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 May 2015 Adithya Aithal
Vinay Kr
The distant call of thy flute,
Gives me a peak into bliss absolute,
Helplessly drawn I am to your cosmic tune,
I let my ego drop, the moment seems opportune,
Now I just gaze at the whole of existence,
My first peak into transcendence,
I realize this is home, where from I come,
The magic of thy breath brought me back here,
To this place so serene, so beautiful,
How could I have been blind to this all my life?
Why could I not see?
This bliss, that was right within me.
Probably, I needed thy call,
Now, here I am, basking in bliss eternal,
There is nothing more I need.
I will rest here now, in the lap of the universe,
Don't send me back to the mundane ways,
For then again, I shall recall,
The distant call of thy flute,
And be back home to bliss absolute.
Written while appreciating the classical Indian Flute. Was mesmerized, transported to bliss.

— The End —