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Jun 2019 · 224
unnamed Jun 2019
You told me we'd get through this
That we'd make it to the end
That you would help me be okay
But time goes on
And things only seem to be getting worst
I don't want to say I don't trust you...
But I'm drowning in doubt
Jun 2019 · 156
A sad ditty
unnamed Jun 2019
The wind blew against my face
Whipping dark hair along with it
My toes brushing the ground beneath me
As the swing lightly rocks me back and forth
Holding me in a soothing embrace that my mother never could
As light specks of rain began to speckle the cement
The swings lets out a screech
Metal against metal
And as I rock back and forth
A melody is heard
This little swing set
Seems to be playing a sad tune
For me
May 2019 · 230
Paper Plastic
unnamed May 2019
All these paper people
With paper hearts
Just waiting to be stained
Waiting to be T-O-R-N

Sure tape can patch them up
But all that tape
Has them covered in plastic

All these plastic people
With all their whole hearts
I guess now we know
Why they're all so fake
May 2019 · 96
Keep It In
unnamed May 2019
Keep it in
Keep it in
We all know
Crying is a sin

In this battle of tears
Will I ever win?
When can I shed
This fake skin

Keep it in
Keep it in
Like a doll
Full of pins

A musical playlist
Of only sad violins
If I starve myself
Will I finally be thin?

The end is where I will begin
Keep it in
May 2019 · 77
unnamed May 2019
The voices are growing louder
Taunting my fragility
Poking holes in my remaining hope
Are they loud enough
For you to hear them too?
Or am I just
Infecting you?
May 2019 · 191
Mobius Strip
unnamed May 2019
I'm stuck in the mobius strip
An infinite loop

        O V E R
        O V E R

And just when it looks like the end is near
I'm back where I started
How do I escape this mobius strip?
May 2019 · 68
Without Me
unnamed May 2019
You went ahead and fell in love
It wasn't with me

So I'll stay here waiting
For you to see me
Waiting for my turn
May 2019 · 212
unnamed May 2019
I didn't even get to say goodbye
Before you were sent off to live with angels

May 2019 · 208
Mountains & Valleys
unnamed May 2019
Life is full of mountains and valleys
There is no middle ground
No, "okay" days
No normality
Either have my head in the clouds
Or deep down in hell
And when I try to climb
Halfway up and stop
All I do is
The bad days seem
More often than the good
Falling is so much easier
Than climbing
Apr 2019 · 232
unnamed Apr 2019
Spin yourself a web of lies
And expect to get
Stuck in your own trap
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