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 May 2015 Alex Burt
Xander King
I have an angel doll that looks like my mom on my wall, I cant look at it or bring myself to take it down.
2. I'm scared I'll only be in abusive relationships
3. I think I hate my mother.
4. I'm terrified I'll end up like my dad even tohugh I love him.
5. I discount my feelings till i fall a part.
6. I don't know if i want to recover from self harm.
7. I pretend to like bands so my friends dont hate me.
8. When I got lonely I sent strangers pictures of my body.
9. I almost killed myself 8 times last month.
10. I don't think I will ever love anyone.
11. I love too many people.
12. Being called annoying makes me cry every time.
13. I don't remember almost anything before 6th grade.
14. Sometimes I can convince myself I am dead.
15. When i get upset i lock myself into my closet and cry.
16. None of my old friends talk to me anymore.
 May 2015 Alex Burt
Sonia Breuch
if a fox loves a dove
but the dove shows no love
what will become

for the dove flies away
with young fox left to say
what have i done

poor fox left forlorn
alone, bitter with scorn
longing for the love of a dove
 May 2015 Alex Burt
Sonia Breuch
i could see a future without you
but it’s truly grim
full of sleepless nights
hopeless mornings
and swollen memories

in this haunted future
that i pray i never see
you think for a second or two
about me
about the smudge in your memory

my darling
if you even remember my name
you’ll never speak it aloud
for we ended not as one of those things
one wants to talk about

the dream we once dreamt
of a home by the sea
sunny porches and iced tea
lost in the grey blue waves
of our forgotten responsibility

i sleep alone even if another
lays by my side
their hands between my thighs
their lips will be yours in my dreams
for i will always be yours

— The End —