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Gerry Sikazwe
25/M/Lusaka, Zambia    Gerry Sikazwe is a poet who writes from and lives in Lusaka, Zambia. Looking for collaborations, residencies, and more writing opportunities.
I wrote 2301 verses here. Moved to my own website since then. Adios!
Lulu Sarmiento
27/F/Philippines    An auditor who finds peace and tranquility in writing poems and reading interesting books. ...with coffee or tea!
Gender Questioning/Lost in a daydream    -a quiet whisper heard through the grapevine-
Imran Islam
31/M/πŸβœ“Lure Pot βœ“πŸ    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
53/M/Nashville, TN USA    Constantly confused, always amused. Father, Chemist, Teacher, and of course, Poet-wannabe. - all work is copyrighted - please ask permission before use -
23/F    I took a creative writting class in high school where I wrote and nervously shared poetry I graduated began writting it in my notes on ...
29/F/planet earth   

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