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 Apr 2019 Gidgette
 Apr 2019 Gidgette
she rests her hand

upon her chest,

and fans her face

with the other one.

standing on a terrace

watching the *** of sea

and sun--her lover at

her melt.
You know what they say about plagiarism ? It's the lowest form of flattery .
 Dec 2018 Gidgette
i always waz told
u  r  a boy/girl
they nevr let me be
n e thing beyond
their binary world

then one day
looked in the mirror &
saw my TRUE self
FREE of all labels
FREE from society's judgement
my SELF as i am:

mixed-up lost soul
w/gender dysphoria
Count your chromosomes, quick!
God is accepting returns until the Second Coming of His only-begotten son.
 Nov 2018 Gidgette
 Nov 2018 Gidgette
These hands...
Cast of clay.

Had basked in the sun.
Deepened lines marked their faces
and enlarged cracks marred their backs.

Rough and matured.
They spoke the language of old
and hid the ancient ruins of the past.

Held together.
Side by side,
they clenched the fantastical ideals of today.

uncertain and pulled apart...
The future just falls away - a ghost.
A mirage that eludes grasp and capture.
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