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 Feb 2017 Ami Shae
lost and found
I try
so hard to ignore you
you make me feel on top of the world at once
with your subtle compliments and stares
but your silence throws me down on Earth
making me taste dirt
mixed with salty tears and heartbreak
and a whole tsunami is heartache

I tried
I swear

the bones were interred on a mid July date
in which the triumphant did victoriously celebrate
these persons of them always would aggravate
twas memorable with the happiness in elate


this point of reference came as no surprise
for every protagonist did so much despise
they who had a spectacular pinnacle rise
were buried by those who saw little compromise


upon the stone etched in a carving profound
lies the remains of men needlessly put to ground
a perpetual monument of jealousy being around
on the conscience of they doing the deed will resound
I cried out to God for answers
While waiting for his reply
I forgot to do some living
'Ere I fell down to die.

Beheld I no great majesty
In wonders he had wrought
But pitied self for circumstance
That time and life had brought

Forbid that I would ever look
Beyond my meager station
And witness those at deeper lows
and show appreciation.

Hence, the twilight of my life
Has come, and shadow's fallen.
At last, across the great divide
I hear His voice is callin'.

Our answers come in all due time
And so little time is given,
So while you wait you might as well
Go do a little living.
There were idols in days of old
Made of wood stone silver & gold
They had a mouth eyes & ears
But they could not speak see or hear.

And there were also idols of flesh
Filled with God's own breath
The same images we worship today
Creating physical & spiritual decay.

These idols of flesh we're exalting
These idols of flesh we wallow in
These idols of flesh we're consuming
Will consume our mind & our spirit.

Taking away what we can't live without
Replacing inner peace with fear & doubt
Precious time spent covering up our tracks
Looking ahead but still looking back.

Burning on the ancient altar of lust
Occasionally saying we've had enough
Sheepishly returning to the altar again
Learning to live with the scars & the pain.

They are flesh & blood just like me & you
Filled with emptiness when the act is through.
©2017 Daniel Irwin Tucker

please don't get all adamant...i'm not jumping on the moralizing judgemental bandwagon...
 Jan 2017 Ami Shae
Did you actually try to get into my mind
When you plagiarized my work
Please tell me you felt some kind of connection
A passion for life or a creative thirst

Truth is I don't actually care
Hell you can get my words out there everywhere
In the flesh as well as in the stone
In the moans as well as in the groans
In the whispers of death
My words are all that will be left
So take them now and sign your name
Just remember
When you're gone
My words will still remain
Traveler Tim
Inspired by
Letter From a Thief
 Jan 2017 Ami Shae
Lina Lotus
Awake my soul
Take my dreams
And mount them on wings
I want to sing like angels during
Shout your name till mountains  cry
Awake my soul
Awake my soul
I want to sing like angels during
1-27-17 Letters to Him
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