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Every child knows there's monsters
Hiding in the closet and under the bed
But, I have a secret each child should know
And it's about a Galumpher instead....

Galumphers are watchers
They help keep the peace
They help keep the monsters in line
With three eyes on the closet
Three on the monster
And three more...did I mention they've nine?
They watch where you're going
And they keep out of sight
And you can sleep through the night mighty fine.

Galumphers aren't dangerous
They live under the bed
They eat socks and the occasional mouse
But, the one thing that's certain
With a Galumpher, well fed
You won't find bedroom monsters in your house

If you believe in those monsters
You'll believe in these too
They're as real as the monsters you fear
Just remember Galumphers
Are there eating your socks
And with them, the monsters aren't near

I've never seen a Galumpher
But I know they're real
I know this, because I once was a kid
My dad checked my closet
Before he'd turn out my light
Because I knew that's where monsters all hid

But, one night he told me
Of the Galumphers that watched
With their 5 ears and nine eyes to see
And as my socks all went missing
And the mice disappeared
The Galumpher became a friend to me

Should you meet a Galumpher
Out from under the bed
Just smile and pretend not to see
For he's probably out
To get the dust bunnies off
And to go and have a long ***.
This is for my friend Emmanuel, for his two boys....once they get old enough for the monsters to be there....until then, Emmanuel...know the Galumphers are on guard.
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
the worst part of any wound
is receiving it,
don’t let anybody
lie to you,

the pain is only as bad
as the knife
is sharp
you think you’re never
going to forget,
you will.

faster than you’d think
you’ll start filling your head
with new thoughts
of the new adventures
you are having
and the new stories
you are writing
every day.

so don’t let pain get to you,
if you don’t die
then you will
get better
and the pain will pass soon,
it’ll pass quicker
then you could

enjoy what you have
when you have it
and when don’t have it anymore,
take a deep breath,
close you eyes,
and really let it

it’s a whole lot easier than
you ‘d think.
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
Stepping out of the shower is like stepping into reality.

In the shower, you're in your comfort zone.

You could stay there for hours and hours and be totally fine.

Then you start to get anxious.

You realize that you're getting prune fingers and you also start getting curious about what's going on outside because it feels like you've been in the shower forever.

So you step out, but not because you want to, but because it seems convenient.

The moment you step out, the world turns cold.

You were much more comfortable in the shower.

Everything in reality chills you to the bone.

It's dark and cruel and it's hard to find happiness.

You realize that what you did is a huge mistake.

But you can't go back.

That would just be silly.

You sit there and think to yourself that it's time to face the world.

And that life goes on.
First poem. Very spontaneous.
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
Olga Valerevna
I cannot keep you here with me
But I've misplaced my only key
So here we are behind the door
Locking eyes while fate's ignored

Too long I've held my tongue 'til blue
For fear that I would misconstrue
My own elusive thoughts in lieu
Of wanting just to be with you

But I was not expecting this
That love would mend what I had risked
The look upon your pallid face
Had soaked up hues of perfect grace

And open I have held my heart
You drifted in, became a part
Of this progressing work of art
Essential to our new restart

See, living is a sacrifice
And getting by will not suffice
For those who seek, as you and I
To spill themselves outside the lines
 Jan 2013 A O'Dea
Alexis Martin
It's been colder in my bed
without you here
I have no arm around me
no hand tangled in my hair
there are no good night kisses
no good morning tickles
bathtime is routine again
no more water fights to be had
afternoons are spent alone
no spontaneous sessions of love making
(I'm sure the apartment below
is quite thankful for that)
what I am getting at
is that I miss you
and I hope to god
you miss me too

— The End —