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 Apr 2014 Aisling O'Neill
                  ­          To
                        ­                         But
           ­                          &              
                                                          ­ In
                                                                ­        Majority
                                              ­                                          Of
                                                                ­                                          Confusing
                                          ­                                                              Hurtful
                                                       ­                                         Overly
                                                                ­              Happy
                                           ­                                &            
                                                                ­               Suicidal
                                       ­                                                   Thoughts
                                                     ­                    That
                                                          ­     Run
       ­                                                Mind
                                                                ­           Incessantly
                                                   ­                                           *Almost....
Let's face it ,I still don't know what i want exactly.
In a way I think I do have an ideal
and a mental image
sort of
 Apr 2014 Aisling O'Neill



isn't the main point of writing is to write
how YOU feel about ANYTHING
even if there are most
or few who don't agree
 Apr 2014 Aisling O'Neill
I find the minds of others
                                                 to be fascinating and so
                                                                ­               exceptionally wonderful

                                                              ­                                Because each
                                                                ­                     and every person I  meet
                          ­      Provides with a new perspective
                    In a way ,

      Lets me see

                   the world

                                    through              eye­s  
 Mar 2014 Aisling O'Neill
Whenever i try sneaking a peek at you or a sideways glance
I see so much beauty
Hidden in those insecure and tired eyes
you see
I have fallen deeply in love with your flaws
your imperfections

whenever i hear you say, you hate hurts me

My Dear you are Imperfectly perfect*

I wish and hope with all of my heart and soul
that you'll see that one day

you are beautiful
**Inside & Out
 Mar 2014 Aisling O'Neill
Kind of hurts
to feel as if you will never truly

have a best friend

Unless you're still with the one you come to know and both feel close
or somehow grew close to each other
Or grew up with one another

Watching people who just met on the spot become close
then just when you think it's going to happen to you
It doesn't
Instead someone else smoothly makes their way in
and take the person

Both laughing , talking
Next thing you know're forgotten......

than you have this void
This certain spot in your heart
That you can't seem to fill

no matter how hard you try

So you forget about it
Until you feel close to someone again
then realize and watch how close that person really is with another
Then you're just standing there

with this gut crushing feeling

that you're never to find someone like that
 Mar 2014 Aisling O'Neill
a mixture of tangled feelings
                     ­                           more or less

      i feel in my chest

                             makes me feel as if i had wings

ready to soar
                             ready to explore

                                                   like i am not even earthbound anymore

a tune brewing inside me
                               ­                            itching to get out

and burst out scenes

                                        of water colors

painting the sky

                               with wonders

                                                               ­  swirls of blues ,grays, and golds

feeling alive

like nothing can stop me
                                         ­                     dancing with the wind

as the words that appear in my mind
                                                            ­             come alive

                                                             keeping me company

while drinking up warm memories

                          &  eating up laughter


                       i wake up


             ­                                               and the music
                    blasting from

                                                               ­                                my earbuds

       just me
                                                   and my ipod
just wanted to write for fun ,
                                      felt good and i like it
                                                            nights like this i love so much
 Feb 2014 Aisling O'Neill
I am afraid to take off this mask I wear....

           for the real me you'll see... is not pretty

stay away......please

  ­                                   *don't come any closer



                   you'll wish you hadn't

At least I think you would

                                it's better this way

if you never see....

              So forget about it

                                     And forget about me




                                                 ­                Be

          **nothing more.....than a distant memory
 Feb 2014 Aisling O'Neill
The sun has settled
no light
shadows stretch
like endless fingers
left alone
with these thoughts
as they linger
   i take comfort
in this little light
that glimmers
these Music notes
that dance around me
smiling with delight,
as i take flight
      holding my hands in theirs,
Oh so very tight
As I listen to
this lullaby
as it comes alive
cradling me
my minds at peace
i wake at midnight
still in my dreams
singing and dancing
under this oak tree
all of a sudden
the wind picks up
i fall to my knees
with tears streaming  
coughing and choking
what's happening to me
while trying to breathe
searching and hoping
scared and asking
is this a nightmare
or my
 Feb 2014 Aisling O'Neill
Do I just wait it out, patiently
This feeling as it devours me whole,slowly
That comes and go, like the wind
That overcrowd my eyes with salty water ,
leaving me to believe...
That there's no escaping,
and no way to relieve,
this wound festering and gaping,
The agony and dolor that haunts me
I beg to differ and try to look at the positive side of things
like the memories and remains,
I endeavor solace
Finding and picking up these pieces I yearn  
From them I learn
and to my surprise,
in someway,somehow,
now ,
among the many questions that waits for  answers
along with the never ending curiosity and efforts,
I smile,
with the hope I hold and belief
Knowing someday and somewhere,
even if it does take a while
I'll find some relief
That little by little I will feel,
not the emptiness, or some never lasting thrill,
but the feeling of bliss,
something that i've longed for
and miss
 Feb 2014 Aisling O'Neill
It 's the latter part of class,
people talking and laughing
All ,but him
little to no emotion was expressed,
screaming,crying,feeling overwhelmed
Like a caged creature,clawing,
desperate for its freedom
                                                         ­                                 Bell Rings
he snaps out of it for a minute
calmly rising from his seat,
making his way towards the buses
                                                           ­                         half-way home
it happens again,

masking what he felted                                        on the outside
                bus stops
before he noticed,
he was practically almost running off the bus
                            hurting so much
his chest tightens with every breath he takes
quickly he runs in to his grandparent's room,
grabbing the razor blade
isolating himself
staring at the unharmed flesh of his arm                  
                                           ­                              his mind being filled with      
                                                      ­                                    images of blood over
                                                                ­                                  flowing from his
                                                                ­                                                      wrist

as the blade met his skin,
                                 very little pain was felted
what started out as short & slow strokes
became fast,long & deeper cuts,
in that moment there was nothing he desire more
than to end it all
                                                             ­               but did not
placing the blade on the sink,
tracing the scars that ran up his arm,
                                                  he smiles
with tears flooding his eyes
it's around 12 at night,
wide awake and possessed by his thoughts,
finally tired,
falls asleep with the last thought
before closing his eyes to rest
                                                           *­i couldn't change even if i tried
sometimes i really dislike having to put a title on things,
                                          i would rather leave it blank and let others place a title
                                                                 on it , you know what i mean ??
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