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 Dec 2014 Anna Jane Lovett
Bald head
Brave smile
Tired limbs
Shaken soul
Hopeful heart
Aching body
Weary eyes
Quiet home

Color fading
Heat escaping
Vacant eyes
Heavy bones
Lifeless body
Broken hearts
Blue lips
Heavy stone

Another child has been taken by Cancer.
I miss writing
I miss the way it felt to hear keyboard keys clacking
and the way it felt to hear my heart
I miss being able to get out of bed
being able to go out with my friends
depression has a way of turning a person
into a shell and taking
everything away
the ink in my blood
dried to nothing
perpetual numbness
where once was thought, emotion,
at least I think there used to be
I live my life
in black and white
because simplicity
tastes so much sweeter
than the poison
on your lips.

— The End —