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 Oct 2016 Ami Shae
Ma Cherie
I guess its time to tip the flask
while taking up another task
writing down my hurt and pain
in messages, I bleed in vain.

Taking leave, I bid adieu
thanking them & thanking you
hope I find inspired thought
else it seems, it's all for naught?

Trouble brought by words we say,
or folded hands we teach & pray,
perhaps I'll write another day?

Until then, I say farewell,
in stories I may never tell,
intentions good, paving roads
we're hoping to relieve the load.

Kissed by luck & slapped by fate
I live by love, & not by hate
so here's to them & here's to you
something that we all must do
scraping off the sticky shoe
& all the nasty residue...

A poets heart is sometimes frail
while looking for the Holy Grail
in spinning webs, a haunting tale
this time of year reminds us all
someone must have quite the gaul,
to write of leaves and how they fall

Seems I've got a poetic curse,
I suppose that things,
they could be worse
keep on spilling, verse and verse

Lifting up the bones I bury,
digging  down can be quite scary
sometimes even slightly harry
even though I'm kinda wary

I write again for you.

Cherie Nolan
Ugh...title? Not about anyone
 Oct 2016 Ami Shae
Nitsua Asemed
The darkness is where my soul enjoys
The quiet pleasures of solitude
The darkness is where I hide my voice
Not needing an ounce of fortitude

The darkness is where I can sing, dance
With all freedom to say what I want!
The darkness is where I'm out of trance,
From the cycle that light does to haunt.

The light is where all my fears had grown;
Such brightness that I could not hide.
The light is where my failures, exposed.
Mocked me and persuaded me to die.

The light is where I see all faces,
That want me gone somewhere far away;
The light is where my grief replaces,
And my joy won't see the light of day!

I can not move, I can not just speak,
So freely, for they will judge me then.
In the light is where I feel so weak,
And I long for the darkness again!

I can not hide my face in the light,
I can only hearken their laughter!
And so I cling to the starless night,
And stay in the darkness, forever.
 Oct 2016 Ami Shae
The clouds magically,
they gathered into a question mark
the blue blue sky

Compassion or anger
which one was it going to be
Our choices were few
which one would we choose

Compassion or cruelty
that's all we could do
Holding on to myself
Holding on to you

My mind was racing
as the cloud unfolded

Love it comes with costs and benefits
Consciousness too

We'd better think this through
Let wisdom speak about what we're going to do

Compassion or apathy
walking the razor's edge
feeling so emotional
feeling so rational
whirling dervish
which door to walk through

Compassion or anger
doing my best
holding myself in check
at least until that cloud
unfurls and disintegrates


Reaching for wisdom
knowing it will be
putting my heart
to rest.
 Oct 2016 Ami Shae
Nitsua Asemed
Oh, all the world would be just so swell
If there was one who had dreams to sell

When I'm broken hearted, I would buy
An amazing dream where I could fly!

If I had been bullied, I would seek
A dream where I'm strong and helped the weak!

When I was screaming in pain, I vowed,
A dream where I sang clear and loud

When I could not walk for many days:
A dream where I danced  in perfect grace

When I could hardly breathe, I would gear,
To speak poems into my lover's ear

When I was lying still on that bed,
I'd dream to stand firm and walk ahead!

When I was feeling the pain in me,
I'd dream of the lands I've yet to see

When I knew my fate, I'd want to go,
To a dream back when I did not know

When I was dying,  I would have cried,
For a dream, where from Death, I could hide!

When I was dead, anything I'd give
To dream that I'd one more day to live!

Oh, truly! No one would shriek and wail--
If there was one who had dreams for sale.
First poem. So don't expect too much. I'm open to criticism; I'm always listening for some feedback. :)
 Oct 2016 Ami Shae
Nitsua Asemed
You think the red lines you always wear,
Will create a better tomorrow?
You think that just by wasting away,
You'll end all the pain and the sorrow?

You think that it's just too hard to live,
And now you are bidding your goodbye;
You think that it will all be better,
If you'd just depart from us  and die.

Well, quit it, shut up! You do not know!
You don't think of what happens after!
You think once you're dead, the pain is gone,
And all that you leave us is laughter?!

You're selfish, you are! Did you not think,
Of what happens when we hear the news?
That your mother, upon your bedroom door,
Would scream, seeing you tied to the noose!

Your brother would just stay in his room,
And would listen to your playlist then;
Your father would keep up his face at work,
But would weep thinking of way back when.

Your friends would cut all their classes just,
To go back to the places you've marked
Your boyfriend would cry at your picture,
And would sulk with a stone-heavy heart.

The neighbors too would pay their respects,
And would send flowers upon your wake.
Your mother would just stare at the wall,
Waiting for you to come back someday.

And they'll all think that it was their fault,
As to why you left them this sorrow.
You think that it's just you who'd be hurt,
If you were but a corpse tomorrow?

The people you know, the things you've done,
The relationships you've begotten,
The love you've made us feel and cherish,
Don't think that it was all forgotten!

So please, my friend. Don't think it will end,
If you would leave this world forever.
Don't ever think it's just you, because--
All of our hearts are tied together.
To a friend of mine.
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