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Jul 2019 · 227
unnamed Jul 2019
All of this is
My heart's fault
The **** thing
Never seems to
Work right
Jul 2019 · 92
unnamed Jul 2019
And it came to me
That this was all my fault
You falling in love with me
Caused a butterfly affect
That we could no longer
Keep in control
Is this somebody's
Sick twisted idea
Of a game?
Jul 2019 · 89
unnamed Jul 2019
I asked you to stay for me
But we both know
I'm not much to stay for
Jul 2019 · 129
unnamed Jul 2019
Art is fleeting
Lasting only a moment
Soon forgotten

Is that why
You and your beauty
Left this world
So quickly?
Jul 2019 · 82
unnamed Jul 2019
She'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe's­ goingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoing­ todieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodie­
goingtodie She'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodieShe'sgoingtodie

I can't help her
I can't stop it

I'm so ******* useless
While she suffers
I sit in bed

And she's so far away
That I can't even hug her one last time
They're ******* pulling her off life support
Jul 2019 · 89
Make It Stop
unnamed Jul 2019
"I just want the pain to end.
And if ending my life
Will make it go away
Then it's for the best."

"I'll make it stop!
I'll make it stop!
Don't do this..."
Jul 2019 · 238
unnamed Jul 2019
You said to follow my heart
But it has led me astray
And now I'm more lost than ever
Jul 2019 · 71
Without Love
unnamed Jul 2019
Blood leaked from
The deep cuts;
Crimson tears rapidly
Trickling down his arm.
As if crying for him.

Isn't it ironic that
His blood, was red-
The color of love.
Something he had died
Jul 2019 · 83
Will You Love Me?
unnamed Jul 2019
Will you love me
In a few years?

Will you keep loving me
A year from now?

Will you continue loving me
In a month?

Will you love me
A day from now?

Will you still love me
In the morning?
unnamed Jul 2019
"̷Y̶o̶u̴ ̷a̶r̴e̵ ̴a̷l̷o̶n̷e̶"̷
̵"̵S̵h̵e̷'̶s̵ ̶s̶o̷ ̷p̸i̴t̴i̸f̵u̴l̵"̶
̵"̷B̶e̵t̶t̵e̴r̸ ̸o̶f̶f̵ ̶d̸e̴a̵d̶"̷
̴"̷H̷a̷!̷ ̵L̸o̵o̸k̶ ̵a̵t̴ ̵h̷e̷r̸ ̵c̸r̷y̶!̷"̴
̴"̶J̴u̷s̶t̷ ̵e̵ ̸n̶ ̷d̷ ̶i̶t̸ ̷a̴l̴r̷e̷a̷d̵y̶"̴
̷"̸O̷ ̴n̴ ̷l̸ ̸y̵ ̶a̷ ̶f̴ ̴e̶ ̶w̷ ̵p̵ ̷i̴ ̴l̷ ̴l̵ ̶s̷"̶
̷"̵I̴t̷'̵l̷l̷ ̴b̷e̶ ̸
Jul 2019 · 664
Yours No More
unnamed Jul 2019
By the time you find this.
I will be floating in.
A river stained red.

Do not blame yourself.
For by the time we met.
It was already.


Yours No More,

Jul 2019 · 156
A Fire Within
unnamed Jul 2019
You're not safe here.
Enraveled in the vien's.
Of my heart.
As it chars.
And turns black.
Walls crumbling.
Around you.
Dust clogging.
Your throat.
Your love lit.
A fire within.
But every fire.
Dies out.
And with it.
unnamed Jul 2019
He turned to me
Rustling the bedsheets
As moonlight cast

Upon his face
Tired eyes

His warm breath
Fanned across my face
Evenly spaced

And the suffocating
Was punctured

As he asked
In a drowsy whisper,
"What keeps you up at night?"

Jul 2019 · 67
Who Are You?
unnamed Jul 2019
You have not been yourself lately.
I don't know who I'm talking to.
Things have changed.
You have changed.
When did you.
Get so distant?
And so sad?
Were you.
This way.
Was it all.
A lie, a mask.
To hide the pain?
I just want you to know.
That even though you're not you.
I am willing to take a chance and risk.
My heart being broken again and again.
If in the end it means that you will be okay.

Jul 2019 · 67
My fault
unnamed Jul 2019
The key to a relationship.
Is communication.

So then I guess.
That it was.
All my fault.

My fault.
That I get choked up.
Unable to speak.

My fault.
That tears clog my eyes.
And I begin to shake.

And you said to me,
"Just talk to me
Jul 2019 · 77
Go Away
unnamed Jul 2019
You asked me

If the hurt
The pain
And the anger
The sadness...

You asked.
If they.
Would ever.
Go away.

And God
Oh God
Do I wish
I could tell you

That they do.
But we both know.
That's not true.
Jul 2019 · 93
unnamed Jul 2019
I'm sorry.

Jul 2019 · 18.6k
unnamed Jul 2019
Society is a prison.
It traps you in
And steals your freedoms.
Makes you conform.
Until you are normal.

So why don't we escape?

Because we are afraid.
Afraid of being alone.
Loneliness rots the mind
It steels the heart.

We all decided
Being trapped together
Is better than to be free
Jul 2019 · 70
Wishful Thinking
unnamed Jul 2019
In her hands she held a photo
A photo that depicted
Happier times
A time when
Things were
Eyes closed
She tears it
Hesitant at first
Wishful thinking
Will only end up hurting more
Jul 2019 · 84
Stained glass
unnamed Jul 2019
He had stained
Glass eyes
Of boiled wine.

Hollow and empty
A masterpiece
That has been cracked.

Stained glass
A stained mind.

The eyes are the
Windows to the soul

Well, it's quite a shame
To see that
This man has no soul.
Jul 2019 · 300
unnamed Jul 2019
His absence tore her to pieces
And now their hearts mirror one another.

Each one shattered and disposed of in
A black hole of seething lies and regrets.


siH ecnesba erot reh ot seceip
dnA won rieht straeh rorrim eno rehtona.

hcaE eno derettahs dna desopsid fo ni
A kcalb eloh fo gnihtees seil dna sterger.

Jul 2019 · 128
Second Chance
unnamed Jul 2019
Had I stopped you
From leaving that day
You'd still be here
And I'd have another
Chance to fix us
Make us right again

We don't all get second chances
Let's make the first one count
Jul 2019 · 126
The Dead And The Dying
unnamed Jul 2019
Everything and everyone worth living for
Has been taken away from me.

And now the only person worth dying for
Wants me dead.
Jul 2019 · 145
unnamed Jul 2019
Is eternity really that beautiful a lie,
That I would spend all this time searching for it?
Jul 2019 · 139
A Gorgeous Sort Of Sadness
unnamed Jul 2019
"I think I love you"
I confess in a whisper
And I can see in her daffodil eyes
The doubt and despair
That tear her apart

A gorgeous sort of sadness
Consumes me
The kind you want to inhale
And hide away in your heart

Jul 2019 · 286
Shattered Oblivion
unnamed Jul 2019
You grabbed ahold of my hand.
Fingers clasping around mine.
Pointing towards the unwavering sunset.
And ****** me off my feet.
Breath hitching
As you swung me.
Off the cliff.
In one fluid motion.


It was a long way down.
I guess I could've done something.
Something to live.
Anything really.
But what really.
Was there to live for.
When the one I love.
Wished for me to die?
What purpose was I left.
To cast upon this barren world.
Than to do what she wished?
I let the raging waters engulf me.
It was almost comforting, really.
And as soon as my skin.
Hit the icy liquid.
The life left from me.

Jul 2019 · 337
unnamed Jul 2019
We were fools
Too young to know
How to love
Jul 2019 · 83
Of Love and Lies
unnamed Jul 2019
When you said to me
That what we had was love
I think we both knew

You were lying.
Jul 2019 · 427
Letters To You
unnamed Jul 2019
I just can't seem to stop hurting people lately.
I just want to leave this wretched place.
I want people to forget about me.
I want to start anew.
I want to be reborn.
Into a world.
Where I.
And hurt.
Did you feel.
This way when.
You left our home?
Were you searching for.
A place where you wouldn't.
Be ridiculed and look down upon.
For the hurt you have committed to us?
For each and every mistake you’ve made?
That made you definable as human being?
They shouldn't matter, should they?
They really shouldn't.
But they do.
Jun 2019 · 217
✭Star Child✭
unnamed Jun 2019
She is a star child
The way her smile shines so bright
Her pure innocence lights up the room
We all were star children
At some time in our lives
But all stars die out eventually

She was a star child

Jun 2019 · 66
unnamed Jun 2019
They tell me I'm gaining too much weight
Maybe they're right
My shoulders do feel really heavy
Jun 2019 · 112
before you go...
unnamed Jun 2019
Before you go...
Could you please hug me
One last time?
Can you hold my hand in yours?
Could you please kiss me
Just one last time?
Can you please remind me
That you loved me
One last time?
Jun 2019 · 92
In the Span of a Moment
unnamed Jun 2019
In the span of a second
I knew something was wrong

In the span of a minute
You managed to break my heart

In the span of 5 min
You grabbed your keys and left me

In the span of a few hours
I had cried till there were no tears left

God knows how much havoc
You could wreck with more time
Jun 2019 · 86
trust me
unnamed Jun 2019
I wish you could trust
In my love for you
Without me
Having to
Prove it
Jun 2019 · 83
Why We Ended
unnamed Jun 2019
We didn't work out
To you love was money and material
But to me it was affection and actions
Neither of us could provide for the other
Jun 2019 · 98
Hold On
unnamed Jun 2019
Why did you have to let go
As if you were the only one holding on?
Now I'm grasping at your fingertips
Trying to keep us both afloat
unnamed Jun 2019
We should have learned
But we didn't
And now it's all gone to hell
Jun 2019 · 78
unnamed Jun 2019
It was my birthday the other day
I don't feel any different
I guess I expected to feel older
More mature
Put together
But god d * mmit
I'm as f * cked up as I was the day before
Jun 2019 · 80
unnamed Jun 2019
She has changed
You can see it in her eyes
In her smile

She is gone
Jun 2019 · 189
200 Miles an Hour
unnamed Jun 2019
I found you slumped on the kitchen floor
Arms wrapped around yourself as you gaze at the tile pattern
It's times like this when I can't tell
What's going on inside your mind
All I can tell is that your thoughts seem to be going
200 miles an hour
Spiraling from one misery to the next
When you notice my stare
You get up claiming to need some air
And what can I do but leave you there?
Jun 2019 · 204
River girl
unnamed Jun 2019
Water pools around her feet
Constant stream of ripples
The river reflects bright light
As the girl sings a sweet melody
I watch from afar
Wishing I could sing along
To the sweet river girl
Jun 2019 · 99
We Both Know
unnamed Jun 2019
You see what you want to see
But we both know
I'm not who you want me to be
Jun 2019 · 103
unnamed Jun 2019
A cigarette hangs from the boys lips
Ash falling to the floor
Smoke rising into the air
It blinds his eyes
And clogs his lungs
He is bent over tears streaming
A cacophony of coughs
He doesn't regret taking a smoke
It's his own type of self harm
To be in pain as he watches himself wilt away
Jun 2019 · 109
unnamed Jun 2019
I love you
I know I don't say it nearly enough
But now that you've left
The words keep spilling out of my mouth
Never ending loop of "Iloveyous"
It's a shame that's it's too late now
Jun 2019 · 200
unnamed Jun 2019
Maybe I can't fix you...
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try
Jun 2019 · 168
Arguments with God
unnamed Jun 2019
Another night in which I find myself arguing with God
As he mutter about how lost my mother is
I tell him, "But my mother hits me"
"She ignores me"
"She doesn't care about me"
And yet he continues with his mutter
Forgetting about my troubles
And all I can do is shout,
"She HATES me!!"
Yet once again he doesn't seem to hear me
I get it
No one does
Jun 2019 · 64
unnamed Jun 2019
Sometimes I choose to be sad
I know I don't deserve to be happy
So I'll stick with my melancholy tunes
And familiar beat up novels
Jun 2019 · 114
unnamed Jun 2019
Instead of blood flowing through me
I've got glue in my veins
Movements slowing
I can't think straight
Feelings sticking together
Thoughts mushing
Now the glue has dried
And I'm stuck in another rut
Jun 2019 · 114
Headed for Hell
unnamed Jun 2019
My mother told me I was headed for Hell
Yet when I look around
I find that I'm already here
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