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Young body with an open mind.
My spirit wasn't to hard to find.
But there will always be a hole,
until I fully connect to my soul
"You want to hit me, fight me, kick me or bite me.
You think you're tough, you aren't.
Come, try to fight me, you won't succeed!"

"Oh yeah, why?" He hissed.

"Because, my friend, I'm a pacifist".
You were my love, my life.
You were my girl, maybe someday my wife.
But then you hurt me,
You used me,
And that cut like a knife.
Me man,
Me strong,
Me work you all night long.

Me no fear,
Me not queer,
Me is primal
Me is....

Argh, no WIFI!!
The rusted hinges of those broken doors,
The broken cages that fall apart.
No one to see, No one to hear,
The moment my heart thudded then stopped
When you disappeared.
Sexism, Feminism, ******, Racism, Athiesm...
There's only one we all need
A joke is not just a funny thing you say,
It is a unique way of making people smile in that special kind of way
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