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Alexandrina Jun 2017
The rain has let up. The sun somehow trudged into view earlier, weaving its way in between the clouds.
A mere glimpse and glint of its rays.  Eventually they overtook the sun, hastily ensuring that it would
not be the star it was meant to be. The clouds are now idly sitting, whispering to each other.
You can feel their murmurs brushing your arms, your legs, your hair. "The breeze sure does feel nice" you think.
Alexandrina Apr 2014
flesh against flesh, its been over a year
since someone sketched the world onto my skin
discovering moles upon my breast
and bruises on thighs
the salty taste of another
lost, the days pass
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
we are dormant
in a state filled with
utter idiocracy
our world is full of
and meaning and knowledge
must be attained
whatever the cost
for we must know answers to everything
but still
is it hard in the morning
residue of a dream still
flowing through your mind
to get up and try
is it hard at work
click click file print  
wash clean cook make
fake that smile on your pretty face
is it hard at night
faded and jaded
watching the tv with dull eyes
tomorrow same routines and plans
cycles cycles cycles
meaning and knowledge
have you found it yet
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
half dead
in a dream
dazed for days
where am I?

wide awake
is this real
drugs, fine doses
who am I?
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
ive been fading into the walls and into the smoke
not a single word spoke, its such a joke
these lives, these dreams im dying to leave
but fading in is ok it seems
i roll around in blankets of depression
feeling the heavy weight of something against my chest
and i struggle to cope with what is real
with people and things youre made to interact
but they laugh at you and you pretend to laugh back
but fading in is ok it seems
not really but its what i pretend to believe
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
the air is changing again
omniescient presence
i cant breathe

night is closing in more quickly
pitch black thoughts
i cant see

small changes in degree, Fahrenheit
homesostasis in effect
i cant feel

the days become shorter and i'm lonely
trapped beneath unkindly advances
stark world, not quite winter not quite spring
somewhere in between

hands shake, smoke curls up and outward
except when inebriated
i quite smoking

half the trees are dead, their leaves leaving them
death until rejuvination
i am too

this time of year is my least favorite
somewhere in between
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
the landscape is not painted with large words
in which you need a dictionary to assist in meaning
it is for the layman

the foreground doesn't lead way to a background
with a larger picture, full of insight and intrigue
it is for the layman

the colors are not pretty and all encompassing
they are dark and dreary much like the world you're inhabiting
it is for the layman

nothing is dressed up, made up, or made over
there's no makeup covering the flaws and imperfections
it is for the layman
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
too small her upper lip
kink of hair too much frizz
not quite hourglass shape
pudge of tummy give or take
thighs too big to make you breath
more cellulite she doesnt need
too much hair, hair everywhere
uneven portions she only stares
the mirror you might want to break
she understands that its okay
these things you could obsess
she merely looks at them with bliss

its okay to not be perfect
its okay

she is not here for you
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
she is never told she is beautiful enough
for it to count or stick in some anchoring way
you cant see under her skin, inside her brain
if you knew, what then would you say
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Jun 2014
Don't think about the house you last occupied
your room blue, like the ocean you used to frequent
countless memories made being taken away
you thought you would have them forever
but mom couldn't pay the bills anymore
a volcano once dormant is now a lioness
waiting, crouching, circling its prey
an eruption occurs,the lava is scorching and fast
only 35 days remain until the ashes settle
and everything that once was is now a faint memory

Don't think about how in the past few months
your alcohol consumption has increased
barely arriving into the next day without having had a drink
you know your family has had a history
but you choose to ignore the signs pointing towards that possible demise
will you become just another number, just another stupid ******* ****
who can't get their life together
instead turning to the only thing that makes you forget how lonely you feel at two in the morning when there's nothing left but the silence.
I have not felt like this in a while.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
You think if you wear your short black dress
maybe someone will notice you tonight
but its cold outside
skin raised, you just want to be inside

the alcohol coursing down your throat
warms your organs, releases memories
but not in a good way.
begging to forget and forgive, live with no regret

shes attempting to forget the touch of your fingertips
against her naked body, tracing and racing
her heartbeat goes at the thought
of your face, smile, laugh

she never loved you, but oh how she cared
and you didnt
Alexandrina Nov 2013
Don't think about dating a boy
who cares about compliments and approval
from other people on the internet,
even if he is just joking around.
He isn't really.

Don't think about dating a boy
who was recently in a long running relationship
or who has had a history of an on and off one
You will end up writing about being
the in-between girl
who's never enough.
He will likely get back with her
or find someone other then you.

Don't think about dating a boy
who smokes a lot of ****, you don't honey.
You will end up hating him
because of who he is
and you shouldn't
he chooses to live differently than you
that does not make him or you wrong.
He will not change nor will you.

Don't think about dating a boy
who gets onto you for not believing in certain things.
If he makes you feel inferior,
do not take that.
You are your own person
there is no right way to live one's life.
The right way is the way you choose
and that which makes you happy.

Don't think about dating a boy
until you have learned to love
every imperfection society tells you
your body contains.
Until you turn the scars on your wrists
into musical notations
writing a symphony of joy and pain.

Don't think about dating a boy
if he isn't enough of what you need
and you aren't yet happy.

The boy can wait, so can you.
Alexandrina Nov 2013
Don't think about the girls
you saw on the street today
and how much more beautiful
they increasingly seemed to be
compared to you.
You are not an item comparable to another
you have not been fashioned as a commodity
you are nature, and nature does not produce perfect organisms
though they may seem to be.

Don't think about the boys
who do not look at you and
do not talk to you. So, no one
has shown interest in you for a while.
This is good news, you do not need a single soul
to feel whole. Twenty years and counting
not one of them have made you feel anything.
You can last a little while longer,
soon you may experience love.

Don't think about how messy
you feel and are. One day you will
learn to pick up all the pieces off the floor
and clarity will rush in again.
Till then leave your clothes on the bed,
but don't fret over school and your future.
Remember to live and be free
after all you are an animal

Don't think about how ****** the world seems.
Do not let negativity fill you and ******* you
into middle age, becoming bitter.
You will hate what you become.
This is not who you were meant to be.
You are a radiant being, let yourself be
filled with light and positivity.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
shes been thinking a lot
about the scars across her skin
how they need new friends
ones that are open and fresh

ready to listen
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
I hope one day you are okay
You don’t feel the pain
You don’t search for ways
To reinforce negative thoughts
With cutting away

I hope one day you find the strength
To break free from the bonds
To fight it, the force
Of something cold and dark and hard
Like the ground you weep on

I hope one day you are happy
When nothing can bring you down
And you will live and love, merrily
The universe will surround you in light
Radiating your entire being

Because you are worth more than the sadness inside you will have you believe
Because you are worth more to the world being happy and free
Because you deserve it, everything
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina May 2014
Last night the personal space
of a girl wasted was taken away
by a wasted boy who thought it was ok
to slip his hand in her pants
in disrespect of the room he was in

Last night an old friend was called upon
to mend the wounds of a girl
left on the bathroom floor
unable to control the tremors inside
and a fountain rising out of her

Last night I laid witness to the perpetuation
of what we now call "**** culture"
and even if it was not ****
because he did not penetrate her
she still did not want anyone but her
touching what was rightfully hers

Last night a girl was told that it was partly her fault
because she decided she wanted to be drunk
and I forgot to lock the door to my room
where I had put her to bed so she could sleep.

Last night a girl was told it was her fault
and it was not
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
eyes rolling back
images playing in my head
i had a dream last night

***** blonde hair
the color of your eyes have been forgotten
slight pudge of belly, i used to rub that
you got a lot of food babies.

Instead pale, skinny, eyes sunken in
sick and ghastly, suffering from disease
visiting you was a decision i made with ease
5 years from when we had last seen

your mom and you danced
and you then danced with me, holding me tight
you had never once looked at me with eyes so bright
the feeling burned into my retinas

the point is my r.e.m induced dream
showed me to let go

Till next time
"no, hope you have a good life"
The dream I had last night showed me I hadn't fully let go of previous emotions mainly the hurt I had felt. The message being it was time, the time when I had cared for you is now over.
Alexandrina Nov 2013
relishing in the taste of your soft lips

opening my soul to yours, connecting on a

molecular level, skin touching skin, i

am all yours. babe.

never let go, your rough arms enveloping my body

cultivating our love, deep and pure but

e**verything comes to an end
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
she licked her lips
the taste of salt
enveloping taste buds
with ***** thoughts

Her dreams contain
residences of her lovers.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
I remember when I was young
front door wide open
stainless steel, waving
frantically in the air
threats and screams
a child who did not know
why her parents were
not in love anymore,
or was that love,
no one told her

years later her brother
said he had a dream
of the same exact thing
though more morbid
with steel cutting flesh
our father lay in half
on the welcome mat.
that day we learned
our nightmare was real
our mother would deny
hoping her childrens eyes
hadn't remembered that day
taken a short clip
storing in our memory
but they say
we are more inclined
to remember traumatizing
visions from the past
then those times
we are happy
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
I've been reduced to a fraction of who I thought I was
realizing who I had become, by the screens
portraying images and spouting words I thought were true
one day you wake up, wake up from a false reality

you were a child once, playing, wishing, wanting
never thinking about the world you inhabited
the mothers and fathers drudging along everyday
unhappy and ashamed their lives turned into a choreographed dance

now here you are, of age, in college, getting a job
unimpressed with the way society has molded you
to become just another game piece like your parents in their dance
using you and abusing you, you're just a means to an end

Dare you falter, dare you, they indoctrinate you, brainwash you
so if you dare, you fret and stress and don't want to live
you beg for an escape from the harsh world surrounding you
but be brave, do it, jump off the metaphorical cliff

fill your soul with the passion and desire a human being deserves
rather then the futile toils of rote mechanicism they have made your world
feel something more raw and powerful then they could ever give you
because they are nervous and scared that if you wake up they will tumble
If you're feeling queasy and down because of your life and the path you're currently on. Don't worry you're not the only one.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
what you've done is put
my worst fear
into my hands
made it
shattering hopes i had
and feelings too strong
thought you might be
worth it
put too much effort
time moved too fast
but i did enjoy
that time we had
showed too much skin
for one to know
without reciprocation
now its done
i still don't know

this is the end
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
she craves the touch of sensuality
yet when she receives it
all she does is obsess
how long will it take
for him to realize
she is nothing but finely ground dust
slowly falling through the cracks of his fingers
a mess on his linoleum floor
Alexandrina Oct 2013
I’m the joke of inbetweens
Take time away from your girl with me
A couple of months its all you need
Get back with her when you please
Leave me dry and high all alone
You’re getting high that’s how I’m told
Move on, move on try not to think
Or else you’ll lie in bed and weep
I did and now what else shall I do
Just drink and flirt until I’m due
Due for another cry  all alone
But months pass by and I get well soon
A year goes past and you’re still here
Cheating with me on that girl you swoon
I hope she never feels this pain you have given me
Since I'm not as strong as I should be
When you’re done and you have had your share
I will finally meet someone I think is swell
But my life is full of maybes please.
I'm not what you apparently thought I might be.
I wanted to tell you all the things I thought.  
But you already made your decision ****.
Now you’ll never know what I wanted to say,
since you decided I wasn’t good enough to play.
But I’ve learned a lot, like not to trust
because the past few years no one’s gave a single ****.
And I’m sorry you could not wait to hear the simple words I’d say...
like how beautiful you were running after that...
well I won’t give it away
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Dec 2020
the moon was full and bright
the clouds hung low and close to each other
akin to marble, rippling,
filtering the luminous glow from the night

a slight chill in the air
the noises of society, here and there, now and then
piercing the raw, beautiful silence
and the serene, presence of being

a reminder that life is moving all around us
even in those moments most quiet
even if we are not ready or capable
even if we feel lost and empty and alone.

it still flows and goes its own way at its own pace
we must listen and feel every bit of it
we must flow and ride the waves
even when they are crashing and we go under.
And so we go on and look at the sky and feel the wind and appreciate the glow and smell the air.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
she wonders if she'll always be that girl who's thrown away
only worth a quickie
only worth a talk

she'll make tomorrow better
and you wont stay
Alexandrina Dec 2020
sometimes you feel as though you were sloppily constructed
the wires in your brain not quite right,
your eyes, blurry haze, where is the world
Alexandrina Oct 2013
she writes in third person, hoping the disassociation with her words makes her feelings a figment of her reality.
Alexandrina Jun 2014
i ache for blues and reds
tones of flesh
a sense of touch
not of this world
bursting like
water through a ****
Alexandrina Dec 2020
Something said is not always something felt.
You learn that the hard way.
Time does not always heal old wounds,
it opens them so they are gaping
and it swallows everything.
Processing is still ongoing, in the middle
or maybe closer to the beginning.
New dissonance arrives and clogs up the line.
There is too much in your head at this time.
Incapable and unable to properly deal,
you are emotionally unavailable and unwilling.
You would rather be alone than be here.
You don't feel what you should feel.
You don't act in the way you feel you should and you have in the past.
You feel uncomfortable.  
So you let me go because you have work to do.
And I cannot wait for you to love me in the way I should be.
Sometimes things end unexpectedly even if there were signs you chose not to see. My first relationship has come and gone.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
A peep
A sneak
of something
a choke
a ****
& out
Sometimes when I'm cold and alone I wonder what it would be like if only I tried.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Apr 2014
you're a piece of flesh
classified taxonomically
prancing around
pressed suits and Rolex watches

**** sapien, "wise being"
how huge your ego must be
to claim you are the wise one,
mighty one, oh how silly

fixated upon pieces of paper,
a means to an end
lost sight of those who haven't been dealt
these cards of privilege.

placed above "best friend", all others
cages filled with your brothers for entertainment
cruel to others inhabiting the same space
taking, taking, taking

you have not given back
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
I lay in bed, chest begging to explode. My fingers are bleeding again.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
"what do you want to be when you grow up"
time and time again you are bombarded with this question
when you get older it becomes
"what are your plans for the future" "where do you see yourself in 5 years"
what if my answer doesn't match yours
what if the pressures exerted by this question are something i can not bear
i'm expected to have an idea or at least somewhat of one
i'm expected to get a job and start a career
but what is expected of me is not what i want

i dont care about your careers or your jobs

**** this cyclical affair of gross nature
Alexandrina Nov 2013
I thought family was supposed to ease your pain, not create it.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
You are the trash on the curb the raccoon's will not taste
Alexandrina Jan 2014
you are an enigma, molded in dazed daydreams

i’ve made you up in my head to trace letters on my skin.

but it doesn’t come close, it never did.
On being a hopeless romantic, creating romance in one's head to curb the loneliness one feels at 2 a.m.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Feb 2014
with you, the air was light
i was a being with radiating joy
shining outward, coalescing inward
we were  full of food, rubbing tummies with our clothes on
the sun never shined so bright
the moon never lacked in light

with you, the air was heavy
i was a being bogged down by angst
the quarter-life crisis kind
we were guts full of beer, loners making beds with each other
the night was always ours to keep
the days full of bittersweet leaves

but there was never any love
and I learned to know what wasn't
© Alexandrina.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
I lack the capability to decide because the grass is always greener on the other side
Alexandrina Nov 2013
Everyone has a story, one they need to tell. Listen, Listen there will soon after be beauty in the air.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
There was a time when you meant something to me
I would lay in your bed and feel the warmth of your body pressed against mine
there were no words for how much you filled me
there was light and the world was soft and bright
I cannot thank you enough for making me realize the beauty
my mind had taken from me in place of something empty
So I try sometimes at night to feel that brightness
because sometimes i get lost and swallowed by darkness
Alexandrina Oct 2013
I am
I am not
I am not an "I"
Let go of who you are not and take back who you are.
Alexandrina Oct 2013
our themes are all the same, why do we obsess over such hideous affairs
Alexandrina Oct 2013
I keep thinking ill see you around
I haven’t yet
If I did it would be like the last time
You didn’t even look at me
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Oct 2013
I hear the screams and cries traveling down the hallway
Something flies through the air, impact collision
I sit in fear, please Mom stop
she might hurt the one she loves
but words marked with hatred and sadness come through
"I'm going to **** her." **** her, it echoes through the room
"I hope you guys can survive by yourself,
I'm leaving from here, this place, this hell.
Or else I'll just **** myself."
Pondering, wondering, does she mean it this time
Why are we all so broken, this cant be my life.
© Alexandrina
Alexandrina Nov 2013
I don't want to forget this night
when heavy became the air
after spooky stories and real frights
a bigger punch you had the whole time

Heavy my heart but open my eyes
tonights a night full of surprise
a night to learn a thing or two
about myself but especially you

thank you for sharing and opening your heart
not an easy thing to do in front of those you dont know
but you must have had to get it off your chest
or why else even mention it

on a mound in circular form
you talked, we listened, you had the floor
hope this helped and you feel obliged
to come back another time

id like to be your friend
i know how it hurts to be lacking
To the boy with the Wheaties costume on Halloween who got the nerve to go to the party.
Alexandrina Nov 2013
my sister is obsessed with her weight
tracing the curves of her hip to weight ratio
she is only thirteen years of age

my mother is a bottle of emotions
like fresh champagne when the cork pops
she is a broken woman

my grandmother is without money
still working because she lost her retirement recently
she will be seventy soon

I notice the women in my life
the insecurities they have,
real life problems of
almost being destitute
I wonder if this will be my role as a women
to be weak, to be obsessed, to be poor
in body and soul
I do not want this
© Alexandrina

— The End —