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Dec 2014 · 606
Ḃẽḉause We Ḉận,
Andrew Fieler Dec 2014
Three words,
So powerful yet so frightening.
They build you up, break you down,
Can be confusing, trivial, brutal,
Comforting, frightening, nerve-racking.
But it's what we all live for. That moment
you can look someone in the eyes,
Not a care in the world,
And know there's nowhere else you'd rather be,
No one you'd rather be with.
Let your emotions take command,
Intertwine hand in hand,
And say three words.
Three petite, breathless words,

That last seconds to declare, but a lifetime to share.
Apr 2014 · 721
So Much of So Little
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
What happened....

I remember a girl who made the word her own,
Discovering the unknown,
All beautiful qualities consistently shown.


This girl, she smiled at every wonder,
We'd tackle anything, going up and under,
Our love, booming like thunder.

Where have YOU gone?

Now you are different, things have changed.
Our feelings became deranged,
Minds still arranged,
But hearts so estranged.

I see you often, so you must be there.
We both breathe the same air...

It's amazing how someone can go from so much to so little,
And how so solid love can become so brittle.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Love is Love
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
I saw a boy who was sitting alone.
Tears flowing like the river of Rhone
I went over, his sadness to me unbeknown,
He looked up muttering, "why do they not condone?

I am a normal person, just like you.
Born in the image of God, from my mothers womb too,
Two eyes, a nose, skin of the same hue.
So why to them am I the stomach flu?

They hate me, they want me gone,
Ha, as if I'm not already withdrawn.
They say I'm not normal, I'm sinful and so on,
But I don't listen, I just press on.

You see, this I never became,
Yet I am the target of their aim.
How can I be so different by loving the same?
God made me this way, so why am I the blame?
All I give is love, yet all I receive is shame."

I gave the boy a hug and said, "Don't accept blame, and don't feel shame. Embrace your name."
Apr 2014 · 2.2k
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
You, yes you,
The one looking for love.
Searching, scavenging,
every opening and cavity,
shifting perspectives from high to low.
From sea to sea, coast to coast,
textbooks, blogs, looking for an explanation,
Why have you not found her?
Where could she be?
For you won't find her,
simply because there is no "finding" necessary.
She's been there the whole time.
You think of her as your friend,
but she knows of you as more.
Open your eyes man!
Just look around, stop your despair,
What if she's already there?
Apr 2014 · 1.6k
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
Oh decisions decisions,
What challenges you are,
The clock is ticking,
Yet my thoughts don’t get far.

That could be this and,
This could be that.
Each choice is a risk,
So I might as well pick out of a hat.

The intensity rises,
As my body begins to perspire;
Legs trembling, hands shaking,
Each choice takes thought, must it require?

Finally conclusions are drawn,
As the brain halts the tearing.
I can now calm to a relief; because
Now I know the shirt I'll be wearing.
Apr 2014 · 589
Beautiful Unknown
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
Girl's got eyes that can see right through ya,
Sometimes demonic bringing out the worst.
Often gorgeous, full of pureness,
Iris filled with color ready to burst.

She puts her hair up
strands ponytail wound.
I pull it out, she gives a shout,
I watch her shoulders catch the hair falling down.

Her lips so gentle, soft and supple,
hers and mine immersed.
Leaning in, skin to skin,
Each kiss feels like the first.

Her personality drives me crazy,
On cloud 9 yet down to earth.
We are running free, have nowhere to be,
Traveling to the land of love, nowhere furth'.

I sing to her, I strum for her,
She listens intently every time.
Holding me as I play a key, loving no one but me,
Never getting tired of my rhyme.

We could sit and be starving,
Not have showered in days.
Staring, dreaming, wishing, believing,
Not caring about the popular craze.

No matter what is happening,
People fighting and placing us on hated land
We don’t  give in, our love we defend,
Together forever hand in hand.

This is a struggle for me, for she is not named,
She is out there for me to find.
So I keep moving along, writing poems and songs,
Waiting for our paths to intertwine,

The love of my life is set in stone,
For she is my beautiful unknown.
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
Love Sonnet
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
Crushes always start of small and quiet.
Lovers muse of the spark from that first kiss.
The wild, untamed feelings cause a riot.
Salvos of love heard from heavens to abyss.

Love is tame like a zephyr through the trees.
Love radiates more than the sun in June.
The pod of love subsumes only two peas,
And over time, love will always prune.

Love is within a fine ring of crystal.
Love can be found amongst a lowly bar.
Real love can't start in front of a pistol,
But maybe by the strum of a guitar.

At the end of life, heartthrobs have brooded:
That true love can never be concluded.
Apr 2014 · 1.9k
What If
Andrew Fieler Apr 2014
What if there was no light,
No inclination to fight,
Mountains, all feasible to climb;
To be in anyplace, and anytime.

What if love was a verb,
No pitfalls, no feelings to curb,
True loves lost in abyss,
No one to meet nor miss.

What if death was avoidable,
and people weren't exploitable,
Earth as Eden;
No sin, no wrong, even.

What if sadness was eliminated,
No choice debated,
Just action, speaking before thinking,
Leaving all people sinking.

For death is still a shadow,
The bite-mark is in the apple.
Love is fate,
ships of sadness and pain:
Humanity as the first mate.

Always surrounded with quandary and question...
But one thing yet to mention:
Eliminate all questions of "what if" in mind,
Then there shall be answers to find.

— The End —