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 Nov 2019 Ameena Hussain
You see my brown skin
And assume I'm a ****.

You see my hijab
And assume I'm a terrorist.

You see the smile on my face
And assume I'm happy.

You hear my words
And assume I'm okay.

But I am not.

Instead I am broken.
Yet I am also strong.

I am dark and rule-following.
I am peaceful and Muslim.

You assume based on
Society's POV.

If you smile
You must be happy.

Fox, CNN, any media
Tells you I am a terrorist.
So the names I get called
And the extra security checks
Are extremely upsetting.

The murders of black folk
Is either considered appropriate
Or it's "black on black crime"
So it's not taken seriously.

Who are you gonna believe
Me or those who don't know me?
 Nov 2019 Ameena Hussain
i can't cry you a river,
i don't have that many tears left to give,
but i can cry you a poem.
i can sift through our memories
drown in our old love,
and cry because it's all gone.
i don't have that many tears left to give,
but i can cry you a poem.
i still have words
and rhymes and
way too much time.
i don't have that many tears left to give,
but i can cry you a poem.
i can take you back to the old days,
love letters and lip gloss
and sweet innocence.
i don't have that many tears left to give,
but i can cry you a poem.
maybe not a sonnet,
and i can't sing, so it won't be a song,
but it'll remind you of spring and summer and good.
i don't have that many tears left to give,
but i can cry you a poem.
a poem that i can throw in your face,
to make you regret the fights,
the cold, the shattered pieces of me.

i don't have that many tears left to give,
because i cried them all that night.
i wrote a whole poem, thought of the title "cry me a poem" and scratched the entire poem bc i thought of this so :)
Merhaba ey parlak şehir!
Bu vakitte yalnız meydan,
Görünmüyor ki bir insan,
Sokaklar kurumuş nehir.

Yalnız deniz yeli gelir,
Kuşlar geçer zaman zaman,
Millet kafede mi bu an?
Bu şehir ve Mevlam bilir.

Ne o aşıkları gördüm,
Nede ışıkları gördüm,
Bir serin boşluk sadece.

Lakin bu ortam rahattı,
Erkendi şehrin saati,
Bu da bazen kardır gece.
Greetings o gleaming city!
At this time the square's lonely,
Because I see no person,
The streets are dried rivers.

Only a sea breeze does come,
Birds pass by from time to time,
Are the crowds at the cafes?
Only the city and God knows that.

I haven't seen the lovers,
Neither have I seen the lights,
Only a serene emptiness.

But this atmosphere was calm,
It was an early time of the city,
This is sometimes too a benefit at night.

— The End —