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Nothing Much
US    I'm doing my best.
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
Niantic, IL    Neatly Primly Null I am Tyler and I am something resembling a writer. I live in a small, industrial city. I live in a robin's …
ghost dad
in hell    cogito ergo sum / i feel therefore i am
in wonderland    poetry is endless self introduction
It's all metaphors. Literally, that's it.
Bassam A
On earth    Would love to hear from you
Hello World
Pennsylvania    Now they're going to bed And my stomach is sick And it's all in my head But she's touching his chest now He takes off …
Vanessa Gatley
23/F    share some of my work, if you like FOLLOW BACK love ya keep writing rock on Message lot of people who have seen my work …
Ashley Rodden
32/F/Missouri    Writing is my way of expressing the clutter in my mind. © Ashley Rodden. All rights reserved
Eagle Poetry
JHS Poetry Team ages 14-18 Quote of the Week: "Those who criticise our generation forget who raised it."
"Without art you're stuck with yourself as you are and life as you think life is."
Ashley Nicole
Pennsylvania    For a star to be born, there's one thing that must happen. A gaseous nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction. …
Randy Bryte
London, Ont.Canada    melancholy lover of the rain All poems original Copyright of Randy Bryte
Tommy Johnson
New Jersey    I'm a twenty one year old psych major living in Bergen county. I've always loved writing, it always seemed to be the only way I …
Joshua Haines
26/M/Father, Husband, Writer    Wear a mask.
Alone and frightened    Finding out I can be whole And I am enough by myself
NC    Life provides the contours, poets provide the shading and color ~ r All rights reserved.
The Black Raven
Australia    'If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write.' -Stephen King
P Grace Thompson
2 blocks from home.    Tragic comedy amid daringly high mountains of bullshit!
22/Prague    seek my heart no longer, the wild beasts have eaten it
"Cut my shadow from me. Free me from the torment[...] Why was I born among mirrors? The daylight revolves around me. And the night herself …
Karl Franssen aka Bryson Flegg
That Place Where I'm From    "I am the very model of a scientist salarian" “I don’t care about anyone, and the feeling is quite obviously mutual.” Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged …
Silent Thoughts
I am not a poet. Thanks for reading ~
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