearer and nearer to her head, she'll then move you're head to the tips of her lips, but just remember this, this is the first kiss of you're life, so make sure you do it right, she then has enough of waiting and then kisses you, then you start to blush a little rosey too, you both then hold each others and say "I couldnt't have anyone else but you baby.", you then both feel love in all it's glory, and that when the chapter ends on you're love story.
  Mar 2015 Anne-L
Jeremiah Ramos
Time became a part of us ever since we learned how to read it
We put it on our wrists, nail it on our walls, and hold it in our phones.
It is an entity we gave meaning to, we gave importance to,
And we're either chasing or wasting it.

When I was a kid, I had a hard time reading time
I got confused if the short hand pointed at the hours or the minutes
Or if the long hand pointed at the minutes or hours.
Eventually, I learned and realized it's not much of a big deal as it was when I was learning it.
It became a part of  my life.

Love and time have some things pretty much in common.
Love became a part of us ever since we learned how to read it,
what it meant,
how it felt.
We put it in our hearts, we nail it in there, we hold it with our body.
It is an entity we give much meaning and importance to,
And we're either chasing or wasting it.

And we're all little kids still trying to learn what love is,
what it means,
how it feels.

Funny thing is, love and time also differ from each other.
Eventually, we learn what love is,
what it means,
how it feels.
And some of us would realize it was a big part of our lives even after we've learned it.
It became a part of our soul.

You then learn that, unlike time, love can be waited.
Love doesn't have to be always chasing or wasting.
It can be waited.
This is a poem about time and love.

Trying to write again once I get the gist. So bear with the rustiness of words used or structure whatever.
  Mar 2015 Anne-L
Callum Davies
A beauty of wonder lies apon you're lips, where a rosey red lipstick gloss run from the tip to the very last drip, a bit of love lies on it's surface, but only the right person gets of it what is worth it, it's a mystical element the lips, backed with plenty of emotions including a kiss, but what makes a kiss so passionate, is it the love you see in there lips, when it forms a bend only you're head can fit, or is it the magic of the lipstick touching you're forhead, willing to stick onto you until you go to bed, symbolising you're love, as well as you're mark on there head, making them yours for now, and until the end, and until they decide to wash it of again, a kiss has more feelings then love, it can be a mark or a sigh, from the heavns above, not even an angel could explain, the beauty you're lips can obtain, the beauty of the lips could go on forever, but at least we are always here together, so lets make the most of the kisses we have, and cherious each one as if it was our last.
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