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Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Andrea Kelley Feb 2017
She took the beatings, the
Blood smearing her skin
Took the lashings, and the slaps,
And hid her grin
The first time a man gripped her thighs,
Ripped them apart, and forced his way
Past her heart, numbing her to love,
Then threw her away
Numbed down deep to her soul,
She almost broke, almost cried,
Almost tied the knot tight, and
almost died
She gave birth to generations
Told them her stories and
Unto them she bequeathed
All her spirit and her worries
She reached past the pain,
Pushed past the slaked lust
Turned herself inside out
Despite the bruises and distrust
She built her walls high,
Enough to endure the storms life
Somehow thought she could survive
And relished a calm from the strife
A destiny couldn’t be resisted
Nevertheless, she persisted
dedicated to any one who identifies as woman and has been told to shut up
Feb 2017 · 239
Andrea Kelley Feb 2017
the loss of innocence begins
with swift inaction
and every fraying thought
begets unassuming reaction

the measure of man
is found deep within the heart
evil deeds lead to wicked ways
and the corrupted are pulled apart

nations are born razing
the soul of their ancestors
progress is born amid the chaos
rebirth is unfounded for oppressors

a heart consumed with fear
lashes out at the unknown
blood shed then belongs
to the innocent grown

the price of redemption
equals the gain of exemption

— The End —