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I have been programmed
Been tighten with the wires
Cant move and think beyond the limit
I am smiling as no sadness got place

I work, care and love
Dont have choice beside that
I make myself happy
Dont know how to express hurt

Can you please make me feel
That I can cry& share my problems
Can you give me time to feel the love
Want to do the thing you are doing for long

And poor me , he switched me off
Reprogrammed me
And make me robot again
:(  :(
 Jul 2015 adrian coayadi
Misty gaze, jittered breath
Sun burned skin ironed to stop the creases.
The fly never ceases to change direction
it follows mightily close.
Boxed into a shadow, one which no one else can see
How can that be?
Claim the sights as mine or ours?
Leave to follow mans created hasty pursuit
Chasing the everlasting scent of the poisoned flower.

The big man has too many sayings, creates etchings with his words
Repeatedly lost in the background of distasteful play,
All numbers numerate to a phantom deal
Answers long slipped under broken tables.
Open fields are searched like space,
Meteors fly spitting fire with gunshots
Shining towards an illusion of a finish line.
Crawl westwards some will say, crawl right, or jump and hit the explosive beckoning.
 Jul 2015 adrian coayadi
Sliding down your barrel once again
instead of climbing out I’m examining the insides with great precision.
A smile covers my face as my head drops back
silk scarves are running past my neck

Faces glow with glittering shine,
sequins twinkle in kind eyes
hands are held out to hold tight.
My city is my friend and plays with me all night.

Water carries all the weight
as feet glide past each other with a slight pressuring touch.
Enigmatic shivers stand in line to go up the spine,
the order in which they fire is ecstasy.

Everything seems in   s l o w   m o t i o n
as if a flip book had folds in each page.
Voices turn into sweet music
that i only imagine heaven would play.

Faces glow with glittering shine,
sequins twinkle in kind eyes
hands are held out to hold tight.
My city is my friend and plays with me all night.

This barrel that is held over my head
is you needing me more my great
Whenever you need me to come,
please just say!

I am here waiting for you always

— The End —