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Sometimes I'm hot
Sometimes an angel
Sometimes evil and bold.
Sometimes I listen
Sometimes I don't
Some hour
Your way
I just might
 Sep 2015 Alexis Evalyn Daniel
Eberyday i get up
Brush my teeth
Get dressed
Have breakfast
Go to work

And hope to overtake your heart with a tiny little blink of the eye or a touch of my fingertips to your shoulder.

You are sweet, people.
I love flowers
But not the kind that are planted side by side in perfectly straight rows
or precisely arranged into a delicate bouquet
Instead I love the ones that grow wild and ragged along the sides of highways
Surrounded by broken glass and litter
Pops of bright yellow bursting alongside the dull gray asphalt
Free to grow in whichever way they please.
If only pain were tangible
So I could grab it by the throat
As it has done to me
Time and time again
I always said that I could never fall for someone in one night
But that night I fell for you
Your wide brown eyes
And your mouse brown hair
Softened something within me
You wish I was older
And I wish you were younger
Then we could have fallen deeper
Into each other
The way we want to
To feel a love so pure
It would be impossible to ask for more
But now we have parted ways
Never to cross paths again
Still I think about that kiss
And the butterflies that fluttered within the cavities of my body when you held me
But age isn't just a number
It comes between
I wish it didn't
But it does
you are eighteen and you're in love
with a boy who hates his birthday.
you don't know it yet,
but the world gets so much bigger than the back of his car.
you think he needs you to be happy and so does he
but both of you are wrong.
it'll take you almost a year to stop crying.
and then you don't talk for another three
and when you finally do,
he thinks he still knows you,
but your heart is heavier than it was then.
and you **** him because you're lonely
but it isn't the same.
neither of you can fake love.
at least he still makes you laugh.
you'll pretend it's enough
because at least he's a body.
at least you're not by yourself.
at least you're alive
and you're good at *******.
because bodies are distractions
from the things we hide inside them.
you have him inside you
and he wants to gut you of your ugly, your sad.
he scrambles for an excuse not to stay the night
and you laugh.
you know what this is and how it goes
and you both love someone else.
you swear you won't **** him again
but you do anyway because you're still lonely
and you like the way his hands fit around your neck.
you **** him because it's good for your art
and you get bored of your own hands on your body
and you're fine with letting him feel useful.
and you think about when you were sixteen
and how *** was supposed to be special
and it makes you cry
because you're not who you wanted to be.
it makes you cry, because the world got so much bigger
after you left the backseat of his car.
the world is so big and you don't know
how it ended up on your shoulders.
you would have died for him.
you have been ready to die for every person you have ever loved.
you have dreams where he dies
and you can't save him.
you have dreams where people die
and you can't save them
and you're the one who tied your hands.
your mangled heart and all its bleeding.
nobody asked you to die.
what good is all the love in your chest
if you don't leave any for yourself?

- m.f.

— The End —