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A Mar 2019
i find myself asking questions
to things i used to know
you told me you loved me
but it just never showed

and then you stopped telling me
so now i ask you if you do
if you don’t tell me and show me
how will i ever know what i mean to you?

A Mar 2019
she told me she loved me,
but she would only hold my hand.
she wouldn’t let me touch her hips
or even give her a kiss goodbye.

she told me she loved me,
but it’s been a year since we kissed.
she only hugs me when I ask for it,
my God, I miss the bliss.

she told me she loved me,
but I felt like she didn’t mean it.
she looked me in the eye,
and somehow I couldn’t see it.

she told me she loved me,
but why wouldn’t she say sorry?
then I figured that maybe,
she does love me,

but just not enough.

  Mar 2019 A
Touch me forever
Or never at all
Your cowardly acts
Drive me insane
As a stab in my love
Growing with pain
Thorns everywhere
With my trust on the line
Does your heart yearn for love
Or is it just mine?
A Mar 2019
With the way people tell me every day,
The way we are, we cannot really mend.
They stare and I know what they want to say,
“It just can’t be both of you in the end.”

The Bible says “Woman is made for man,”
I don’t really know, I have never read.
They will tell you, “You can! You can! You can!”
But once you do, hateful words will be said.

They don’t know how you make my skies so blue,
Or how you keep the sun shining as bright.
We may be girls, we’re only humans too;
In the end, I pray we will be alright.

I‘ve yet to hope you won’t walk out that door,
I will try until I can’t anymore.

A Mar 2017
you loved me even at my darkest
but some people are only meant to stay
until dawn

A Mar 2017
She was like the sun with blue skies
Before you came along
She was warm, yellow, and bright
And wanted to sing every song

She told you stories every day
On how the leaves fall when the trees sway
She never failed to mention her love for you
But you stopped listening so soon

Your actions changed her somehow
Now her stories are left untold
Her skies turned grey from blue
Was it so hard to say "I love you?"

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