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694 · Sep 2015
Love virus
Angel M Sep 2015
I’m like a poison which invaded your soul
My kisses will burn that anyone else’s lips will taste like mine
Your mind will be filled with thoughts of me alone
And your heart, my dear, your heart
It will just beat in accordance to mine…
591 · Sep 2015
Angel M Sep 2015
I badly wanted to erase you,
Peel off each color,
Forget each pigment,
Scratch away each line…
But you’re still always there,
Seemingly mocking me,
Like a tattoo I can’t just simply wash away…
556 · Sep 2015
Angel M Sep 2015
I keep on having these little conversations in my head
Talks that will never happen
Words that will never come out
Because I’m too scared to lose you
Too tired for another fight
Too drained to sustain the anger
Too weak to take my flight
383 · Sep 2015
Sadness, my friend
Angel M Sep 2015
Melancholy seems to see me as its friend
It visits me quite often
There are times it comes unannounced
And I’m left to offer a chair for it to sit upon

It pours its sadness in my chest like wine
Then we talk about things that makes me sigh
It wraps its arms of loneliness around me
And I shiver from the gloom that frosts my walls

I both dread and welcome each visit
Because I miss the mirth which leaves once it comes
But the wistfulness brings out these words
And the woes turns to ink, so I always leave the door open so it can come and say hello…
370 · Jun 2015
Angel M Jun 2015
You were a falling star…
And I wished to catch you…
But you kept on falling…
Falling beyond my grasp…
355 · Jun 2015
Angel M Jun 2015
And now that I’m in that first page of our story,
I’m not sure what to write
There is a multitude of possibilities
Endings we can’t foresee
Conversations that might be too much for paper
Scenes that should just stay between you and me
I always think way too much
So I threw all cautions in the wind
There’s a tinge of excitement in my veins
A scoop of fear in the back of my mind
Yet I will let our prose unfold
Maybe it’s a story to be told…
339 · Sep 2015
Hello sadness, my friend
Angel M Sep 2015
Melancholy seems to see me as its friend
It visits me quite often
There are times it comes unannounced
And I’m left to offer a chair for it to sit upon

It pours its sadness in my chest like wine
Then we talk about things that makes me sigh
It wraps its arms of loneliness around me
And I shiver from the gloom that frosts my walls

I both dread and welcome each visit
Because I miss the mirth which leaves once it comes
But the wistfulness brings out these words
And the woes turns to ink, so I always leave the door open so it can come and say hello…
325 · Sep 2015
Angel M Sep 2015
I can’t erase the traces she left on your skin
Nor the years you’ve spent with her
I can’t compete with the memories you share
Nor the gift she herself once bear

There are times that I feel like I will never be enough for you
As she was once had never been
Will I just be like her?
A momentary love that didn’t last?

Which is why I try hard to be the best
The  best kisser, the best lover, the best friend
I wanted to provide everything
That any comparison with her or anyone else will tell you, I’m it.
I’m the one for you.

— The End —