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Man                                           Woman
He Smiles Curiously                        She Blushes Coyly
He Approaches      Asks her name      She shares it     Asks the Same
Mr Right                              Love at First Sight                    Her Smile is a Delight
"Meet for Drinks?"                            hmmmmmm                      ­        "Pick me up at 8?"
He knocks - 1 rose.                                vase, water                        Her perfume - sweeter.
Politely, opens car door for her                                The night keeps getting better
At the restaurant                                                      S­he sips her red wine
Conversation so easy                    She feels she's known him forever
"Would you like to dance?                "I don't dance very well."
"Indulge me, just want u in my arms."    ~Just a smile~
One hand at her waist, one on her back.
They become one, all others disappear.
Peering into each other's eyes.
No words are needed.
Their bodies

© 2012
Why do I call you "friend?"
When I'm sure it's love I feel?
And why do I always pretend,
That real just isn't real?
Why do I allot you such a tiny part,
When only you can make me whole?
Why do I seem to withhold my heart,
And in secret surrender my soul?
Why do I always ask for proof,
To the certainties which I know?
Why do I always doubt the truth,
And in disbelief just let it go?
I feel the arms that hold me now,
But they do not touch with care.
They do not know my heart like you,
Or the hurt that lingers there.
They do not know my damaged pride,
They'll never know my fears.
They will never come to love me,
Or wipe away my tears.
But if I squeeze my eyes shut tight,
My heart almost thinks it true,
That the arms that hold me now,
Belong, my love to you........
 Jan 2012 A Thomas Hawkins
No men.
But when the
conversation starts, they dominate.
Worm their way into every sentence, every silence.
Every caught breath, exhaled pause.
Names, nice-to-meet-yous, passed round with sandwiches and tea.
Hole-riddled autobiographies, wadded out with circumstance and need.
Explaining themselves, defending their actions. In turn. And I?
Have never felt so young.
To my left, and working clockwise: Affair-with-the-boss, Heart-condition, High-risk-of-genetic-defects,
In-the-middle-of-a-divorce-not-sure-why-she-slept-with-him, Grown-up-children-can’t-bear-to-go-through-that-again,
and back to me. (Boyfriend-has-two-kids-wants-no-more)
He noticed that I’m pregnant.
Was pregnant.
We chew our way through sandwiches. Different coloured fillings, no flavour- choked down with lukewarm tea.
We know it’s a test.
We have to talk, smile, eat, drink, laugh (not manically)
if we're to go home.
I can’t do it.
I want to cry. But I’ve been told off for that already (curled up on a trolley, examining bloodied fingers)
I drift, I think.
Jump out of my skin when she speaks to me.
You must eat she says.
You must eat.
I search for myself in their eyes,
re-make myself from fragments and reflections I find there (Four parts child, one part *****)
It’s OK, I tell her. It’s OK.
On my way home I’ll get a Happy Meal.
I’m collecting the toys.
Ask of truth an anecdote....
For your sickened tongue is numb,
Unless you swallow fast enough,
You'll remain forever dumb.
Let loose the hon-es-ty you fail,
To hide behind those eyes,
Before I go completely deaf,
From all your silent lies.
The happiest season of my life.
Was the one when I met you.
When a few shared simple words,
Made the whole world new.

When we would talk for hours,
And pull all the details out,
Of how both of our lives were going,
And of what they were without.

I could feel your thoughts on me,
While mine were visiting you,
But so subtly everything did change,
As seasons always do.

Can we wait this out a little longer,
Hold our breath with fingers crossed?
For our season is sure to return again,
And bring back what we lost.
Ever present, though never here.
You are the one I hold most dear.

Perhaps the absence is the bait,
That snares my soul unto this state.

Of hopefulness, that's never sated,
For a love that's long awaited.

But if it called upon my door,
I dare not answer..this is sure.

For fear of what might be exposed,
'Tis best to leave my door full closed.

For while your eyes can't fix my face,
I am my own self, (my own disgrace,)

Hope lives on, while apart from near,
You are the one I hold most dear.
Ok, here is what you asked for.
For me to speak my mind.
And just say exactly what I feel,
Careless words... they come to mind.

I think of you when I open eyes,
And before I go to bed,
In fact I think of you every moment,
You're always in my head.

I'd neglect everything around me,
For the chance to share with you.
Yet I seem to have another who loves me,
And I don't know what to do.

I am now faced with a lot of decisions,
And how will I ever choose.
I want to follow this feeling recklessly,
But pride is so hard to lose.

But I am so tired from holding it back,
So I'm just going to share it all.
I believe you could be the one for me,
Happily ever after..... after all?
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