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 Feb 2017 Shell of a Man
Where were you, when the tears fled my body?
Does an "I love you" really patch up all you haven't done. Haven't said.
Have said?
When I fall asleep, will you be gone to go walk in shallow waters?
The deep end too complex for you
The fear of drowning, does it scare you?
How will you know how I feel if you —
don't jump in.
 Feb 2017 Shell of a Man
 Feb 2017 Shell of a Man
dancing in my head
we are masters at living beautifully
creating unity

Fill my lungs up with your love
Cheesy as it is, I love the way your smile pulls and replaces the stars
out of the sky and stabs me in my blue eyes
Yeah love is a ****** mess

You’re the wolf, I the Raven
We play, we chase, and we steal each other’s hearts—
Like shuffling cards, like go fishing for my heart
In a sea of too many geeks, too many freaks, fakes
Baking up cupcakes to lure you in
Fishing you in with the bait

Darling, I may sew my mouth up shut
But I see what should never be hidden
Hear more than I’d like
And I smell the magic tucked under your tongue

I imagine
You and I
Dangling our feet over the cliff of a roaring waterfall
Our thoughts carried off

You won’t always get me, I won’t always get you
But as humans do, we tie ourselves up in silly string
Pulling strings
Pulling our bodies closer

Loving you isn’t hard
But untying what we have is
You're right, I'm left—to be
twisted up like headphones knotting in a pocket
I’ll be wrapped in your arms until the greedy pull us apart
She seeks God in the river where she drowned him
The same one she once tried to cleanse her soul in

Her heart listens to hymns sung by her petrified flesh
While her lovers' lips set the pace of her forgotten faith

She is lost
Copyright unde Bianca Reyes
2017 all rights reserved
 Feb 2017 Shell of a Man
 Feb 2017 Shell of a Man
Open my soul
show me real
I need to know
what it is to feel
I feel hidden
when I could be flying
I'm in this cage
he thinks I'm
like a butterfly
that needs to spread my wings
i only he
could open the door
i would fly
into the spring
You always see me cry
And always walked by
But never asked why
Tonight I'll say goodbye

Weeks have went by
While no one said hi
And stayed in my room all day to cry
Telling myself that soon I'll die

All I think about is suicide
Maybe jump off a roof and learn to fly
Only to go so fast to see the sky
Or telling everyone your life's a lie

Every night you cut your thigh
Wearing pants in the middle of July
When you you listen to this you can't deny
This is my Suicide Lullaby.
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