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Sep 2019 · 168
Adolph Hamilton Sep 2019
I stood alone on the egde of the night.

Listening to the waves as they beckon the light .

Darkness surrounds the whole of my soul,this murky deep blackness that is so cold.

Lost and lovelorn is my plight I asked you to be with me here tonight.

But that was not what fate had in store, Alone with my demons I stand on the shore .

How did I get here so close to deaths door.

The cool salty water beckons me forth, with the promise of peace and enduring warmth.
Jan 2019 · 472
Lost In Love
Adolph Hamilton Jan 2019
I stood alone on the egde of the night.

Listening to the waves as they beckon the light .

Darkness surrounds the whole of my soul,this murky deep blackness that is so cold.

Lost and lovelorn is my plight I asked you to be with me here tonight.

But that was not what fate had in store, Alone with my demons I stand on the shore .

How did I get here so close to deaths door.

The cool salty water beckons me forth, with the promise of peace and enduring warmth.
Nov 2018 · 278
Pipe ceremony
Adolph Hamilton Nov 2018
They knew me better then I knew myself, my found brothers.

Then saw into my soul and named me accordingly

After a fortnight my name was written upon the sky and the elders rejoiced

Gone from my soul was my Christian name and in its place the name of my true essence

It took me many years to understand my name is, flys alone and Iam a warrior.
For my spritual guide ,Talking Hawk
Sep 2018 · 241
Set yourself free
Adolph Hamilton Sep 2018
Dont look for the man you used to know , I cut his chains and freed him long ago.

I buried him with all his grief, freed forever from past
His soul born again alas.

Iam not who you may think, not god nor man. Let go of the past and be who I'am .

There was a time when you owned me a willing slave I will no longer be.

The sun now bright and the air so clean
I start anew with my slate clean.
Everone come to your life for a reason . Learn from them good and bad
Aug 2018 · 188
Scenes from my life
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2018
Her eyes carried the fire that could only be felt in ones soul.
Aug 2018 · 187
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2018
Being the hopeless romatic in the face of reality , Is the loneliest place to be
Jul 2018 · 884
A. Muse ing
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2018
To be the poet is really not that much

To be the inspiration
That takes a certain touch.  

I struggle with the words to capture that time. Alone with the vision of you so sublime.

The worse part of  having a muse.
Is that to them you are of no use.

If anyone cared this much about you to focus their day on all that you do.

You would feel so happy, its what you want most . But your eyes are blind to this simple host.

You search so long for someone to hold you dear all the while I'am right here.

My words written here you'll likely never see and the love that I felt will be felt but by me.
Jul 2018 · 221
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2018
Missing one part to make me whole just one little part to complete my soul

The thing I cant have is easy to find. I see it everyday but it will never be mine.

I held it in my hand for a very brief time. I held it very tightly
Not wanting to part

The thing I'll never have well it is your heart.
Jul 2018 · 201
Dont follow your heart.
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2018
You knew you werent the one but you went in anyway

No your sad its a mess and they just walked away .

You let yourself be brought here you bared your very soul

You knew you werent good enough but you never thought they were that cold .

Your heart will always betray you it doesn't know the rules
Jul 2018 · 181
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2018
The ink of a poets pen is filled from the well of heartache
Jun 2018 · 216
The warrior
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
A warriors mentally but a poets soul
Growing old alone with only my thoughts
No longer willing to compromise no matter the cost
Stand by me if you will or take your leave if you must.
Jun 2018 · 230
Your Critique:
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
Critique a poet if you must I simply dont understand the fuss.
One less period one more  comma, It means little to the human drama.
My words are my brush I paint what I see but most of all I write for me.
So if your easily offend by the rules of grammer I've broken. Pick up the hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkien.
My writing it seems is not for you we keep it real here it's just what we do.
I never judge nor do I critique I simply read what you write as though I'am listening to you speak.
For the grammar nazis , my words carry no less weight then yours.its a fragile reality.
Jun 2018 · 223
Who am I well let me see.
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
You know what I let you it may not be me.or maybe it is we shall see.

I live in the shadow to scared to be free. I hide in my words my verse and my rhyme.

A lover a dreamer a poet all true ,but tomorrow may bring something totally new .

For those few who I really let in, your everthing to me from the time we begin.
Jun 2018 · 227
Lost in the moment
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
She was a dangerous one the long tan legs in the warm summer sun.
Me I was lost in her eyes a hopeless romantic no where to hide.
I felt the noose tighten the closer we got ,like a moth to a flame not knowing its hot.
And I'd do it again despite all the pain, surrender myself willingly  to love just in name.
You know who you are, you read this and i can feel your heart beat no matter how far
Jun 2018 · 205
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
Jun 2018 · 916
Walk with me this once
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
Walk my beach in peace

Step into my ocean and dissolve

Sink into the warmth of my soul

Leave not a scar on my heart
Jun 2018 · 1.1k
Always Missing you
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
Just a verse to tell you how missed by me you are.

Every time I walk the beach or wish upon a star.

I think about the good morning txs and wonder how you are.

I cant belive it still feels like this without so much as a kiss.

I often wonder how you feel, and if know how much your missed.

Time its said heals all ,I dont think it will this.

If this seems unfinished I suppose that would be right .

I sit and look at the stars and make my wish again tonight.
Never let the time go by and not say what you feel. Better to be thought a fool then to have lost something real .
Jun 2018 · 233
The seasons of love.
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
Spring is when love blooms.
Summer is when it grows.
Fall is when it soars.
And the cold hard winter is when it dies.
Jun 2018 · 233
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2018
I spend my time wandering with those who are lost.
For they are always searching for thier dream **** the cost.
A seeker I would rather be ,then a finder of  a life of mediocrity.
To those ive met on the same path
Jan 2018 · 312
Adolph Hamilton Jan 2018
Tomorrow is a new day
These clouds will not keep your sun away

Lay your head down in peace this night
And all you fears,shall be gone by light

Be kind to all ,hold not a Grudge .put others first and never judge

You add the next verse my job is done ,I leave it to you
Now. while I wait on the sun
Thoughts on the new year
Dec 2017 · 353
Dark is your heart
Adolph Hamilton Dec 2017
Dark is your heart
No light there in lives

A cold and brutal place
Without a touch of grace

But your smile belies what hides just below, the beauty you trade in to soon will go

Alone you will be with your dark little heart, forever together till death do you part
Dec 2017 · 874
Look to the stars
Adolph Hamilton Dec 2017
When I am alone I stared at the stars, I look and wonder where you are

I imagine you smiling, I hear your sweet laugh, instantly transported to a  time in the past.

I hope your not in some other place, starring longingly out into space.

But should you find yourself there, just thinking of me , know I'll be with you for all eternity.
Dec 2017 · 306
My New Year Nevermore
Adolph Hamilton Dec 2017
I spent new years in my favorite place you know the one

Waiting for you, hoping you'd come .

Cold and alone I sat on the beach

Listening  to the waves as they break on the sand

I can almost feel the warm touch of your hand

This year will be different I know that to be true

If you can't come to me, then I'll come to you

Slowly I walk to the cold waters edge, not one more year I'll spend with this dread.

The water seems warm on the cold winters night. I feel at peace, it seems so right.

On this new year eve I bid you good night.
For that someone special
Sep 2017 · 200
Tomorrow # hope
Adolph Hamilton Sep 2017
Tomorrow is a new day
These clouds will not keep your sun away

Lay your head down in peace this night
And all you fears,shall be gone by light

Be kind to all ,hold not a Grudge .put others first and never judge

You add the next verse my job is done ,I leave it to you
Now. while I wait on the sun
Sep 2017 · 205
Heart Break
Adolph Hamilton Sep 2017
Never break the heart of a poet , or your memory  will stain the pages of time for eternity.
Apr 2017 · 317
Poetry lost
Adolph Hamilton Apr 2017
Where have all the poets gone the wordsmiths of this generation,  the fearless men and women once held in admiration

Lost to all eternity their anguish and their pain no love lorn tales or primal whails​ ,will be heard again

The romantics and the realist,all die a silent death
Lost to all eternity,amid the modern quest

Replaced by keyboard shorthand, emojis and the gif

Perhaps the emotions too are lost that inspired these greats, the teenage angst , the broken heart, that life cut short by fate.

The hour is late ,and sleep but a dream the pen I hold my only means ,to cleanse my soul and find my inner peace
Mar 2017 · 274
What joy this #spring ?
Adolph Hamilton Mar 2017
The delicate daffodils pushing up the sand, as the buds on the trees pry loose winter's hand

The air seems much lighter the days a bit  brighter

Everyone has a spring in their step a smile on their face, as the warm air pushes in the cold to replace

But the happy faces and joy of the season leave me depressed ,now without you there is no reason

No thoughts of the summer and the days on the beach ,all now a memory so far out of reach.
Oct 2016 · 505
Just a fisherman
Adolph Hamilton Oct 2016
The warm west wind lays the ocean down ,inland brightly colored leaves litter the ground.

I stand alone on the cool dark beach the pods of bait just out of reach .I quietly walk my night time beat looking for a bass thats ready to eat.

I live for these days ,when the autumn takes hold ,a brief respite before the cold .

For twenty year I've danced this dance ,searching for the the alignment of preparation and chance.

Time well spent is all I will say call out sick and seize the day.
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2016
If you fall in love with a poet lucky you will be .
Regaled by love sonets and old English words like thou and whilst and thee

But be for warned of the darker side that few will ever see
The angst and anger that fuels the minds of poets such as me

I once had a love a beautiful love a  young
blonde  girl was she
She read all my writing and supported  and  encouraged me

But then it occurred the times I had to write to get these demons  out of me .no time to talk can't you understand just leave me to be me

And alas as time went past the young lady soon left me
A poets love is a different thing for almost whole are we

I need only a muse a comforter ,someone who prompts the  inspiration in me
Yes if you fall in love with a poet lucky I will be
Jul 2016 · 647
For love of the stars
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2016
Stars of night with no regard left alone with broken hearts

They cried for the sun for which they longed ,but Theirs was the night, to the moon they belong

The sun longed for the stars and the cool night air surely, he belonged there .

The moon told the sun tonight we shall see at dusk you rise instead of me

The sun was so happy it rose at dusk waiting for the beloved stars to show up

The sun shone bright that October night ,but not a star was seen because of its light

The sun with great sadness soon realized that it had to go, the night was the moon's, that was something even the tides know

The following night as the stars began to rise the sun waved to them as he went by

With great sadness he knew he had to let them go ,back to the moon so they would show
Bright in the night so we might know the beauty of the stars he loved so.
It might really have happened this way you know
Jul 2016 · 549
My life quote
Adolph Hamilton Jul 2016
Leave no road untraveled ,no sea unsailed ,follow your heart through life and you will prevail.
Jun 2016 · 449
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2016
My breathing stopped when you entered the room

My heart sank with longing an a feeling of doom

Time seemed to stop, I'd seen you before. You felt it too

In another life ,you knew it was true,I will forever wonder

Did you see through me ,like I saw through you
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Night On The Beach
Adolph Hamilton Jun 2016
I walk slowly up the dunes, it's sand still warm from the sun. Empty now there is no one.

calling me closer, the waters edge glowing green. the beach at night is truly a dream

My feet in the sand, i can feel the oceans heart beat, close to the edge now, wet sand on my feet.

Never more at peace then  right now, walking the shoal. ahead in the darkness wanders another lost soul.

Still longing ,still looking for something untold.
I often walk the beach at night especially in the fall, you can still hear the laughter from the day before
Jan 2016 · 388
Cross Roadz
Adolph Hamilton Jan 2016
Today I met my past ,not the one I created,  but the one in which I was cast

It seemed to have accepted its fate ,to already  realize it was much too late

It no longer held the power over me it once had ,the questions the wondering,  the if only I had.

In the same room the future sat too,
Briefly holding its place with the past But destin to make its own mark at last

It feared moving on ,all on its own. but it had  a story to tell, a tale to be told ,a future upon which the past had no hold.

So as countless times before the past moved  on , to happier days . The future stepped out into the suns rays,Bravely into life, to meet its fate ,its very own past to create.
A.William Hamilton
For Meg .while I sat with my sister before she (past )along side of her was her daughter the( future)
Aug 2015 · 473
Red Death At Sunrise
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
The wind holds you gently as you glide through the air
Yours eyes focused sharply on the movement down there

Hunting ,circling, lower you go
Your red tail it glistens in the golden sunrise
I watch enamored just mesmerized

Focused deliberate the prey in your sight
It scampers Oblivious of your inbound flight

Your body slowly rotates prepared to attack talons out stretched with wings folded back

My heart beating rapidly anticipating the impact

And then in a instant, in a big puff of fur ,leaves fill the air as your wings stir, up into the air away with your prize

The beauty of nature witnessed at Sunrise

Bill Hamilton
Scenes from a fire tower
Aug 2015 · 373
Tears Of Fire
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
We pass quietly in the dim morning light,a nod of the head and all is right.

Coffee cup in hand and a marked up ***  perhaps in morning briefing you stood right next to me

I didn't recognize your face your name I did not know
But the connection we share most will never know

When they said you didn't make it back today .my heart sank in my chest I prayed for your family ,friends and all the rest .

We know all too well the dangers that we face ,yet we can't keep our self's from coming to this place.

For there's something deep in all of us that binds us to this fate .

  Billl Hamilton
Aug 2015 · 1.5k
The Lookout
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
The pines sway gently in the afternoon sea breeze ,
Their limbs stretch upward toward the bright blue sky,
They feel safe under my watchful eye
From the many hours in fire twrs
Aug 2015 · 606
Oh Byron
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
Oh lord Byron you silly fool ,breaking all society's rules

Women come and women go

But you can't let the words go, they follow you everyday in your mind they run and play

Silly rhymes of love forlorn, men and women you did adore

Your lovely sister ,your true love,who are these people that they  judge

Your exile they say is out of shame,but we both know your not to blame

For we are different a separate lot,we leave our mark, and then we're gone,leaving only our love forlorn
Aug 2015 · 674
Walls we build
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
I am building a wall
A thick, stone wall,
I am a man,a mason
Surrounded by walls.

I built them myself,
I was sure they would help,
Those amazing walls.
Sleepless nights I toiled only to awakened my soul soiled.

From the outside it looks grey,dark and dain
Thick colorless stones of pain,
Of no interest, of desolation,
I alone in isolation.
An island ? a paradise?
A prison I say, but the devil you know is a much safer way

But inside, where no one sees
I work tirelessly painting these halls
And those very walls that keep people away,they are lined with the art I create everyday.

The walls are decorated with my paintings of life
The floors made of poems of love and strife.
And from the ceilings hang the lights,the very lights that did once shine so bright

And yet, no one...
No one to share the beauty,
The richness of my inner walls,
The walls I made.....

Bound by my fears ,free to shake the shackles of my self imposed imprisonment.
Yet I carry on in quite desperation. Behind these walls
Aug 2015 · 404
Wildfire , wildland
Adolph Hamilton Aug 2015
We are all free sprits all destin to roam And so, From our homes we leave again ,summoned by the heat and wind

In Sweat soaked shirts ,and with battle worn tools
Mother nature suffers no fools

Dusty boots that have been through hell. Chasing the embers as they fell.

Choking ash and thick grey smoke,getting the line in is our only hope

Single file we make our way ,through the day and into the night we are kindred sprits in this  fight.

Some from near, some from far some are young , and some are old but in their hearts they are all green and gold.

If we pass on the line, a brief nod will be just fine , you are all my  brothers and sisters, we are all of like mind.

With this i leave you there isn't much time don't morn for me because iam fine .iam  the cool spring rain, the warm summer sunshine, just nod as you feel me bump up the line . my job is done here, it ended too quick, carry on my friend I got your six.    

Bill Hamilton
Ode to all who kept me safe ,and a special encounter in moon meadow oregon.

— The End —