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  Mar 2016 Aishwarya Das
Little Bear
it's always going to be my fault

No matter what you did or what you said
it will be my fault

Even the lies you tell
will be my fault

The love you gave and the love you lost
will be my fault

The pain you feel and the tears you shed
will be my fault

The agony and the injustice of it all
will be my fault

And the punches I took and the bitter words you spat
will be my fault

The obsessive
you poured upon me
will be my fault

The others you slept with and threw in my face
will be my fault

The secret child you made
will be my fault

and so I left you

that will not be my fault

that would be yours.
Aishwarya Das Mar 2016
Stale blood running,
every dream failing;
Here I am, not willing to hide,
the beast that's inside.

that girl? harm her;
that old man? suffocate him;
that child? **** him;
that woman? take her baby;
that flower? pluck it;
that tree? chop it;

taking over the world,
greatest man till I'm old,
everyone alive fearing me,
all I can do if the demons please.

brighten up your lights,
the sins will take flights,
it's not upto your fate,
c'mon, it's not that late.

that girl,
she has the cure for your disease;
that old man,
he holds your biggest secret;
that child,
he is the happiness to all your sadness;
that woman,
she has the womb in which you lived for 9 months;
that flower,
it's meant to be in your wedding bouquet;
that tree,
it supports a swing which your child plays.
Sometimes we can't take over ourselves, we just do not know what to do. That's when the demons in us starts controlling us; showing us what we secretly, deep inside, strive for. And the urge for those demons to come out becomes stronger than ever. That time, that exact time, we come to know that all of us have stale blood running through us. All of us have dreams that failed. All of us want revenge. And that is also the time to calm ourselves because we never know what we had harmed, could have been a source of our ultimate joy when time would pass. To those dreams that failed; to those moments that died; to those memories that weren't made; and to those smiles that never came: thank you for a life changing lesson.
Aishwarya Das Mar 2016
you say,
"look at the moon when you miss me"
just to add
"because we will be looking at the same moon"

but love,
realize how many others will be looking at the same moon too.

they could be
people who are jealous of us;
or people who hate us with all their might.
people who can't stand my happiness;
or people who might have gone crazy for me.
people who might have planned your death;
or people who might have fought for you.

so darling,
don't tell me to look at the moon that is being drenched by black souls,
because people who had gone crazy for me are poison to you;
and people who had fought for you are devil to me.

that is why sweetheart;
i say,
"look at our moon that resides in us when you miss me"
just to add
*"because only we will be looking at the same moon"
  Mar 2016 Aishwarya Das
Sierra Brown
Sweat drips from your forehead;
Adrenaline rushes through your body.
Send me to hell,
that's where I belong;
With all the explicit versions I've made up of you.
You lose the air in your lungs from my hand around your throat.
You don't mind though;
That's what I love about you.
I can take your breath away with either my hand, or my presence.
& when it comes to you,
I never want to be without.
I'm selfish, but you're mine.
If anyone is going to make you lose your breath,
it's going to be me.
***** thoughts.
  Mar 2016 Aishwarya Das
Little Bear
If you want to know
the way to my heart
give me books
not new books
give me old dog eared ragged tales
give me a portal to another world
where lovers love and poets dream
where your heart breaks
and is made anew
with every turn of the page

give me a stepping stone into paradise
were every sunset and sunrise
is written within a paragraph
making my eyes shine
with it's reflection through the page
let me be transported from this world
to another within my mind

give me books that tell tales of adventure
of victory and of courage
where hearts have been broken
and loved and lifted within it's pages
were tears have blurred the ink
and I add my own to their count

give me books that smell of sweet vanilla
and almonds
whose pages are yellowed with time
of centuries past

And I will cherish them
I will hold them to my chest
as if it were the only love I deserve
I will keep them safely under my pillow
and they will be as your love for me
a love that keeps me awake at night
as it helps me to sleep

give me books
and I will
love you forever.
Aishwarya Das Mar 2016
i might have not entered the real world till now,
and i also know that i might not still know the real meaning of life
and that i might not have loved anyone so truly and deeply as i have been loved;

but in spite of all these,
being separated by someone you truly love
is the most terrifying thing I've ever known.
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